How the Illuminati are Reordering the Middle East
August 6, 2014

such as the advent of ISIS, we should listen
to revelations made by retired General Wesley Clark
in March 2007:
take down seven Islamic countries, Iraq, Syria,
Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.
(Updated from Oct.23, 2012)

The purpose of this reordering of the Middle East is to remove or weaken any power that is independent of the Illuminati central bankers, represented by the NATO powers and Israel.
It is progressing well. Libya is in chaos. Syria is in ruins. Iraq is in turmoil. So are Somalia and Sudan. ISIS is establishing a "Caliphate" that reaches from Northern Iraq across Syria to Lebanon.
The only country left standing is Iran, and given its increasingly close ties with Russia, we assume the Illuminati is saving that for a world war.
First Comment from Marcos:
The Illuminati strategy in the Middle East makes little sense unless we understand some of their esoteric beliefs. Talmud Jews expect the arrival of Messiah Ben-Yosef, a military leader who will crush Israel's enemies and enable the world empire of Messiah Ben-David. The occultist Illuminati share a similar belief in a global leader (Christians call him the antichrist) who will rule from Jerusalem.
For these extraordinary events to happen, a traumatizing war must occur first. It should be much easier to promote this total war if all Israel's neighbors are crazy fanatics prone to violence, and not moderates such as Mubarak. Let the tension grow and nuke them all in retaliation for some false flag or real attack on Tel-Aviv with a dirty bomb or biological weapon launched from Syria or Iraq.
This view would explain why Israel is unnecessarily cruel in his actions against Gaza and Lebanon, targeting civilians with no objective military advantage. The more the Arabs hate Israel, the higher the tension and the closer the total war.
Comment from Jim Perloff:
The Evans article and comment by Marcos are superb. The 2007 Wesley Clark clip jives completely with Pat Buchanan's Feb 16, 2004 column in which he wrote:
"In 1996, in a strategy paper crafted for Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith and David Wurmser urged him to 'focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power' as an 'Israeli strategic objective.' Perle, Feith, Wurmser were all on Bush's foreign policy team on 9-11. . .
On Jan. 1, 2001, nine months before 9-11, Wurmser called for U.S.-Israeli attacks 'to broaden the [Middle East] conflict to strike fatally . . . the regimes of Damascus, Baghdad, Tripoli, Teheran and Gaza . . . to establish the recognition that fighting with either the United States or Israel is suicidal.'
'Crises can be opportunities,' added Wurmser. On Sept. 11, opportunity struck."
The elimination of Saddam Hussein, Gadaffi, Mubarak (as well as the intended removal of Assad) are obviously part of long-range plan to throw the Middle East into chaos; 9-11 was the false-flag catalyst to make it happen. As to the probable purpose of this chaos, I could not summarize it better than Marcos has. Why else is the mainstream media suddenly publishing pictures of Palestinian victims, something it normally never does? They would love to enrage disorganized Muslims into fighting a war against Israel with its state-of-the art American weapons.
JG said (August 6, 2014):
The "global chess players" like the PNAC creators are made up with dual Israeli/American citizens. This makes them immune from prosecution in America because they are allowed to retreat to Israel without being tried as American citizens. Therefore, for all intensive purposes, they are a literally foreign agents operating with immunity and impunity.
This was NOT a Republican Party thing. The "Neo Cons" have successfully infiltrated both parties in Washington, Democrats and Republicans. The completed hijacking of the American Oval Office took place under the George Bush Administration with the suspension of the US Constitution after 911.
Like Bush, the present Obama White House is under their misdirection and mercy. The present Foreign Policy of America is authored by them with America being used as the military enforcer for the coming Marxist World Order Government both here and abroad. Homeland Security was also their creation designed to thwart any internal domestic opposition that challenges their plan or authority.
Washington is in complete denial of their own takeover by this foreign entity because their power is present in almost all governmental agencies as well as non governmental agencies.
What these politicians don't understand is that America will be "holding the ball" when Neo Cons like Richard Perle claim no responsibility for the PNAC agenda that has inflicted chaos on the Islamic Nations.They will turn on America in a "heartbeat" and proclaim themselves the victims once again.
America's last chance is to become Russia's friend and ally RIGHT NOW and break from these agents of the NWO who seek to destroy them and the world.