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Illuminati Sabotaged Police - Satanist Insider

September 11, 2010

by Aloysius Fozsdyke

re. "WA Residents Shocked by Police Shootings"

From the mid-1940s, Australia and New Zealand were used as experimental testing grounds for social policy. Herb Evatt was heavily involved (but that was before my time). Anyway although I was out of Australia for much of the 1990s I was informed that Peter J. Ryan was recruited to become New South Wales Police Commissioner  because of his British intelligence experience, contacts and so that he would destroy the New South Wales Police Force and that this was the template for such law enforcement destruction internationally.

Ryan effectively got rid of the best and brightest. Detectives and uniformed police with decades of experience under their belts were forced to leave and their ranks were filled with coppers in their twenties, with lots of book learning but no practical ability.

The physical standards of policing were lowered so that ethnic groups and women could join. Kids a few years out of high school became detectives. The new kids on the block had no training in the court system, in preparing or giving evidence or in much else, except the use of intimidating force. The use of such force alienated the general population even more than the corruption for which Australia's police are renowned.

Then we organized for the mental asylums to be closed on the grounds that people who could not look after themselves should none the less be part of the community. The results were that coppers with no experience in dealing with the mentally ill could now use violence against the less fortunate, who had no say in where or how they lived anyway.

Then we helped change the law so that children could enforce their human rights with the result that the police get into more trouble dealing with minors than if they just turned a blind eye. The paperwork is incredible. Now the streets are full of angry, swearing, drug-addled, violent little delinquents who can't be stopped - by anyone.

Then the Alpha Lodge got all police issued with tasers and the fun began. Rather than use methods that had worked for centuries, now the overworked and alienated police could torture and intimidate at will.

Police no longer knew how to earn the community's respect and the sheeple hate them. They are revenue collectors. "Pigs" is the term used in Australia to describe uniformed shit-kickers. The Riot Squad is even used to control drunks.

When I came back to Australia in late 2000 law enforcement was in a mess and Ryan left a couple of years later. The agenda worked so well that it has been implemented in all western countries - the turn over of police is incredible. Many of the disillusioned and angry become security guards and continue their violence in a different uniform and in a private capacity.

The Alpha Lodge usually works in the background and was intimately involved in these developments. As we helped organize these changes we know how to rectify them. When The Usher of Desecration is known the people will accept our solutions. And The Usher is coming after the economic and currency collapse. Sit tight. Not long to go.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Illuminati Sabotaged Police - Satanist Insider "

Larry said (September 13, 2010):

These people who do not usually have a lot of formal education know what is going on, while some Phds I met and became very good friends with are in complete denial (we can't even talk about it) as are my brother and sister who are dummies by no means.

By their many methods they have certainly given humanity a brain paralysis that is total genius and a marvel of evil logic. I still don't understand why they want to shit can the planet. Wouldn't you want a pristine planet after you have killed off the useless eaters and established slavery and elitism in complete public view if you were an blood drinking Satanist? Do they really believe all their hocus pocus malarkey?

Rick said (September 12, 2010):

Back in the early eighties, perhaps late seventies, I read a book called 1984. "Big brother is watching you". Recently, I moved to a small town in southwest Florida, Naples. Biggest mistake of my 64 years on this planet.This is exactly the town, this book mentioned.

There are cameras everywhere. Cops can't wait for you to go through a yellow light, arrest you and lock you up. They use a great deal of their resources, following a poor individual, who walks into some bushes to smoke a joint, while the K9 dogs are called, perhaps a helicopter and the swat team.

A great amount of money spend on some idiot smoking a joint and not hurting anybody. In the meantime, the real criminals are everywhere, doing what they please and getting away with it.

Now, a large percentage of cops, are overweight, 5 footer females, who do not have the strength to overpower a drunk, least of all, a huge black male in an angry mood and willing to hurt anyone on his path.

We have more people, per capital, behind bars in America than any other industrialize Country on the planet and 75% are for small amounts of drugs.

According to "Innocence Project" in Washington, another 15%, are completely innocent. They just don't have the money to pay for a high, top notch attorney to get their freedom.When we really analyze the USA, we learned, that we as a Country, have been way overrated for too long. There are many ugly things taking place inside our borders.

Pat said (September 12, 2010):

I can see that this corruption of police has happened in Canada. There is an even deeper layer of corruption here in British Columbia and I am not sure whether the police understand what is going on, or whether they are part of it.

Men and women in British Columbia have fraudulent driver's licenses and I find it amazing that so many university educated souls cannot see through the trickery. I have now shown on two videos how this trickery operates and there is no doubt about this.

It is written in black and white for all to read. It is just that we fail to read it correctly because "they" have made it happen that way. The videos are on youtube channel patthespark.
The video explanation begins 4 minutes into message to bankers Part 3 and continues with an update to licence information.

Even when I stand face to face with someone who is thought to be intelligent, he has trouble grasping how he was and continues to be fooled.

The whole name of the game is to have us act as "persons" who are subject to statutes. Men and women are not subject to statutes. Men and women have a contract with God.

