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Staying Sane in an Insane World

October 22, 2008

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

(With the market meltdown, I think this article from Jan 30 is more timely than ever.)

When we see a man talking to himself and gesticulating, we think he's nuts. But the main difference between him and us is that we mute our voices and gestures.

Like crazy men, we are always talking to ourselves: analyzing, planning, rehashing, rehearsing, rejoicing, grousing or fantasizing.

According to Eckhart Tolle, 59, our habit of identifying with this voice in our head is the root of our spiritual bondage. His bestselling book The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment (1999) draws on many religious traditions to proclaim that spiritual liberation lies in detaching our identity from our thoughts and instead identifying with our soul, which he calls "Being."

This skill is more important than ever in an increasingly precarious world. Planet Earth is run by sell-outs and perverts who serve the central bankers'  plan to hijack humanity for their own bizarre, greedy and occult ends. They use the mass media and education to manipulate, distort and degrade us.

Normally, we seek identity and sustenance by taking sides and sponging up the world. We define ourselves by our hates and become irritable, depressed or just plain crazy.


According to Tolle, our egos are based on this voice in our head. However our real identity is the listener that hears this voice. Tolle describes this as "Being" or Universal Consciousness, our soul, part of a shared spiritual substratum.

Tolle defines emotions as the body's reactions to thoughts, positive or negative. Enlightenment (or Liberation) is "simply your natural state of felt oneness with Being. It is a state of connectedness with something immeasurable and indestructible, something that, almost paradoxically, is essentially you and yet is much greater than you." ("The Power of Now" p. 12)

Tolle says that our anxieties are due to a feeling of unreality, separation and isolation, due to a failure to feel this connection.  We compensate by our desires:

"All cravings are the mind seeking salvation or fulfillment in external things and in the future as a substitute for the joy of Being. As long as I am in my mind, I am those cravings, those needs, wants, attachments, and aversions, and apart from them there is no "I"...Pain is inevitable as long as you are identified with your mind...[and are] unconscious spiritually speaking." (31)

"The mind always seeks to deny the Now and to escape from it...the more you are able to honor and accept the Now, the more you are free of pain and suffering, and free of the egoic mind." (33)

Patriots like myself get depressed because we are attached to the world functioning on a moral basis. We oppose the NWO but are helpless because the game is fixed. Tolle suggests that, while it is real, the NWO is just another mental abstraction. If it weren't the NWO, it would be something else.

He advises us not to judge or resist but instead to identify with Being, which if cultivated is a source of energy and truth. Pain is always some form of resistance to what is, some form of judgment, or negativity. He suggests we accept the negative and work with it.

"Accept--then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy. This will miraculously transform your whole life." (36)

(I wouldn't adopt this view on a permanent basis but it does allow us to have a time-out to recharge our batteries.)

Tolle maintains that the concept of Time and the ego (mind) are inseparable. Imagine the planet devoid of human life; just plants and animals. Would time make any sense? The time is always Now.

"Make the Now the primary focus of your life. Whereas before you dwelt in time, and paid brief visits to Now, have  your dwelling place in the Now and pay brief visits to past and future when required to deal with the practical aspects of your life situation..."(35)


Many of us are already living in a Police State that may never come to pass. (It certainly isn't very practical.) Evil has always been with us. Being grouchy and depressed isn't going to help.

"You can always cope with the present moment but you cannot cope with something that is only a mind projection. You cannot cope with the future." (43)

We can do more by shining the light than fighting the darkness. I'm not suggesting we quit the battle but rather bring more to it. "Be in the world but not of it."

To shine the light, we have to live in the Present. Slam the door on the  ego-mind and soar on the wings of the Spirit. They win if they make us desperate and depressed. We win if we continue the good fight with joy in our hearts.

Religion is about being defined by the Soul, not by the world:

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matt. 6:19-21

See also my "Surviving the New World Order"

Eckhart Tolle on You Tube

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Staying Sane in an Insane World"

Fr John said (October 27, 2008):

The Article, "Staying Sane in an Insane World" is very bizarre. I am tempted to lump it in with the Panentheistic stuff one reads, when we hear, 'I am god, you are god, the frogs are god, the earth is god' stuff that is the smoke induced 'all one world' gobbledygook I heard on college campuses back when grass was something you smoked, instead of mowed....

