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Christmas R.I.P.

December 24, 2022

Obituary for a sacred, uplifting, unifying social ritual.

vicious, implacable cancer -- Satanism -- is eating the vital organs of society. Satanism is the worship of evil -- greed, lust, violence and ugliness. 
It is the worship of Death. 

A measure of this disease's progress is the gradual disappearance of Christmas from our consciousness

Even "The War Against Christmas" debate is gone this year. Instead, there is a feeling of capitulation - tacit acceptance of something bland and meaningless, "the holidays." 

Dehumanized Western society is losing its natural charm and generosity. Christian or not, Christmas humanized us.  It expressed the Spirit of Brotherly Love epitomized by Jesus' Gospel. Christmas was a time when we affirmed our good will and solidarity with our fellow man.

 While this is an obituary, remember the Resurrection! 

I encourage believers to celebrate Christ with more fervour than ever. Loud, in their face! 

Society Controlled by Christmas-Hating Satanic Cult
from 15/12/21
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
(from Dec 23, 2012)

Nothing better demonstrates that secularism is a guise for Satanism than the transformation of Christmas from a celebration of Christ's birth into "the holidays."

What other holidays are there? 

Chanukah? A week at beginning of December where 2% of the US population congratulate themselves for God's favor?  

Why use a generic term, holidays? Why can't Christians mention the actual holy day, Christmas?

Society increasingly resembles a cult where people are intimidated to act and think in a certain way. It's called being "politically correct."

"Politically correct" is a Communist Party term. Communism is a satanic cult.  Karl Marx was a Satanist.

Their PC logic is absurd.  For example, to be "inclusive," we need to exclude Christianity, the self-declared faith of 73% of Americans.

Like a scorpion that paralyses its victim's mental faculties, the Illuminati have convinced Christians that their beliefs are in bad taste. Luciferians destroy us in the name of "human rights" and tolerance.

If the "secular" were neutral, it would embrace truth and goodness with the same fervor as depravity. 

Christmas has been transformed into an orgy of debt accumulation. Christians, where is your outrage? Your commitment? Do you need Muslims to show you how to worship? ( Why are Christians such Wimps?)  


Even "The War Against Christmas" debate is gone this year. Instead, there is a feeling of capitulation - tacit acceptance of something bland and meaningless, "the holidays." 

I am old enough to remember the Christmas of yesteryear.

We celebrated the birth of Christ and the Gospel of Love.

"You shall love thy neighbor as thyself." (Matt 22:37) 

This gospel of brotherly love, the sense that we are one family, was the reason for good cheer and gift-giving. It was a religious holiday.

Holly day.

No one was excluded. Even though I was Jewish I enjoyed the Spirit of Christmas. There was a special feeling in the air.

Now the Cabalist (Illuminati Jews and Masons, i.e Satanists) who own media and politicians have eviscerated Christmas. Everyone must take responsibility for what these people do in their name. 

Where before we celebrated our Oneness in God, now we accept our role as interest-bearing debt-cows. 

Where before we performed selfless deeds, now we show our Faith by racking up debt.  Who will spend more? Will consumers demonstrate more devotion this year than last? It's the "religion" of the money-changers. 

(Immaculate Conception, Family Guy style. Christianity is always good for a laugh if you're a Satanist.)

Make no mistake. Society increasingly resembles a satanic cult: Cabalism i.e. (Illuminism, Communism, Freemasonry.) This cult denies the existence of God (moral and natural order) and defines evil as good, lies as truth, sickness as health, and ugliness as beauty.


It's no secret that Communism was used to manipulate people. Appeals to social justice and equality were a hoax.

The "dictatorship of the proletariat" hid the iron fist of the Illuminati Jewish bankers. Striking workers were mowed down. (See Juri Lina's "In the Shadow of Hermes," maybe the most important video you will ever watch.)

Books like "The God that Failed" document this fraud. Millions of idealists who championed Communism died for nothing. It was a fraud, like everything associated with its originators.

stewart.jpegSocialists, Zionists, liberals and feminists are now being used to institute the Communist NWO. They are goaded by media Commissars like Jon Stewart (nee Liebowitz) to clamor for gun control. They too will be betrayed and cast aside if patriots are disarmed or outgunned.

Don't kid yourself: we have been enslaved by Cabalist bankers and their Masonic pawns. Their goal is total control. 