At Galatians 2:6 we read that God accepts no man's "person". Elsewhere in about six parts of the bible we read that there is no respect of "persons" with God.

By making you a "person", "they" separate you from your contract with God. Everyone who has a driver's licence in BC carries false ID declaring themselves to be a "person". Once identified as a "person" you become an easy victim with no natural rights.

Mike said (September 12, 2010):

"Australia and New Zealand were used as experimental testing grounds for social policy"

A blood run cold moment. Ive said to my for years since I moved to Australia that the country is so isolated that just about every form of behavioral manipulation and social control is instituted here. It appears that Australia's number one export is human control systems. Just ask Rupert Murdoch.

For a stellar example, consider that the elected leader of the country was overthrown in a political coup. The facade of an election followed to establish some sort of legitimacy to the coup. Even with the control of election results it was still impossible to cover the fact that usurpers had been voted out, yet in power they stay.

After being voted out in a popular election, the dictator still controls the country, and what do you think the Aussies are doing about it?

Changing the name of Australia to Stepford maybe?

Jack said (September 12, 2010):

Mr Fozdyke’s satanist leanings may be despicable to those that define evil by the Lord Yehovah’s standards. For those that want to understand the mimic nature and limitations of the person of Nachash (Satan), whom scripture calls “the god of this world”, Mr Fozdyke deserves to be listened to. Evatt, mentioned in the article, and as I recall, was a Satanist of Fabian stripes of the early 20th century who did his part to bring social chaos according to utopian notions of a neo-Golden Age.

The original Golden Age was a creative product of the Lord Yehovah that Nachash managed to corrupt. While the Lord Yehovah has promised a “new earth”, his adversary Nachash, offers devotees a “new world”. The agents of Nachash will capitalize on a known long-period cosmic convulsion, otherwise defined as a geophysical event, which occultists call the Age of Fire to fully introduce their New World Order. The preliminary commencement of that NWO was on September 17th, 2001 during a Golden Age ritual and human blood sacrifice some six days earlier near the 41st degree latitude north.

The Australian Labor Party finds its roots in the 19th century utopian movement. But the utopians were socialists, communists, communitarians, satanists. The roots of utopianism is in the past, in the original Golden Age (that came crashing down during a bout of cosmic chaos) and which age Satanists hold dear. Imbedded in the so-called Age of Fire is the notion that history repeats. The period of 2020-2023 may witness the necessary geophysical events that would usher in an ephemeral new age of Satan.

According to Mr Fozdyke a push to alter society by utopian social policy experimenters commenced in Oz-NZ in the mid-1940s. By the 1960s the results of social experiments in Australia-New Zealand were becoming obvious. Affirmative action championed incompetence in nearly everything. It affected policing and still attracts sociopaths that relish bashing the citizens. It’s easier for police to shoot dead unarmed mentally disturbed citizens that police seem to do at monotonous regularity.

The androgyny experiment is another social experiment. Androgyny arrives when men are feminized and women are masculinized, and societies’ institutions are enfeebled and dysfunctional moving towards collapse. Gender polarization means heterosexual incompatibility, seen in skyrocketing divorce and soaring illegitimacy rates…and the rise to popularity of a peculiar heterosexual dysfunction called homosexuality. Androgyny experiments began in the USA in the late 19th/early20th centuries; the androgyny experiment in OZ and NZ took a while to catch up. The recent rise of the Labor Party, first under feminized Komrade Rudd, and now since his public emasculation under masculinized Komrade Julia Gillard, is more of a confirmation just how profound the androgyny experiment has been. And yes, the social landscape of Australia has morphed into one reminisicient of ancient Moloch worship.

David said (September 12, 2010):

t does not take a genius to figure out that there are hidden puppeteers and that they are very active in implementing their agenda. The moves are there to be seen and put in a proper perspective. The thought spinners have been very successful. The IQ killers have been very successful. The entertainment industry has served the evil cause well. The political lackeys and heroes of the banker-driven economy have been very successful. The majority still believe that the ruling elites are trustworthy, know what they are doing, and are doing it for the betterment of all and sundry. The majority believe that crap about 'the world is evolving as it should'. They do not see the hidden hands steering the world to its destruction. To even bring this up will be to invite criticisms of being 'negative' or of 'conspiracy theory'. The masses do not believe the intelligentsia; they prefer the programming of the flock by the think-tanks.

We do take Mr AF very seriously. The masses, however, will not believe who he is or what he knows to be true. They do not believe whistleblowers, from whichever side. So, AF doesn't care if anybody believes him. If he says it's all going down soon, I do not doubt him. What he says about the Police is true for every other pursuit in life. 13-year olds in someplace near England is going to be given free birth control pills without the need for MDs. Evil have become as almighty gods on Earth. The question is....have they catered for any input that the God of the good may make? If not, that may prove to be the source of their downfall. If they have, it is all in vain because God is an unknown quantity. So, while they plan for the limited opposition the good guys can offer, they certainly cannot craft scenarios that are beyond God's power to alter or delete. A supreme puppeteer does exist!

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at