The clue to the charlatan religiosity is the name of the author, supposedly 'Eckhart.'

Well, the medieval mystic heretic "Meister Eckhardt" was a heretic, and I suppose this person appropriated this name, precisely because he sees himself as 'another incarnation' of that school of bunkum.

Your article clearly states this panentheism (God is IN everything, thus, everything is 'god') when you wrote, "According to Tolle, our egos are based on this voice in our head. However our real identity is the listener that hears this voice. Tolle describes this as "Being" or Universal Consciousness, our soul, part of a shared spiritual substratum."

Umm, no. God ( YHWH, the God of Biblical Hebraism, and the God of the Christian Faith) is involved intimately with His creation, but is separate from it, above it, outside of it, but governing it. Christianity goes even further and states that God sent His only Son to REDEEM it, by giving up His life for 'His people' [Matt. 1:21] But to predicate that ALL are 'god' in that His 'essence' indwells us, is the rankest heresy.

Please, at least refrain from quoting the Gospels when dealing with this sort of bogus religiosity.
Christ and the Orthodox, Catholic faith, have NOTHING in common with this pabulum.

Fr John+
Orthodox Priest



I take it you don;t believe that each man has a Divine soul that allows us to discern good and evil and yearn for God? This is a strange position for a Christian.


Mike said (October 24, 2008):

Hello Henry,
I love your website. I enjoyed the latest article and reference to Eckert Tolle. This really is the answer. Religion is an invention of man to control and extort. True spirituality is the only way to find peace. God is not a religion. God is a Spirit. God is Energy. God is that consuming fire and we are sparks of the Divine. Thanks for everything. Bless you.

Mike Miller

Thanks Mike,

I think that God is present in true religions when they are practised in His spirit.


Christine said (October 24, 2008):

Good Morning Henry,

Regarding the comments [below] on Denmark and Finland vs. Spain, Greece, and the UK: Fathers Spirago and Clarke observed that the incidence of suicide increases in nations that lose their religion. People get into trouble and then despair that God will help them, so they take what they mistakenly believe is the easy way out. And find themselves in an even worse Hell than the one they just left.

It has been my own experience that socialist nations tend to destroy the religious impulse because people in socialist countries seem to put their faith in government rather than God. Conversely, when people are in less socialized nations tend to seek God because they have to seek His Help to survive, rather than depend on the government.

Indeed, a Canadian friend told me that during the Great Depression, there were so many people praying in Toronto's St. Patrick's Church that the police had to direct traffic. Given our current international crisis, a reliigious revival seems imminent.

Omar said (October 24, 2008):

Here is something interesting. I was reading an article recently:

It claimed, that in Europe:

the GREATEST wealth disparities were in:

UK, Spain & Greece

while the LEAST wealth disparities were in:

Denmark & Finland

Denmark and Finland are often touted as socialist European ideal states. But i've anecdotally noticed people whom I've met from those two countries always seemed depressed; whereas random people from the UK, Spain, and Greece, were always so ambitious and energetic. I took that for what it was; namely just anecdotal and I thought meaningless.

However, today I looked up the World Health Organization Suicide rates per 100,000 people, and this is very interersting:

Denmark: 34.1
Finland: 49.4

Spain: 16.2
Greece: 6.9
UK: 14.2

In other words, the average suicide rate in the more socially equal states was over
450% MORE than in the less ones.

I this it is a reasonable hypothesis that there may be something to this. Now, I dont think that states where you have two classes of people, namely, the ultra wealthy, and then everyone else is healthy either. Perhaps it is the opportunity, the ambition, the proverbial carrot in front of you which drives you. Maybe the PURSUIT of happiness. A socialist state where big-brother takes care of you I would imagine is depressing. Its not the free health care or the free education, its the ultra-planned lifestyle. Everything it etched out. To be a doctor - go through steps A - Z. To be an engineer, here are the forms to fill out. You miss the boat, you're out. There is no freedom. Everything is planned.

Perhaps it kills that beautiful creative spirit within each of us. Just a hypothesis.

