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Six Issues Canadian Election Won't Touch

May 1, 2011
Update. As you know by now, the Harper Conservatives won a majority of 167 seats. A reaction against the string of needless elections, and fear of the NDP (socialist) resurgence resulted in 40% of the electorate coalescing around the Conservatives, sufficient for a majority. The NDP did become the official opposition with about 104 seats. The Liberals were devastated with about 34.   

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Rich in natural resources, Canada rode out the recession unscathed. The unemployment rate is only 7.7%, less than the 35-year average (8.53%.) The Canadian dollar is now worth $1.05 US.

The Harper minority government has provided competent if uninspired leadership. But rather than be grateful, Canadians are voting today in their fifth election in the last 10 years.

Style, not substance, brought down the Harper government. The Opposition spoke of a "democratic deficit" and charged them with "contempt of parliament."  The Harper Conservatives weren't sensitive enough to the feelings and prerogatives of the Opposition parties.

The world is going to hell and spoiled Canadians are squabbling over these niceties (while avoiding defining issues which I will discuss below.) 

Nevertheless, this unnecessary and unwanted election may actually bring some superficial change. The majority of Canadians are left-leaning. They like government social programs, cushy jobs and hand-outs.  Harper's government is a little less generous and more business-oriented. Harper himself seems remote. 

Until now, the Left  vote was divided between three parties, the Liberals, the NDP and the regional Bloq Quebecois. But polls indicate that a general  crankiness has led to a large swing to the socialist NDP.

This has thrown predictions into disarray. Will the NDP divide the Left sufficiently to give Harper the majority of seats he covets? Or will it set the stage for a Left-leaning coalition government? Or will there be stalemate and gridlock? We'll find out tonight. 


Apart from who gets the handouts, people or corporations, there have been no defining issues. All four parties are generally agreed, or don't want to risk alienating anyone by bringing them up. I suspect all four leaders are Freemasons or affiliated in some way. Here is a comparison of the party platforms. As you can see, they differ only in emphasis.

As a result, there is an air of unreality about this election. Here are six issues which would have made it real.      

1.  The handling of the G-20 Summit in Toronto last June: The billion dollar cost of "security" has been a minor issue. But the decision to use the conference as a NWO martial law exercise is not an issue. 1105 peaceful demonstrators were arrested and thrown into makeshift concentration camps.  This was the largest mass arrest in Canadian history.  Undercover cops dressed up as violent anarchists, broke windows and set fires to police cars. Only 99 charges were laid. A thousand people were rounded up for no good reason. It was a national disgrace. The Harper government is extremely vulnerable on this issue yet the so-called "Opposition" parties have not made it an issue.

bnai-brith-stephen-harper.jpg2. Harper's pandering to Israel and Zionism. Harper has said "Canada will defend Israel whatever the cost." Excuse me? Israel is the world's fifth largest nuclear power. Canada is a military pipsqueak in comparison. Harper had nothing but praise for Israel's slaughter of 900 non-combatants in Gaza in Dec. 2008. The Opposition leader has murmured about Canada returning to the role of honest broker, but neither he nor the NDP have made this an issue. There is a lot of anti-Zionist feeling in Canada, especially Quebec, but apparently the Masonic lodge has agreed on this one. Many Canadian Jews are also uncomfortable with Harper's carte blanche for Israel.

Harper's main fundraiser is a Jewish billionaire named Irving Gerstein. According to Wikipedia: "On February 23, 2011, Irving Gerstein was charged along with Senator Doug Finley for violations of the Canada Elections Act. Elections Canada alleges Irving Gerstein was complicit in a scheme that involved filing false tax claims and exceeding federal spending limits on campaign advertisements. If found guilty Gerstein faces up to a year in prison and fines exceeding $25,000."           

3. Immigration. "Multiculturalism" has always been an issue too important to world government to allow Canadians (or Americans) to debate it. Any demurrals have been stigmatized as "racism." Canada used to be a country of European Christian origin with a vibrant ethnic minority. It is becoming an Asian-Latin-African country with a European minority.

India, Japan, China, Nigeria, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa and Israel would not allow their cultural character to be transformed by migration. Yet the Illuminati bankers will not let Canada, the US and other people of European Christian origin have their own national homelands. Again, no political party will touch this issue because they are all in the same camp.     

