Rudolf Steiner Actually Opposed Satanic Cults
June 16, 2010

by "W"
"Soon after the year 2000 has been written, a law will go forth from America whose purpose will be to suppress all individual thinking. This will not be the wording of the law, but it will be the intent" [GV,p98].
Rudolf Steiner spoke these words in 1916, in Berlin, during WWI, in a lecture on the secret societies. A precursor of David Icke, Rudolf Steiner began warning the world about these secret societies during WWI.
"The circle of conspiracies of these societies begins in London, stretches over Western Europe, reaches into southern Europe, enters into the Balkans, and ends in St. Petersburg." [GV,p76]
He mentions numerous secret societies -- Freemasons, Jesuits, Illuminati, and others. It is especially the Ahrimanic societies of Britain and America that he speaks of, that seek to bring in a world dictatorship (the "New World Order.")
In the Bible there is mention of Lucifer and Satan. One of Steiner's important revelations is that these are different spiritual beings who tempt mankind in different ways. Lucifer is literally the "light-bearer", the fallen angel who tempts humans with egotism and pride. Satan is Ahriman, the name the ancient Persians gave to the Father of Darkness and Lies. The secret societies have become Ahrimanic (Satanist).
During WWI, Steiner began researching the spiritual causes of the war. He says that in the British occult societies always taught that the Anglo-Saxons are to rule the world --
"behind the external politicians, who are just straw men,
stand the real leaders (secret society members,) with the conviction
it is the mission of the Anglo-Saxons
to exercise a real world rulership, for many centuries
into the future".
"Anyone who is not aware of this cannot possibly understand the course of current events". [GH,p358]
"The goal striven for is to
establish a caste of masters in the West and a caste of economic
slaves in the East, beginning
with the Rhine, and extending eastward all the way into Asia" [CT].
Fast forward to 2001, 9-11, the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, the ring of NATO bases surrounding Russia. Even the bailout is part of the plan to make people work to obtain US dollars that were printed from nothing.
During WWII, when the Nazis occupied Paris, they despoiled the Freemasonic lodges of their sacred documents and regalia. They held a public exhibition of their signs, symbols, diagrams, books, swords, rituals, and manuscripts. According to an eye-witness (O.M. Aivanhov), they were "pure Hebrew kaballa" [V,p30].
Steiner says that these societies originated in antiquity, and have preserved much ancient wisdom in their signs and symbols, but lost the understanding of them. The signs and symbols used in their rituals act on the human ether body. The result is that the members are "made into excellent instruments for all kinds of plans" [GV,p89].
bring them into contact with the spiritual world. Steiner says
when a person enters the spiritual world without adequate moral
preparation, he is met by Luciferic and Ahrimanic entities.
"They stick to his chakras." The result is that the person in question becomes controlled by these entities, and becomes their agent. He then "manifests great egotism and a love of deception". (Think of our western leaders.) These very qualities of egotism and deception can allow us to recognize members of the secret societies.
In the "Karma of Untruthfulness" he says that the karmic consequences of lies and deception will be wars of increasing devastation and misery.
In 1914 the GNP of Germany was fast catching up with that of the entire British empire. The Berlin-Baghdad railway would have made the oil fields of Iraq accessible to Germany. Russia was meddling in India. Germany and Russia were obstacles to the New World Order, and had to be crushed. Today Iran, Russia and China are the main obstacles.
Although Freemasons and Jesuits "are worthy opponents of each other" in the lower grades, in the higher grades they work together. "Just think what you can accomplish when you have an organization like that at your disposal!" [GV,p104] (Think of the political parties from which we must choose secret society members to be our leaders -- at a higher level, they are all controlled by the same organization.)
According to Steiner, when these
societies bring about assassinations, mediums in the secret societies
follow the
souls of the victims
through the spiritual world immediately after
death. By being in contact with the departed soul, they are able to put
to the entities of the spiritual world, eg. "how can we control
masses of millions of people" -- answer: "by means of debt financing
and consumerism".
Make sure everyone is in debt. The Federal Reserve was created in 1913 partly for this purpose, by President Woodrow Wilson. Wilson is also the architect of the Versailles treaty ending WWI, which led directly to hyperinflation in Germany, the rise of Adolf Hitler, and WWII.
Annie Besant, President of the Theosophical Society, offered in 1909 to announce to the world that Rudolf Steiner is the reincarnation of St. John the Evangelist, if he would support her claim that Krishnamurti is to be the new incarnation of Christ. Rudolf Steiner rejected this "swindling" [GV,p79], which led to his exclusion from the Theosophical Society.
Steiner's uncompromising devotion to truth makes it clear that he was not a member of the secret societies. He exposed their plans and was attacked for it. His building, the Goetheanum, was burned down, and he himself was poisoned. The Nazis tried to assassinate him.
Part of Steiner's mission was to reveal the workings of Reincarnation and the laws of Karma, in a Christian setting. He also turned his clairvoyant gifts to a study of the Gospels, resulting in a series of wonderful books.
Rudolf Steiner, The Karma of Untruthfulness, vol 1 and 2.[GV] Rudolf Steiner, Gegenwärtiges und Vergangenes in Menschengeiste (The Present and the Past in the Human Spirit)
Rudolf Steiner, The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness,
[GH] Rudolf Steiner, Die Geistige Hintergründe des Ersten Weltkrieges (The Spiritual Background of WWI)
[CT] Rudolf Steiner, The Challenge of the Times
[V] Omraam Michael Aivanhov, Vidélina #89 (lecture of Aug 23, 1960), Prosveta Publishing, 2001
Bruce said (June 17, 2010):
I salute you for your latest article on Rudolph Steiner, which appropriately balances out Alice Shapiro's myopic and erroneous analysis, and illustrates the fact that any movement or organization can stray far from it's roots and become corrupted. I was raised a catholic and always strongly identified with the original message of Christ, but I am appalled at what has happened to the church as an institution. And a careful reading of the teachings of either Jesus or Steiner would show that they both largely talked about a similar brand of directly experienced personal mysticism. It is part of the overall strategy to control people that insists we need an hierarchy of intermediaries in our spiritual lives. And while the Waldorf schools in general may well be infiltrated by dark forces, I can only report that the one local to my area seems to turn out well-rounded, thoughtful kids. Around here, it's the public school children who get indoctrinated and hammered.