Richard said (October 23, 2008):

You are only one to bring out the point of Pharoah moving the people into the cities. I brought it out in my church one day and everyone looked at me as if I were nuts. O.K., I'm nuts! But the people were still moved into the cities. ( and I moved out of that church) Another point to the story that should be told is that there was seven years of plenty. Joseph bought food and put it into the storehouses he had built during this time. Was this a big secret? I find it hard to believe that Joseph and Pharoah were the only ones who knew about the dream and the interpretation of it. My guess is that everyone knew and did not believe. They choose not to believe and it cost them everything.

My question for you is do you have any ideas on how to combat this "crisis" at the personal level? It is easy to spot the problem but to combat it is another story. I sold out 4 years ago thinking that the housing would bust, (I am a contractor and I remember the early '80's) and we have been renting every since. I only have my student loan to repay. We live in the country, have no debt and I am out of work and savings. Friday we apply for welfare only because we have four kids that are homeschooled. I need a job. Great article. I enjoy your writing very much, Keep it up

Andrew said (February 3, 2008):

The Movie,"What The Bleep Do We Know" is about Quantam Mechanics, and it explained other perceptual concepts. One was the notion that the mind isn't cable of seeing what it doesn't believe exists.

As example, when Columbus sailed into the New World and anchored his ships, in plain sight, the natives were unable to see them. Watch the first 1:22 of this clip from "What The Bleep."

The minds of the natives had never imagined the existance of huge European ships, so their minds couldn't process this data into sight.

Maybe this is why so few people see UFOs, 9/11 Truth, the NWO etc.

Henry maybe this is why we are so frustrated. Our ablility to believe separates us from the vast body of humanity. We refuse to "dumb down" yet we can't 'smarten' them up. (This 'word' is from a W. C Fields movie, "Never 'smarten' up a chump, he'll hate you for it."


Thanks Andrew-this is profound. It applies to God too. -h

Ray said (February 2, 2008):

Hi Henry.

Hope you are doing well.

On pages 62-63 of THE HIGH PRIESTS OF WAR by Michael Collins Piper, the author writes:

"A leading advocate of "rogue states rollback" is Sen. John McCain, who, during his bid for the 2000 Republican nomination . . . declared that as president, he would launch an all-out effort to destroy the "rogue" states [Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Afghanistan, etc.]..

"What McCain didn't tell people was that "his" policy was, in fact, part of a long-range plan by the higher-ups in the international policy-making elite, specifically the hard-line supporters of Israel."

On the next page, Piper writes.

"This plan for "rogue states rollback"--then specifiaclly targeting Iraq and Iran--was first enunciated on May 22, 1993 . . .by former Israeli propagandist, Martin Indyk . .

"Born in England and raised in Australia, Indyk took up residence in Israel but was later given "instant" U.S. citizenship by special proclamation of President Clinton just hours after Clinton was sworn into office--one of Clinton's first official acts.

"Within a year, the thrust of Indyk's plan for war against Iraq and Iran was formally promoted by the powerful New York-based Council on Foreign Relations."

My question: If the nominated candidates for president turn out to be McCain and Clinton, who would you vote for?



Michael-2 said (February 2, 2008):

I understand your readers caution in "accepting the suchness" of this moment. Tolle might appear as "fluff" to some who are totally dependent on defending their world view, lest they crumble if their world view dies.

He has commented on the Israeli/Palestinian issue in his recent book "A New Earth", he mentions an article by an Israeli author speaking of a "competing narrative". I believe that he does try to awaken people to the collective insanity that has been governing human affairs and simple, effective, methods that one can employ to disengage from the endless chattering of the mind that defiantly says "THIS SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING!!!!"

Gaza, Guantanamo, Darfur, starvation, drug lords, mindless and brutal "entertainment", in my view "SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING". Yet, THEY ARE!!! I can spend the rest of my life fighting, complaining, and resisting this...BUT IT DRIVES ME NUTS!! It's not selfish to disengage ones mind and spirit from contemplating these soul destroying and heartbreaking events...

IF I trust GOD (the TRUE "owner" of the NOW!) is in control...well, what choice do I have other than to surrender to this intelligence which knows how to govern a planet and a universe much better than I could.

Christ did say "take no thought for the morrow." WAS he encouraging his listeners to surrender and trust in THIS moment? Sure sounds like it....
"lest ye become as little children you shall in no way enter the kingdom of heaven..." I ask you, do little children spend their days splitting hairs over Levitcal laws and customs, or do they play and trust in something beyond themself...if at all? Children are not filtering everything through various dogmas, right/wrong, etc. until they are taught to do such things.