This Satanist cancer has infected society's vital organs: government, business, education, mass media, church, justice and military.

Now it's reaching out for the remaining healthy cells. Economic and political turmoil will be deliberate. Ignore the ostensible "reasons." 

Let us resist by reading portions from the New Testament every day and rediscovering the true Spirit of Christ. 

Merry Christmas!

Note- I am comparing Christmas today to the way I recall it was celebrated in the past. I am not interested in whether Christmas is really Christian or was ever authentic. Providing a platform to run down Christmas would defeat my purpose. I recommend naysayers send their comments elsewhere. 

First Comment from Ken Adachi

While it's obvious that great effort has been exerted by the satanic JWO in the past 40 or 50 years to undermine and secularize the celebration of the birth of Christ as just another "Happy Holiday!" bon mot, the teachings of Jesus Christ have imbued Western Civilization for the past 2100 years and they're not about to go away in the span of a couple of generations of JWO controlled-media propaganda PC. 

What you hear from store clerks, now cowed from saying "Merry Christmas" to their customers, and instead substitute the JPC-approved "Happy Holidays" flatulence, isn't really indicative of what takes place within ones inner being. The Spirit of Christmas is a flame that burns bright within the heart of men, women and children who have come to understand the message of Jesus and the wonderful lessons that He taught to the poor and the rich, the humble and the Mighty.

The Kingdom of God is Within. Do unto Others as You would have done Unto You. The Sermon on the Mount. The Beatitudes.

These are the teachings which cause our hearts to gladden as we approach the celebration of Christ's birth on Christmas Day and the happiness that it stirs within our heart. 

A Babe is Born in Bethlehem on This Day. Glory Be to God. 

Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year!                      

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Christmas R.I.P. "

S said (December 25, 2022):

Christmas RIP?

Maybe, maybe not.

We listen to the whole concert every Christmas eve. (Thank you, you tube.) Here's the last carol:

Michel Berg said (December 23, 2018):

I do not have a problem with Christmas. Celebrating it would be a good idea due to its symbolism, message of love and White unity (It's a European tradition) .

But I think that Christianity does not belong at its core to the Aryan soul. We people of Aryan descent were pagans for most of their existence. If I had to choose between the man made creation of 'Christianity' to a man made creation of 'Odinism" (Norse Religion) I would have chose the the Norse tradition.

Christianity is nothing more than a Talmudic Jewish invention meant to control to European peoples via Universalism and guilt. Jesus was a legit in his message of love, but Christianity was added much later as a means of control.

Rudy said (December 23, 2018):

I agree with your webpage and its overriding theme. I believe that 95% of modern Christianity is dispensationalist. This series of beliefs hinges on Jews still being Gods chosen, a thirds Jewish temple, an anytime rapture, and a 1000 year millenium where Jews working under a their messiah will rule the world.

None of this is in the Bible and yet somebody infested the Christian churches with these fables starting around 1830-1840's (John Nelson Darby) and reached its apex with the Scofield bible which was not a bible but a series of commentaries that are now taught at virtually all seminaries and bible colleges.

True believers attending these churches are certainly saved, but the church overall lacks the full power of the Holy Spirit.

The true Christmas spirit is lacking because the spirit is lacking. Pray for more Christians to study the historical view of eschatology which can raise many John the Baptists, Elija's, and Isaiah's.

Deirdre said (December 24, 2017):

Love your work. Don't agree with this article. Has it ever occurred to Christians that perhaps the LORD JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF is allowing satan to 'make fun of 'christmas' and other 'christian' things because Christians are actually in the wrong? Christmas is a joke. Sorry, people really need to examine things, minus their emotions. I am a born again believer in CHRIST. I'll leave your 'christian' readers with Paul and Johns same messages, "Come out of her MY people".

Robert K said (December 24, 2017):

The greatest calamity that could befall a true Christian would be to become convinced that he/she belongs to a select group of divinely favoured Chosen People, because it would inherently separate him/her from other souls and prove that the heart of all Creation is not, as Jesus taught, Love.

I wonder if any culture other than the Christian one has generated a word comparable to “merry”, which denotes a soul made lighthearted and confident by his assurance that he and his fellows are inseparably embraced by Love.

