July 6, 2010
NWO Making Strides in Ireland
by JB
Since the EU Constitution was steamrolled through in 2009, through fear of economic ruin in the ballot box, just months after we voted no to the Lisbon Treaty the first time, the NWO is making rapid strides here.
Homosexual civil partnership was legalized last Thursday, the 1st July. The main stream media effectively ignored the debate in the lead up to the vote in the Dail (Irish Parliament). Our TDs (Congressmen) were not allowed a free vote on the issue. There were only block votes.
As I said there wasn't a whisper (that I could come across) in the MSM in the lead up, with exception of a token programme the night before the vote.
A lone Catholic priest trying to defend traditional Ireland was almost mocked out of the studio (see: http://www.tv3.ie/shows.php?request=tonightwithvincentbrowne&tv3_preview=&video=24263). Ray Kinsella, a university professor, by appearing in this debate is seriously jeopardizing his career.
Now that the Bill has been safely passed, RTE, Ireland's national broadcaster saw fit to have a debate about the traditional family being under attack. David Quinn defended the nuclear family valiantly. What was sickening was that most of the people arguing for all kinds of new family structures probably came from the traditional Irish two-parent, mother / father, family home and don't know what they are talking about. See http://www.rte.ie/news/2010/0705/thefrontline_av.html?2782621,null,230.
The next segment in the show discusses the upcoming Children's Rights Referendum which will effectively give the Irish State a huge amount of control over children's upbringing, to the loss of their natural parents, in line with the Communist Manifesto idea of separating the kids from the parents.
Ireland has come a long way from the "Land of Saints and Scholars" and we are getting the leadership we deserve. Tiger Woods was in the neighborhood yesterday and got a hero's welcome, with huge roars of approval coming from the Limerick crowd (http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/golf/8790599.stm).
I feel sorry for Irish unmarried fathers (http://www.rte.ie/news/2010/0624/primetime_av.html?2777059,null,230), but wouldn't life be better for us all if we behaved the way God wants us to instead of having to adjust the legal system to accommodate our sins (dismantling our Godly Irish Constitution).
Finally on the positive side we have www.wiseupjournal.com, www.sovereignindependent.com, www.youthdefence.ie, www.nationalplatform.org and check out our British ally Brian Gerrish on youtube. The path ahead is steep however, very steep.
From Jimmy:
RE: NWO Making Strides in Ireland
Futher to what 'WB' has stated - There is much more to Ireland's destruction than the same-sex legislation. Ireland like Spain has been flooded over the past decade by both massive levels of cheap credit fuelling a huge house price and property price bubble which has popped with a massive crash AND like Spain by unprecedented rates of immigration.
This is backed up a massive Stalinesque programmes to brainwash the population into accepting their undermining in the ancient land and identity.
As with Britain and elsewhere the sinister banker backed NLP brainwashing group "Common Purpose"has infiltrated all levels of government national and local, schools, health services police media etc also . These zombies are now well placed to further NWO control and lock down.
Ireland is also where Peter Sutherland of Bilderberg, Trilateral Commision, CFR etc as well of BP and Goldman Sachs comes from . Former Prime Minster Bertie Ahern, government minssiter Micheal McDowell and the Irish attorney general have all been attendees at Bildgerberg Conferences.
Other good Irish sites as well as those mentioned by "G" include
"immigration control platform "
Tir na Saor
TNS radio
Infowars Ireland
a thread on realirishpolitics.org worth reading.
Orwellian Ireland
by JB
Since the EU Constitution was steamrolled through in 2009, through fear of economic ruin in the ballot box, just months after we voted no to the Lisbon Treaty the first time, the NWO is making rapid strides here.
Homosexual civil partnership was legalized last Thursday, the 1st July. The main stream media effectively ignored the debate in the lead up to the vote in the Dail (Irish Parliament). Our TDs (Congressmen) were not allowed a free vote on the issue. There were only block votes.
As I said there wasn't a whisper (that I could come across) in the MSM in the lead up, with exception of a token programme the night before the vote.
A lone Catholic priest trying to defend traditional Ireland was almost mocked out of the studio (see: http://www.tv3.ie/shows.php?request=tonightwithvincentbrowne&tv3_preview=&video=24263). Ray Kinsella, a university professor, by appearing in this debate is seriously jeopardizing his career.
Now that the Bill has been safely passed, RTE, Ireland's national broadcaster saw fit to have a debate about the traditional family being under attack. David Quinn defended the nuclear family valiantly. What was sickening was that most of the people arguing for all kinds of new family structures probably came from the traditional Irish two-parent, mother / father, family home and don't know what they are talking about. See http://www.rte.ie/news/2010/0705/thefrontline_av.html?2782621,null,230.
The next segment in the show discusses the upcoming Children's Rights Referendum which will effectively give the Irish State a huge amount of control over children's upbringing, to the loss of their natural parents, in line with the Communist Manifesto idea of separating the kids from the parents.
Ireland has come a long way from the "Land of Saints and Scholars" and we are getting the leadership we deserve. Tiger Woods was in the neighborhood yesterday and got a hero's welcome, with huge roars of approval coming from the Limerick crowd (http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/golf/8790599.stm).
I feel sorry for Irish unmarried fathers (http://www.rte.ie/news/2010/0624/primetime_av.html?2777059,null,230), but wouldn't life be better for us all if we behaved the way God wants us to instead of having to adjust the legal system to accommodate our sins (dismantling our Godly Irish Constitution).
Finally on the positive side we have www.wiseupjournal.com, www.sovereignindependent.com, www.youthdefence.ie, www.nationalplatform.org and check out our British ally Brian Gerrish on youtube. The path ahead is steep however, very steep.
From Jimmy:
RE: NWO Making Strides in Ireland
Futher to what 'WB' has stated - There is much more to Ireland's destruction than the same-sex legislation. Ireland like Spain has been flooded over the past decade by both massive levels of cheap credit fuelling a huge house price and property price bubble which has popped with a massive crash AND like Spain by unprecedented rates of immigration.
This is backed up a massive Stalinesque programmes to brainwash the population into accepting their undermining in the ancient land and identity.
As with Britain and elsewhere the sinister banker backed NLP brainwashing group "Common Purpose"has infiltrated all levels of government national and local, schools, health services police media etc also . These zombies are now well placed to further NWO control and lock down.
Ireland is also where Peter Sutherland of Bilderberg, Trilateral Commision, CFR etc as well of BP and Goldman Sachs comes from . Former Prime Minster Bertie Ahern, government minssiter Micheal McDowell and the Irish attorney general have all been attendees at Bildgerberg Conferences.
Other good Irish sites as well as those mentioned by "G" include
"immigration control platform "
Tir na Saor
TNS radio
Infowars Ireland
a thread on realirishpolitics.org worth reading.
Orwellian Ireland