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Springmeier - Waiting for the World to End (II)

March 16, 2011

springmeier1.jpgThe 12 Noble Steps --
by Fritz Springmeier

O.K. so you've read Part 1 of "What to do while waiting for the world to end: The 12 Noble Steps".

You're eager to learn more. Let's cover some practical principles of doing Noble Steps, the where, what, how, why and when in that order.

     A. Consider Blooming Where You are Planted. (where)
     B. Noble Steps Address Needs (what)
     C. Match Noble Deeds to Noble Thinking (how)
     D. It's a WIN-WIN (why)
     E. Timing (when)

A. CONSIDER BLOOMING WHERE YOU ARE PLANTED. George Washington Carver is a good example of someone finding nobility in one's own backyard. (We've all been blessed by his many discoveries. What American kid has not eaten a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?)

Carver, in turn, was the inspiration for a husband and wife team who recently began producing organic (hemp-based) clothes. To do this, they bought a laundry (which used few chemicals), then built a basement below it for their organic clothes idea and shuttled between the two areas daily to make it work.  If the laundry didn't need attention, they could spend time on the organic clothes. Their next goal was (and perhaps has been achieved) to buy acreage to grow plants to use in new green ways.

They are an example of a successful Noble Step done in their own local area with a small amount of capital. You can take a Noble Step by being a good steward within your own community. (The word "steward" alludes to the Bible story about a good steward, which is a responsible person who takes care of what's entrusted to him.)

Deeds from small to large can be noble. You don't have to be a Carnegie who builds thousands of libraries. You don't have to be a missionary traveling thousands of miles, leaving civilization and living with cannibals. You can bloom where you are planted. There has always been a tendency to rush off to the Klondike or California to find gold and fail to see opportunities in our own back yard. But then others realized that the money to be made in the gold rushes was in meeting people's needs, like running a store. Where are humanity's needs?

B. NOBLE STEPS ADDRESS NEEDS. Part of the business success of your Noble Step is if it truly addresses a basic human need. In fact, one person's step was to create Microfinance, where a small loan is made, for instance, for $100 to a person in India who needs a cow. Starting with $100,000 capital, Microfinance has grown to over $1 billion in assets. This is a successful Noble Step. How about the husband and wife team who wanted to provide a positive youth center for young people to hang out?

 In life one has to be on guard for unnecessary struggles, complications that distract. One has to be prepared to have schedules, plans, and hard work. In this they were. Next go back to the basics--is this addressing an important need? Yes, youth want a place to hang out and socialize; yet in this town they already had places where they socialized. What benefit would they derive from going to the new youth center? That benefit was never communicated and never understood by the youth; and without patrons and without connecting to financing, the dream fizzled. It was a beautiful (yet incomplete) dream, and things were lacking in its implementation, and how the idea was presented (or not presented) to the intended patrons. Sometimes an idea has to be sold to the right people.

C. MATCH NOBLE DEEDS TO NOBLE THINKING. Focus around you. Noble deeds happen all around us. It's likely you could tell about some you personally know. Let us not be distracted by our fears, that we fail to grasp the opportunities which quietly exist waiting for discovery. Keep your focus.

The call for nobility is to everyone, how many will answer the challenge?

Most everyone has ideas. So aim high, dream, step forward with courage and faith, and take your noble ideas and enthusiastically run with them. Use your instincts, your impressions, research and then absorb and contemplate. Ask questions. Check out why others failed. Don't let emotions rule you; feelings are not facts. 

Don't let your mind make the final decisions--because your mind may not have all the facts. Search deep down inside you, and let your heart tell you, for deep down in you at the gut level, you'll know in your heart the truth. Sketch loose plans. Conceive reality in a new way. Brainstorm with others. If need be, do the feasibility, profit, and competitor analysis, and all the other aspects of a detailed business plan.

D. IT'S A WIN-WIN. The final principle to be discussed is how Noble Steps are win-win events for everyone. This is in line with the principle, "What goes around comes around." What might surprise some people is that the Bible's ancient wisdom teaches us exactly what we also have experienced, that is, that Noble Steps bless everyone and usually are win-win-win situations for all. For instance, altruistically building refugee shelters for homeless shell-shocked refugees (including a water desalinization plant, etc.) resulted in blessing and enriching everyone involved: the people doing it, the country hosting the refugees, as well as the refugees. The Noble Step of Hope was given to all involved, and many received the steps of food, water and shelter.

This type of win-win-win success is repeatedly experienced. Likewise, some Scriptures to chew on which show we should be noble and that


"Look after the interests of others..."PHIL 2:4---"The righteous considers the cause of the poor..."PRV 29:7

     "He who gives to the poor will not lack..." PRV 28:27
     "The plans of the diligent lead to plenty..." PRV 21:5
     "God renders to each one according to his deeds...glory, honor, and peace to EVERYONE who works what is good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek, for there is NO PARTIALITY with God." ROM 2:6,10-11.

Let us line ourselves up with the divine Spirit, and do a Noble Step...JER 29:11 reads, "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD [YHWH], thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope."

E. TIMING. Summiting a mountain at the wrong time leads to death. Do the right idea at the right time. There are a multitude of forgotten mistimed inventions awaiting rediscovery at the right time. The Hebrew slave Joseph did a Noble Step based on divine revelation and timing, and blessed the pagan nation of Egypt by storing 20% of Egypt's food during 7 surplus years. (GEN 41) Joseph's story illustrates win-win and timing.
 What answers do you have? What noble deed lie waiting in your divine destiny? Emerge from your stagnation. Or if you are not stagnate continue onward. Your noble heart is longing to express itself. To find answers to worthy questions. Awake and discover and create and contribute. The summit awaits you.



Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at