4. Libya. The Canada I grew up in did not do the Rothschilds' killing in far off places like Afghanistan and Libya. Canada spent $20 billion and lost 160 soldiers in Afghanistan. It has sent six CF-18's to bomb Libya and kill Ghadafi's children.
China, Russia, Brazil, Germany and India abstained. Germany and Italy bowed out of NATO operations. All four Canadian political parties agreed to do it. This could have been a defining election issue. It is not.    

5. The "Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement,"  the integration of North America is continuing behind the scenes. All opposition parties have signed on. 

"The SPP is a treasonous metamorphosis  of our federal and provincial government bureaucracies into formal instruments to implement the agenda of  the shadow government ... dominated by the U.S Council on Foreign Relations, and the US military apparatus.

"Since March 2005, under the direction of three senior cabinet ministers of each country, about 100 working groups of unelected officials from government and industry have been meeting at taxpayer expense ...restructuring of the apparatus of governance...implementing changes in our border crossings, in our airports, on our airplanes, in our skies, on and to our roads and highways, in our personal identification systems, in our health, in our vaccines, over our food supplements, in our pesticide safety  levels, in our schools and  universities, in the exploitation of our natural resources-our rivers, lakes, oil, gas, in our environment, in the arms industry, in the manufacture and use of  depleted uranium, in the exploitation of and experimentation on our indigenous people and our military personnel, in immigration, over our right of Habeus Corpus, in our right of due process, our right to assemble and our freedom of speech, etc., etc."

6. Monetary Independence

The Statute of Westminster (1931) gave Canada the political freedom to make all domestic and foreign decisions but the ownership of the Canadian Federal Government didn't change. On its heels came the birth of the Bank of Canada in 1934. The British Crown stepped behind the curtain to allow the appearance of autonomy, but it remained in full force through the field of finance.

"Her Majesty owns the Bank of Canada. The personal and corporate income taxes paid by Canadians are the profits for the Bank of Canada. These profits go to Her Majesty and the Bank of England, absorbing more than 10% of the GNP of Canada every year."

"The ruling political party in Ottawa is not the real Government of Canada. They are the middle managers separating the owners from the Canadian people. The British Crown, Rothschilds and other European families own the Corporation of the Government of Canada. The British Crown owns the Bank of Canada."

"Canada is not a sovereign nation but a private club, unknown to most Canadians. This is why the Queen's face still appears on Canadian currency."

Isn't democracy an effective way to dupe the masses? That's why everyone must vote.


Like most countries, Canada is controlled by the Rothschild banking cartel ("the Crown", the "Bank of England" etc.) which controls our government's credit. We will not be free until we control our own credit and renounce the portion of the debt that was created out of nothing.

The reason there are no defining issues is because our "leaders" are all working indirectly for the banking cartel, which controls the corporations and unions which finance them. The voter decides who implements the banker's policy, with perhaps a degree of emphasis one way or the other. 

Canadians have been uniquely favored. But a people who take their good fortune for granted and fail to address the real underlying issues, eventually regret it.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Six Issues Canadian Election Won't Touch"

Robert said (May 6, 2011):

22 More things not discussed in election

36 Days of Rage - what we won't hear about (but should)

Discourse on defrocking Canada's (hopefully) Friendly Dictator of his/her New Clothes

John said (May 3, 2011):

Thank you for this wonderful article. I found it to be most insightful and thought provoking indeed. I am in complete agreement with you concerning the fact that the major issues you mentioned in your article were not discussed in yesterday's election at all. I remember back during the 1988 federal election when the
big issue was free trade and both the Liberals and NDP opposed it. What ever happened to the NDP being so staunchly oppose to free trade and deep integration with the USA?. I thought the NDP was supposed to oppose such things. I did not hear a peep out of Jack Layton concerning the "Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement" or the job destroying free trade deals Mr Harper has inked with several other countries in the last few years.

While it obvious that the Illuminati favour the Conservatives due to their support for both Israel and the military-industrial complex, what is your opinion of the notion that the Conservative will do little to advance
the Illuminati's social agenda?. For example, would the NDP not have arguably been preferred by the Illuminati as unlike the Conservatives, the NDP support legalization of prostitution and many, if not most, drugs?. I also would have thought that the NDP would have been preferred by the Illuminati as they would ensure that the state retains its monopoly over healthcare, whereas the Conservatives support
a degree of privatization (i.e., two tier healthcare).

