Freemasonry's Best Kept Secret: Ritual Sodomy
December 5, 2019

Sodomy is a form of brainwashing
Freemasons are able to be
The best kept secret of the esoteric grades of Freemasonry is ritual sodomy. They believe it opens the "third eye" to Luciferian illumination. It attacks a pressure point of nerves at the base of the spine, causing temporary neurological paralysis and a shift of consciousness.
MK-ULTRA survivors have testified that sodomy causes identity "splits" in children up to age 5, so it was standard for programming multiples.
In order to produce a mind control slave, it must be done ideally between age two and four. The pressure point causes memory blackout, which is why victims don't experience flashbacks before a physiological change in the brain occurs between age 28 and 32.
When introduced at eleven or older it doesn't cause splits, but initiates the victim or 'neophyte' into the Sado-Masochistic "brotherhood".

Anyone that has experienced sodomy has been illuminated or initiated into the Luciferian initiation because "Lucifer" is real.
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation." - David Spangler (Leading figure in the '70's and 80's New Age movement and United Nations affiliated NGO's: Findhorn Foundation, Lindisfarne Association.)
This is why sodomy laws have been overturned almost world wide since 1970.
By 1996, Satanist rocker Marylin Manson was literally selling sodomy to teens, and laughing all the way to the bank.
See the lyrics for Manson's 1996 rock anthem, "Cake And Sodomy", which middle school teens bought at shopping malls with their parent's money:
bible-belt 'round anglo-waste, putting sinners in their place
yeah, right, great if you're so good explain the shit stains on your face
white trash get down on your knees, time for cake and sodomy
time for cake and sodomy

Freemasons have gotten away with being a closeted homosexual organization all along due to amnesia of half the victims, and psychological denial of their own homosexuality by the Bull Fruit perps like Sandusky.
It's a Jekyll and Hyde thing. That's why so many politicians caught having public bathroom oral/anal sex, such as Indiana state rep Paul Hinkle and US Senator Larry Craig, say "but I'm not gay".
It's tricky to explain to people that millions of Illuminati agents act completely autonomously. I don't think there is an organization with an address and meetings and such by that name.
Illuminati are the people Satan's got under demonic obsession. It doesn't require what we're used to thinking of as secret groups with meetings and so on. What explains it is that there is a supernatural non-human counter-force behind the scenes. Satan and 'Legion' are real.
I think this is what Paul meant by the "Mystery of Iniquity" in his letter to the Thessalonians 2:7 "For the mystery of iniquity is already at work: only he who now lets will let, until he be taken out of the way."

The network extends to police, courts, nothing happens, as was the case twice when avowed Satanist Lieut. Col. Michael Aquino, left, was caught: Once in the Franklin Omaha procurer for Capitol Hill pedophiles scandal, and again in the Presidio pedophile ring case.
Homosexuality and Demonic Possession
Satanist Explains the Rites of Sodomy
Freemasonry's Homosexual Hidden Agenda
Sodomy Key to Mind Control
Freemasonry & the Butthole Chakra
First Comment from Phil:

Milton said (April 6, 2017):
Craig Heimbicher has exposed this in his book 'Blood on the Alter: The Secret History of the Wold's Most Dangerous Secret Society'. He shows that Alistair Crowley's OTO (Order Templar Orientalis) is the graduation school for Freemasons. He claims that the eye within the triangle is the symbol of sodomy of the highest initiation right of the OTO. This book is a shocking expose of the occult influences behind modern satanic culture. We are entering the age of Horus....where Alistair Crowley states that the only sin is restraint. A must read book if you want the lowdown on this subject..