Tolle also expounds on a concept that I first heard of through Zbigniew Brsezinski..."the belief in a future heaven creates a present hell."
Take the Inquisition, or any of the totalitarianism that we have witnessed and we can easily see how "the ends justify the means" philosophy was and IS STILL being employed to this day. NO regard for life NOW, no, only an insane RUSH to the future where "heaven" will be found.

Some regard Tolle as an "agent" of the NWO but I would have to disagree. Perhaps I'm misled too easily but I find his recordings life affirming. They help me to focus and alleviate some of my personal "insanity" and that is what I need to work on before I can bring peace to the Middle East.

Paul said (February 2, 2008):

I read your article on concerning the Power of Now and Eckart Tolle and read most of his book a few years back in pursuit of understanding my life and this world and in particular learning how to effectively escape from this nightmare called "reality". The book taught me quite a bit and I still practice some of the techniques taught in the book.

But I just wanted to mention to you that one excellent source of learning how to undo the perception in our "minds" that we are separate beings controlled by an alter ego is A Course In Miracles. I had worked with the course when I was in my early 20's but it was far beyond my young mind to comprehend. I got back into it after listening to some tapes from Gary Renard and then reading his books; Disappearance of the Universe and Your Immortal Reality. As well as attending two of his workshops.

Now I work with the course every day of my life to undo the ego or altered self with the end objective being to awaken from this dream where a separated condition of the mind no longer exists and I have to say that the only thing we can do with this ego or altered self is to learn to de-power (undo) it and this is achieved through extremely advanced forgiveness of ourselves and our brethren as well as the removal of all guilt from the unconscious mind, then is peace restored and a major perquisite for returning to Source, God, Heaven or what ever term you choose would have been completed. This course is a major step in that direction and is really what Eckart is driving at in my opinion. Probably the foremost expect on the course is Dr. Ken Wapnick who has numerous teaching materials available.

Ben in Melborune said (February 2, 2008):

Thanks for your latest article, Henry, I found it very interesting. Tolle seems like an intelligent defeatist. What is best, rising up against an injustice or simply accepting it; therefore becoming a part of it? Imagine the 'joy of being' felt by EVERYONE if the NWO was torn down and people were encouraged to LIVE instead of work, hate and compete. Is it even possible to contemplate only 'the now' amongst the clutter? I maintain that the more of ourselves we devote to the collective (happiness included), the higher our overall mark will be at the end of the test.

Dear Ben

No one is rising up. If we let them spoil our lives even though we are not being directly persecuted, there is something wrong.


Elaine said (February 1, 2008):

Upon reading your latest commentary, I was wondering if it wouldn't just be easier to acknowledge the Creator? After all, he is the one in charge, not us.

Once we realize that we have "no control" so to speak, except that of prayer, it's a lot easer to "let go and let God."

If people would come to this realization and actually conform to Gods laws, everything else would be taken care of - including the NWO its creators, etc. After all, what is there to lose? We have nothing to lose from the look of the world around us. It would then free us up to begin to take care of our families and not look to
government for a handout to fix every little thing that happens in our lives.

I believe it will take an act of God to "wake up" this country and get them to acknowledge the truth of Gods law. In the meantime, pray, and don't worry.

Pauline said (February 1, 2008):

l have been a long time visitor to your site and have admired many fine articles you have written.
However l was disappointed to see the video "Is Ron Paul for Real" on your site.
l am a Ron Paul supporter and this good man is as straight as an arrow and l believe is THE REAL DEAL.
You however l now fear are someone of questionable judgement at best or a disinfo agent at worst.
Unfortunately l will now look on your site with suspicion.
Gee people are %100 right or %100 wrong in your book, never right about some things and wrong about others? And you of course are always %100 right.


Michael said (February 1, 2008):

Greetings Henry! I'm curious whether you see sanity in Eckhart's teachings, or, is it another Illuminist plot to disengage the mass mind from taking action against their oppressors while "accepting the suchness of THIS MOMENT."?