Rolf said (December 24, 2017):

If Christmas was abandoned, most of industry and retail businesses to whom Christmas is the years biggest money maker, would falter. To prevent that from happening, the push to replace Christ's Birthday celebration with that of Santa Claus, Elf's and Hanukah, turning it into a secular holiday. Only the antichrists would celebrate, to whom Jesus the Christ is an enigma.

Have a joyful Christmas,

Tony B said (December 24, 2017):

The major reason today's Christians are so wimpy is that few are living up to Christian principles and most sense it. What is labeled "Christian" in most of today's "west," especially since talmudic/freemasonic/satanism took control of the Vatican as "Vatican II," is plain old worldly paganism. Turning a supernatural religion into a natural, worldly one was the whole idea behind protestantism, the protest against the Church created by Jesus Christ.

C said (December 24, 2017):

I was with my little knitting group of acquaintances while talking about Christmas I recounted how when I leave a store and the clerk says, "Happy holidays" I answer with "Merry Christmas," and most will answer in kind and actually look relieved.

The librarian who runs the group upon leaving a little later then said "Happy holidays." I was disappointed, but said, "Merry Christmas." She finally repeated her good wishes but this time said, "Merry Christmas to all."

I don't want to make too much of it except to say that people are very afraid these days.

When I think of Christmas I think of what Jesus came to do--die for us--and yet He made sure it was a joyous occasion bringing angels and and people of great learning and those of simplicity together and having it all work. He had a happy heart and we have to get past ourselves and be happy with what we have and learn to offer more to others and realize while we get offended we also do plenty of offending ourselves. Whatever suffering we endure is nothing compared to Jesus' life of suffering--yet He overcame it all.

Merry Christmas! I really appreciate your insights.

Mariel said (December 21, 2013):

Congratulations and Merry Christmas.

I am sickened, too, by the Christians who say it's evil to celebrate Christmas, some of whom even suggest I am going to Hell if
I do so. How sick are they?

I don't celebrate with a lot of "buying". Just a modest amount, a few books for the family, and eating Yule dinner with them even if they are Christmas-celebrating declared atheists.

They have nearly stamped it faith out, but some are fighting back.

JG said (December 21, 2013):

Commercialism and Christianity are not one, but God and Jesus is.

We must able to distinguish that which is done in the "spirit of commercialism" from that which is done in the "spirit of Christmas".

Making endless trips to the shopping malls looking for gifts for friends and family can make you stressful and angry. This is NOT the "spirit of Christmas".

Running to the supermarkets and stocking up on fancy meats and liquors for that "invitation only" feast you plan on having at your home is somewhat self serving.

Then when Christmas Day comes and all the "commercial hype" is gone, we feel a sense of emptiness and despair. We then go to the television to escape and waste our time with a basketball or an old movie. This is NOT the "spirit of Christmas".

Exchanging gifts and giving gifts are two different things.

Feeding the hungry and self- indulging are two different things.

The true happiness in life comes from giving to those who do not have and can't repay you.
The true saints help out at a soup kitchen or volunteer at a hospital on Christmas Day and always tell you how happy and glad that they did. Why? Because giving never leaves you with a feeling of emptiness or despair. This is the true Spirit of Christmas.

Erica said (December 21, 2013):

Have you or anyone noticed that the picture of Krampus you posted looks exactly like Miley Cyrus during the disgusting Mtv performance ? The tongue and the horns?! I know this is not relevant to what your article is about however it is such a big resemblance I have to wonder if anyone else sees it.

It is true that the spirit of Christmas is no longer in the air. It has turned into spending and the obsession of people trying to be politically correct in order not to offend a specific group and if that means offending Jesus then they are fine with it. Even Christians are falling for this not offending anyone BS in order to keep the pews full at church. They water down the gospel and now the true meaning of Christmas is becoming extinct.
Jesus is the reason for the season!

Kate said (December 25, 2012):

hristian wimps? You've never listened to Michael Voris. ;) find an episode of the Vortex on youtube.

Steven said (December 24, 2012):

One thing to keep in mind about the number stated about the crimes of Jewish Masonic Communism in Russia. The usual number stated is 66 million dead. How ever Juri Lina states that 147 million perished in the USSR and possibly Eastern Europe. An additional 140 million dead in China.

That is quite the body count and the people that pulled it all off were trained and funded in America and Western Europe and aided on an ongoing basis by a global network of Freemasonry and Jewry working through government and the banking and corporate world.