Clark said (May 2, 2011):

Back in 1981 Israel had 200 nuclear weapons – way more the 5 to 10 devices that the press was led to believe. My informant was an Israeli general who spoke to me in Sharm el-Sheikh back when it was an Israeli military outpost. God only knows how many nuclear weapons they have now, but I suspect “Janes” numbers a way too low.

Keep up the great work!

Bob said (May 2, 2011):

Israel's rank as a nuclear power cannot be known because of its secrecy. In 2010 Jane's estimated the number of its nuclear bombs at between 100 and 300. The higher number would put Israel in a tie with France for third place, (ahead of Britain and China).

V said (May 2, 2011):

Great article Henry

The biggest issue facing "Her Majesty's Government", Canada is the way money is
created here.

The Bank of Canada (B of C) issues our fiat money but only CREATES 5% of our fiat money.
The remaining 95% of the fiat money is created by the chartered banks, namely the big
five (CIBC, Royal Bank, TD, Scotia, & BMO) when people, businesses & governments
borrow money. If you and me did this we would be charged with fraud and go to prison but
the big chartered banks do this legally (but not lawfully) everyday .

Our treasonous traitors in Ottawa gave the power away from the people (B of C) to a
private monopoly of bankers. Brian Mulroney set their reserve ratio to zero percent.

Canada "Her Majesty's Government" is drowning in a sea or red. Canadians are up to
their necks in debt. Much of our tax dollars goes to service the 'non-existent' debt, money
that could be used for health care, schools, infrastructure, etc.

Even if one were to get a private members bills through the House of Commons (to take the
privilege away from creating money out of 'thin air' (debt) by the private banking oligarch's)
and The Senate it would get rejected by the Queen's Privy (Secret) Council and would not
get Royal Assent by the Queen's representative, the Governor General. Anyone trying to go
through the government masonic courts for remedy is wasting their money and time.

The group of flunkies that Canadians are voting for today represent the bottom tier of a hierarchy
that goes to the top where the monarchy, the sovereign is on top (at least on paper).

Canada is just another colony (a prosperous one in comparison) of the neo-British empire
headquartered in the ancient City of London, the corporation of bankers and merchants and
the Queens esquires and knights called the Inns of Court.

Glen said (May 2, 2011):

Bravo Henry, thank you for telling it like it is.

You exactly nailed the issues that keep me from voting, because, I know that a vote for any of them is a betrayal of myself and my planet. I have to laugh at all the side shows gleefully hyped by the media, the Royal Wedding, the celebration of Bin Laden’s death and yet nary a word about the nuclear devastation raining down on us from Fukushima and the chemtrail poison being systematically laid down in the skies above us. They are systematically contaminating the seas, the sky and the air we breathe.

It is amazing how stupid the politicians are to think that none of us can see what they are up to. I have to wonder what will be the point of the One World Government if there is no one left to serve it!

Bea said (May 2, 2011):

Re 6 issues Canadians didn't touch in this election...

Actually the number one issue for Canadians should be the radiation pouring over from Fukushima---but it's not.

It should be the number one issue for everyone on the planet---and especially of investigators such as yourself---but it's not.

It should be the number one issue for the UN such as it is---to order all countries to put down their weapons stop murdering people and all work together to save this planet---but it's not.

Oh well.....

David said (May 2, 2011):

I have to agree with you on your observations. I think there are many more issues that have simply not been debated during this so called campaign, but the most egregious imho is the lack of discussion on Afghanistan and the absolutely appalling illegal acts being carried out against the sovereign state of Libya. We are for all intents a conglomeration of passive barbarians, and these politicos are taking us for a ride that is not going to end well at all.


I wanted to add that the rank hypocrisy in that the Nato we support can single out one dictatorial leader over all the other despots whose nations have no geopolitical interest is astounding to me. And now we are witnessing the dog and pony show over the execution of Bin Laden who probably died years ago of renal failure and I see just how scary and whipped into a frenzy the American people become at the drop of a hat They go from zero to sixty in no time. It is truly amazing to be watching this - you'd think that they were watching Mussolini swinging from the yardarms..

Steven said (May 1, 2011):

There are no choices on the ballot that I can support with my vote with a clean conscience. To vote for a politician is high treason against myself and what I perceive as my country. The choices on the ballot and the policies put forth are that bad and not in the national interest. If you want to count the number of Canadians that are out of touch and don't like to think beyond a bare minimum just count the votes on Monday night.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at