I have listened to The Power of Now in CD format and find it quite relaxing. It HAS helped me to center and to STOP creating problems via the phantoms of the mind...the "what' if's", "could be", "ya' never know".

The core of his message could be reduced to the passage from the Bible that states, "be still and KNOW that I AM GOD". It would be pretty hard to hand a kid working in a sweat shop a copy of "The Power of Now" and tell her to just "accept the suchness of this moment." And yet, what choice do any of us really have. If we believe that God's creation is still a work in progress than accept the suchness of this moment without complaint and "render unto Ceasar the things that are Ceaser's". ?

He's getting yet ANOTHER BIG PUSH from Oprah Winfrey, and that will NOT hurt sales at all. Alot of his material (which he doesn't really claim "ownership" of, aside from his copyrights and royalties etc) can be found in the works of Alan Watts, numerous commentaries on the Zen tradition, and Hinduism (minus the pantheism).

Indeed, what time IS it? well, it's NOW of course. He doesn't disparage "clock time" and gives many examples of its practical use...yet, it sort of is an illusion at the same time.



Thanks for this intelligent response. Tolle's message is the universal message of mystical religion, which is to reject the world and not attach ourselves to good and evil. Seek heaven in heaven and not on earth. The reality is that we are not doing much to combat the NWO other than inform ourselves and people who care to listen. Thus we carry a burden of watching events trend in the wrong direction without being able to do much except change ourselves. By contemplating evil, we tend to fall under their control. By contemplating God, we remain free and perhaps more effective.


Jagadanda das said (January 31, 2008):

Hi Henry ! Hoping this finds you healthy,happy, and hopeful! Congratulations! Your new article "Staying Sane in an Insane World" was your best yet,and I like all of your articles! I really liked it a lot and was very impressed ! My Guru says even if the whole world is on fire don't waste time trying to put it out. Change yourself.

The whole universe is a perfect abode of bliss if we can remove the cataract of ignorance from our eye. As every wave is a favorable,loving wave from our loving Lord.He gives the example that if someone is having a nightmare where they are being attacked by a tiger, you don't try to enter into their dream and shoot the tiger, you just wake them up! So similarly we are all having so many different dreams, problems,birth,old age,disease ,death ,poverty etc:but if we give up all our egoistic bodily conceptions,Religious, Hindu,Muslim,Christian,Jew,etc.&Nationalistic ,American, Russia,Iraqi etc.,old,young,rich,poor etc,etc.and dive deep to the plane of reality ,the soul plane , we will be ecstatically amazed and all problems will vanish.So the real solution is a conscious evolution, a conscious revolution of love.

Don't try to change the environment , change your perception , which will change your actions, Go from the plane of exploitation,dollars.diplomacy and despotism to the plane of dedication,devotion and divinity. Hope to hear from you.


Thanks for this persepctive. I'm afraid that these ideas cane be used by the NWO to destroy all nations and religions because they actually empower and protect the masses. So I am for stronger individual religions and nation-states.

Becky said (January 31, 2008):

De. Makow--"you cannot cope with the future"! Tell that to our governments
who are always making grandiose plans for ten years from now.
Your quote from Matthew 6:19-21 is good--but didn't Jesus also say we are
our brother's keeper? We have to be aware of what is happening around us or
we are complicit in what is being done in our name, because we supposedly
live in a democracy.

Does Tolle believe we all desire to live beyond our means? That is a very
misleading thought when so much of the world(and right here in Canada if we
dared to admit the truth) people are starving, dying for lack of healthcare
etc. Reality is every minute that we and they strive to survive.

Many years ago when I was a nurse we labelled anyone with 'voices in their
head' as mentally ill. Yes, I believe our head talks to us, but so does our
heart, and we cannot ignore evil because it disgusts or depresses us. Only
the lucky few can conceive of an antidote to the evil. But that should
never stop the rest of us from knowing evil and aiding where we can.

Yes--we have become a slave to false time indicated by a clock and a
calender. But this is because we deny our own 'clocks'. We are supposed to
deny our animal instincts to follow dictates. Animals do follow their own
time--but it is controlled by the seasons and their bodily needs. Humans
are the worst of the animal kingdom, the most easily led and the most easily



Why is it either-or? Why can we find a balance? My article was about staying sane, not throwing in the towel. -h

Tina said (January 31, 2008):

The bible offers us the gift of living in the now. The bible also offers us hope that no other book can provide. The bible sets up procedures when reading the word of God.

