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August 1, 2011

4855461625_sheeple_flag_answer_3_xlarge.jpegTea Party is Controlled Opposition

The Tea Party was created to be a  mouse trap for millions of people that were waking up and beginning to ask the right questions and stand up for themselves.

[Now] Tea Party constituents are used as useful idiots, 'demanding' the very policies that are impoverishing them.

by Richard Evans

The Debt Ceiling / Default threat is a standard Punch and Judy script debate.  The ceiling's raised every year - sometimes twice a year.  It's been raised 10 times since the year 2000, and 74 times since 1962.  Usually they don't want the public to know so it's back page news.  When they make it a big deal like this year, it means they want to drastically cut social services.

So they play this old  'good cop, bad cop' routine.  The Republicans are the bad cop that pretend to gridlock raising tax on the rich.   The argument is reversing the Bush tax cuts will prevent new job creation.

The Democrats play "good cop" by offering to cut social security or other benefits in return for 'compromise' on raising taxes.  When it's all over, the imaginary "ceiling" is "raised", and consumers are seeing less of take home out of their paychecks.

Obama,  Capitol Hill, and Bernanke all serve the same master. Governments don't plan and dictate economic policy anymore.  The financial sector does. Who is the financial sector? It's Wall Street in America; the city of London in England, the Bourse in France and Frankfurt in Germany.  This combine has taken over the authority of de facto centralized economic planning bureaucracies. They now control governments through international bypassing of local laws, and they've got all the politicians in their pocket. Central banks are controlled by financial interests - board members and controlling share holders aren't elected by consumer votes. . So they are not beholding to the public.

It started in the 80's with massive 'de-regulation' that kept the financial sector under control since they'd tried the last attempt at global coup d'tat between 1929 and 1933.

When you know all this, it becomes obvious how the Tea Party constituents are used as useful idiots, 'demanding' the very policies that are impoverishing them.


What is the Tea Party?   For those who can remember 2006-2008 before the election, there was a year where a lot of people seemed to be waking up to the news that both parties were screwing them.   In the election of 2006 the Democrats regained seats through voters who wanted the military adventures and deficit spending stopped and the troops recalled, and peace. 

No sooner than the election was done Democrat House speaker Nancy Pelosi went on national TV with Bush and Cheney to let voters know there would be no change in foreign policy.  Alienation of voters by both parties reached an all time high by March 2007. 

That's when Ron Paul appeared to lure them back into the 'magic of believing' in the election circus.  Supposedly Libertarian, Ron Paul actually led millions of voters back to the Republican ticket.

Then was the economic shock, crash, and 'Bailout' - TARP.   It was a done deal as Bush's last act of treachery before handing off to Obama, Wall Street and the 'mysterious offshore speculators'.

So by the summer of 2009, the growing pool of alienated voters and half awake, half asleep people were herded into this 'grass roots phenomenon' called the Tea Party.

I learned about the local Tea Party group here in town and very quickly recognized what I'd seen years before when I was involved with the Left local organizations in the past.   I assure you that anywhere more than a few people attempt to become organized to influence voting or political issues on any level, they will be infiltrated by at least two professional organizers skilled in hijacking action groups and turning them into controlled oppositions.  

That is what the Tea Party was from the beginning.  The Tea Party was created to be a controlled opposition mouse trap for millions of people that were waking up and were beginning to ask the right questions and stand up for themselves.

In July 30's article, Fozdyke wrote, "If current debts were simply wiped off of the books the only tragedy would be the destruction of the 'too big to fail' banks. While politicians call that a catastrophe it would actually be freedom for millions of disenfranchised debt-serfs. That's why it must not happen - and won't!"

"Wages will continue to be cut even as taxes are increased to service the debt owed to the Banker Lords. Politicians everywhere are bowing and scraping before their Lords, promising deeper cuts and higher taxes. This is as it should be and will effectively cripple economies around the world."

Unbeknownst to American consumers (ie, labor, tax payers), The exponential debt system crashed years ago and has been running on artificial life support since 2008.  "Jobless recovery" is a euphemism for depression. The financial interests that own the politicians and the Fed - well aware the jig is up - ordered their lackeys in government and media to make sure all losses are borne by the consumer without them knowing it for as long as possible. In fact  Obama and Bernanke have been dutifully carrying out the order  to lower US wages by 30%.  How do we know the percentage?  That's how much it takes to bring US wages on par with the rest of the hemisphere. In America, that's why your grocery, fuel, and utility bills have been steadily rising at an alarming rate since last year.

Once you know that Bernanke's job has been to lower the US standard of living (wage value) 30% between 2006 and 2013 he no longer looks like a fumbler.  Media encourages the public to think politicians and bureaucrats 'foul up' because they're 'stupid'.  It only looks that way if you believe their job is serve and protect the consumer.  On the contrary.  We are just 'human resources', i.e. livestock.


So what do consumers have to lose if Capitol Hill defaults?  What would happen?

Default means the dollar would not be acceptable tender again until the United States paid.  How have they been paying?  They have been promising the labor of Americans that have to pay taxes. That means 18-40% of the labor of those just starting careers will go to the Federal Reserve combine for the next four decades of their lives - just to pay the interest on debt incurred this year.

When they "raise the ceiling," that means they've taken it out of the future pockets of American taxpayers. US money isn't backed by gold or natural resources.  it's backed by HUMAN resources.

Remember it's the Globalist financial sector calling the shots through their vassal politicians.  The only reason they would tell the politicians to actually default is this:  it will mean they want to collect the "debt" in privatization of public sectors.  A serious example of hostile privatization of public assets was after the Soviet Union fell down, and the Russian government handed over natural resources like OIL to private 'investors'.  The buyers were called "the Oligarchs" and they were nothing but proxies for House Rothschild.

Will they default this time?   I don't think they will so long as the US Military occupation of the Middle East is necessary in their unfolding plans.  So I expect default will come after the next big war.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at