Bottom line is if they would do it to Russia, China and Eastern Europe they would do it to North America and Western Europe. These enemies are already in place poised to strike.

Asim said (December 24, 2012):

Hi Henry

Another succinct article as usual. I feel for the Christians big time, having their core meanings stripped bare. The cruel irony is that untold friends, colleagues have asked why I don't celebrate Christmas-I tell them that I'm Muslim but I cherish the festive spirit. I then ask them the same question. They cite the festive season; buying and receiving gifts; being with family but nothing to do with celebrating Jesus. But then why be surprised, when none of them are Christian churchgoers in the first place!!!! Talk about have your cake and eat it too.

But if its any consolation for Christian folk, the same thing is happening with the Muslim festival of Eid. This takes place at the end of Ramadan, it is supposed to be spiritual and involves giving gifts as well. Now, increasing numbers of young Muslim men are using this event to celebrate by zooming down roads, bleating loud music and showing off their latest cars; rival gangs revv up to compete and show attitude. This is a small but growing trend-only last year, two Muslim youth celebrated Eid by racing down a narrow road and ended up crashing, killing all involved. Many Muslims have lamented at the vacuous atmosphere surrounding Eid, with more and more people content with just celebrating by showing off their materialistic goods.

No doubt the satanic atheists are having an absolute field day witnessing the further erosion of true spirituality in today's society.

Art said (December 24, 2012):

They hate Him so because they have no answer for Him. Loving Jesus means surrendering our egos to Him, & they can't do that. It causes them terrible pain. He's too humble & loving & simply holy.

Its in the Bardo Thodol, the soul as it approaches the Light will
incarnate as anything to get away from the Purity of the Light.

They will be saved because they hate Him. Indifference to Him is a
surfire way to damnation. Muslims & Jews can bring a lot to His table.

Something definitely kicked in at 13:30 (GMT + 2) on 2012 Dec 21. Planetary alignment &/ or universal Christ?

Just as Jesus knew what He was dealing with so do you. & thanks for warning us. (re. Zagami)

Patryck said (December 24, 2012):

At this time of the year many conspiracies are presented for and against the reality of Christmas. I'm sure you have heard them all. (pagan god births, continuity of mystery religions, etc.) I invite you to go straight to a Catholic voice at for consideration and perspective. Do a keyword search at this site for 'Christmas' or any Catholic matter. (eucharist, "ishtar", "worship" of mary, communion of saints, purgatory, papacy, etc.). I'm sure your perspective will at least be somewhat changed when the whys (or accusations) of these subjects are presented in the context of the apostolic faith. is run by 'catholic answers' an apologetics apostolate based on scripture and the understanding of it by the early church fathers (direct successors of the original apostles) as practiced and understood by the infant/ancient Church and carried on in one form or another to this day.

Also, I would like to add that I have enjoyed your site since your first posting of "A Conspiracy too Monsterous to Conceive". It is what has awakend me to the true state of world affairs. I haven't agreed with all of your articles, but have learned a great deal from many of them.

Friend, in this blessed season, I too am wishing you a Merry Christmas and all the best in your pursuit for truth and beauty.

Tony B said (December 24, 2012):

Henry, you are one of the very few fighting the real battles. Spiritual. Maybe even more spiritual than you are aware of at this point.

Dan said (December 23, 2012):

When I was growing up 50 years ago, Christmas was massively publicized "season". But the public Christmas had nothing to do with religion. The closest thing in the Bible to Santa Claus is the story of Simon the Magus in Acts, who used black magic to fly.

Never mind that Santa is an anagram for 'Satan'. They tell us he came from old Middle Ages Christmas traditions like St. Nicholas ('Nick'..once again a slang name for the Devil), but the huge presence of Santa Clause was born of New York marketing and newspaper ads in late 19th century America. Christmas became a time when buying people things they possibly don't need or want is mandatory.

A few years ago I started going to church during this time of the year and was told that the actual Christian tradition, Christmas is a single night and day.

It is the culmination of a the season of Advent. The real religious tradition involved FASTING - not gorging - plus more "days of obligation" to pray more and all the rest of it.

It seems obvious that the people who came up with this annual temporary insanity of compulsive spending at packed shopping malls and taking the kids to more Illuminati movies and pay 20 bucks ahead for their programming is an industry created to undermine and mainly MOCK Christianity rather than to magnify it.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at