The book of Eckhart Tolle is a book that should only be read if one is grounded. It is easy to get distracted unto different religion and Eckhart Tolle being a guru for people has become a religion. The bible says there is only one God and any other god we worship is witchcraft

Oprah Winfrey, who was promoting yesterday the new book of Eckhart Tolle, unwittingly promotes witchcraft and this is one reason that the Zionist are keeping her on top. Winfrey promotes Eckhart Tolle as she promotes Barack Obama. In effect, Oprah Winfrey is being idolized by millions of people, wherein she could easily be equated to “Jesus” if that has not already occurred, thanks to the Zionist.

It is obvious that the trend in the USA and Canada and Europe is to eliminate Christianity and bring on, in full force, the new age movement, which has nothing to do with the word of Jesus but everything to do with paganism.

I like what Andrew wrote: “Remember Jesus in the temple."It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves (Mt. 21:13)." This was the only violent act that the Messiah performed in His ministry. When public institutions are subverted, it is time for strong emotion and action.

At this time our public institutions are corrupted and this all has to do with people being complacent and allowing officials to run their lives.

The gospel of Jesus offers hope and it also offers us responsibility, whereas any other book offers quick fix and a way to be completely distracted from the “real now”.

I suspect that more people are getting away from the Bible because it clearly sets out what is sinful and most people believe that we should not be so rigid in our thinking and therefore let’s all live in moderation and this would include everything under the sun.

Staying sane in an insane world would be to begin making a conscious decision of getting our house in order, and that would include cleaning house and looking after immediate business.

Jean D'eau said (January 31, 2008):


I`ve read your article "Staying Sane in an Insane World". And also another one about people having to eat mud because the international elites have managed -mainly through the Rothschildian/Rockfellerian scams of the "global warming" and its corollary the "bio-fuel"- to make food prices inaccessible to hundred of millions (soon billions):;_ylt=Am63YkbOZGpKfjeYNZMntZqs0NUE Go sell the guru Eckhart Tolle to these people and also to those starved and slaughtered every day in the name of the "war on terror" scam; tell them to accept being slaughtered as "useless eaters" as if they had chosen it because this is the way to their spiritual enlightenment. Are you selling your soul Henry or are you only "new ageizing" your spiritual convictions? You should have entitled this article "Staying insane in an insane world".

Jean, Did you read my last lines? Christ is saying the same thing. Surprised you can't recognize it.

I agree with this interpretation but I understand that mr Tolle has found a new one much more trendy: that we should focuse on something he calls the "present moment" rather than to bother with what were, are and going to do us the phariseans and their stooges the "merchants in the temple". Your reader Andrew made a very good comment, I encourage you to read it again, especially the last paragraph...

The globalists you call "the Illuminati" are killing tens of thousands of people every day in their dirty wars and their staged famines. Moreover, they are on the verge to provoke a nuclear war between the West and the East. Meanwhile, you and Mr Tolle are saying the people not to bother with these because they are only "mind projections" we cannot cope with since we "cannot cope with the future". Are you sure you and your beloved will survive this future unless as many people as possible make their best to stop it?

Whatever Tolle believes, what I said was "be in the world but not of it." I think this is consistent with Christ's teachings. I did not say-give up the fight, just let's not ruin our lives before they're ruined for us. -H

Andrew said (January 31, 2008):

I read Ulrich (his real name) Toll's THE POWER OF NOW five years ago, because my brother and niece are huge fans. They travel to Vancouver, Aspen, Costa Rica, etc. to attend his séances. He serves as their guru. I wanted to review the source of their inspiration so I got Tolle's book (written in 1996, published in 1997).

I can accept parts of his teachings particularly the importance of being aware of the present moment as a way of not getting too lost in the abstract. I'm wary, however, of his education at the Universities of London and Cambridge. Too many phonies like Bertrand Russell came out of Cambridge. I'm also suspicious of him for the same reason that I'm suspicious of Barack Obama. They are both promoted by Oprah Winfrey, so I figure that the NWO wants us under their influence and that makes me uncomfortable with both of them.

What would Tolle become as a prisoner in Gaza after two or three years. His teachings wouldn't work if he lacked clean water and electricity. He would fill with hate. His popcorn philosophy would blow away. He would become a jihadist running over the fence into Egypt and dreaming of revenge.

I don't see THE POWER ON NOW as real world. At least not this world. If you've been carefully watching the TRAIN WRECK in the Middle East and Asia for the last eight years, you should be outraged. That is the power of not losing touch with reality.

Remember Jesus in the temple. "It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves (Mt. 21:13)." This was the only violent act that the Messiah performed in His ministry. When public institutions are subverted, it is time for strong emotion and action.

Thanks Andrew,

I will post this. I don't think our relationship with consciousness and our evolution and happiness as humans serves the NWO. But I do appreciate your raising the caution flag.


Dear H

Turn to p. 68 under the heading WHEREVER YOU ARE BE THERE TOTALLY:

See if you can catch yourself complaining, in either speech or thought, about a situation you find yourself in, what other people do or say, your surroundings, your life situation, even the weather.

To complain is always non-acceptance of what is. It invariably carries an unconscious negative charge. When you complain, you make yourself into a victim. When you speak out, you are in your power. So change the situation by taking action or by speaking out if necessary or possible; leave the situation or accept it. All else is madness.

For me, Tolle is a prophet of moral paralysis, because there are situations that you can neither leave nor accept and being TOTALLY THERE is a maximum "bumer",, like Gaza. OK, maybe I just don't get it. --Andrew

Darren said (January 31, 2008):


I haven't read Tolle's book, but I found these quotes about it, from 2003, on Of particular note are his views about women and gays:

"Now we come to the just plain eccentric:

1) Tolle believes that women and gays are inherently more able to realize enlightenment than heterosexual men. I can assure you, God holds no such prejudice.

2) Eckhart says that the discomfort of a women's menstrual cycle is caused by centuries of poor treatment by men. This is way off the map.

3) He believes all animals are completely free of negativity in any form unless they've spent time with humans. Just silly. Dolphins at times have violent battles with other dolphins. Grizzly bears will kill a mother's cubs in order to mate with her. The list goes on and on."

I kinda like you as you are, Henry; I don't think you need to change to become like Tolle. I'm sure there must be some value in what Tolle has to say if you put him on your website, but did he really write all that about women and gays?



I am not an expert on Tolle. I do understand what I quoted and think it may provide relief and inspiration to some people who feel burdened by the pathetic state of affairs in the world.

I am not presenting Tolle as the Answer but a man with answers that we have to judge ourselves.

Thanks for pointing out his more eccentric views


James said (January 30, 2008):

Henry, I hope all is well with you. I just read your take on Eckhart Tolle and had to see him on You Tube to catch what this guy is really
about....good timing. When so many of us have disconnected our TV's, quit the sports addictions, changed our diets, found the 'Truth" and crossed the fear ; we find ourselves sometimes to be out of touch with a reality that fits like that old rag of a coat, even though it's crappy it feels so comfy, but has to go!! what??

We are "social creatures" and thats our grace and downfall...we think we need to be part of the herd [or maybe someone lied to us LOL!!] which means "herd mentality". Mr.Tolle opens ones eyes to the real world and in that frees one from the "herd" and onto the rim of consciousness. It's all been said before however it's like looking at a Galaxy through a real time ...NOW!!...Any kind of picture ain't the same.

Glenn said (January 30, 2008):

"Tolle says that our anxieties are due to a feeling of unreality, a feeling of separation and isolation, due to an inability to feel this connection. We try to compensate:"

Most of us would cringe at the above statement - for obvious reasons. What he is really describing here, is our need to connect - to merge - to join forces with - to cleave.

This is the human souls natural urge. This is what we do. This is what we want to do. WE all try to compensate, but none of us are ever truly successful, instead we go for a cheap substitute- a form of intermediatory compensation. Those who don't, remain forever restless in their search for connectedness. Our intense need to connect with the our Father.

Thats what I think Tolle is really saying here - regardless of whether he realises it or not.

It's that spiritual no-mans land between the real and the ethereal in which we find ourselves trapped, vulnerable and weak. This is where we need strength.

He is right about our anxieties being due to a feeling of unreality. If we were in fact, living in reality, our anxieties would vanish.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at