Tamara: "The photo at bottom left shows Opposition to Putin saying Putin is 100% a Jew ( his mother is a Jew and his father is a Jew). In Russia many Jewish people hide their Jewish origin or they do not know or do not want to know. Putin is a person who hides his Jewish origin but uses it in the corruption nets. Historians tried to find his ancestors but failed. Common Russians think that Putin is an ethnic Russian. If they understood that Putin is a Jew they would not vote for him. The picture bottom right shows Putin's resemblance to a Jew from Tsarist era."
(Editor Note: This article expresses a view little heard in Western circles, that with a few exceptions, Putin is a front for Jewish oligarchs, and is Jewish himself.
I cannot confirm these claims but present them for discussion. Clearly, Putin has done nothing significant to thwart veiled NATO aggression in Libya and Syria.)
The World asks, "Who is Putin?
A boy, "Vova," from a very poor family in Soviet Union became an uncrowned Tsar of Russia (1/6 of Earth's land), or rather the new global Shah of Oil and the richest man in the world.
It is not wise to be too curious about how the rich got their fortune, but many Russians wonder why they are so poor?
Why are they poorer than in the most difficult years of Soviet power, and why does Russia have so many orphans, as if in war?
The Russian economy is in decline, and almost nothing is done. Everything is purchased from abroad, even military equipment, although the Soviet Union was a leading exporter.
Russia has become a third world country, a raw materials appendage of the industrialized world.
In Russia, hydro power plants fail, ammunition depots explode, aircraft crash, ships sink, and trains collide. Islamic terrorists blow up houses, and kill Russian children. The audience of a whole theater was taken hostage.
Fire and arson, floods, countless natural and man-made disasters. Human relationships and families are degraded. The level of science, culture, health, education is in decline. Meanwhile palaces and luxury yachts are built for the super-rich.
In contrast, the housing of the poor is not repaired. There are more slums, and the countryside is depopulated. In the past 20 years, more people have died than from the invasion of Nazi Germany. Russia is losing one million people per year, mostly among the Slavs: Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians.
Russia excels some African countries in terms of corruption - 154th place out of 178th. The Russian press mentioned that Vladimir Putin has secret savings of more than 40 billion dollars.
People wonder how comrade Vladimir Putin could make a huge fortune and where he, a former Communist and KGB spy keeps his dollars? In the Kremlin?
The eternal question is: "Who Lives Well in Russia?" At different times, they were different people, but now everyone knows that life is only good for the super-rich oligarchs.

In Russia, most of new super-rich people are non-Christian descendants (the Jews), the ancestors of many of them lived in settlements of Hasidic sect in the West of the Russian Empire,in the small towns of Poland, Belarus and Ukraine, the present Smolensk region of Russia.
In the USSR there were hundreds of thousands of people honored and respected. But they were excluded from the new "Russian" super-rich, who appeared at the right time and the right place in Moscow in the entourage of President Yeltsin.
Who gave many millions and even billions of dollars to these Jewish oligarchs to take advantage of privatization in 1993 after the Soviet Union collapsed? Silence.
The majority of Russians are not Jewish. 80% of the country's 140 million people belong to Russian (Slavic) ethnicity , but due to inaccuracy of population census, only 80-90 million (about 65%) of population are considered Russians. Who are the other 35%? Most of them are Asians.
(George Soros support for Russian opposition may be designed to give Putin credibility.)
Political power is beyond the grasp of ethnic Russians. Putin's plan is to deprive them of jobs and governmental funds. Putin and his administration hire illegal cheap workers from the former Soviet Asian republics, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan to change the ethnic composition of the country.
In the streets of St. Petersburg and Moscow, Muslims hold their mass prayers, and sacrifice a sheep. The Muslim extremists have a dream to subjegate the ethnic Russians.
Putin has a plan to complete the extinction of ethnic Russians. "Russia needs about 50-70 million migrants (Muslims)," the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Nationalities Gadzhimet Safaraliev (a Muslim) said. http://www.rusimperia.info/news/id14841.html
Common Russians still believe that Putin is an ethnic Russian guy, one of them and give the votes to him and his party of super-rich Jews.
Putin is hiding his Jewish origin and supports not only Chabad, but the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). The majority of the Russian people (Russian Orthodox believers) are afraid of war, hunger, loss of homes, jobs and instinctively votes for the super-rich Thieves and Crooks of Putin's Jewish United Russia Party.
Since 1991 Russia has many deaths among ethnic Russians because of lack of food and homes, jobs. Since 1991 Russia lost about 30 million of ethnic Russians . Every year 1 city of a million disappears from a map of Russia.
Russia lost 27 million people during WWII , most of them were civilians ( ethnic Russians, Belorussians and Ukrainians) in territories occupied by the Nazi.
Here is more about Putin's criminality what explained by Putin's opponent, a writer Boris Mironov
Boris Mironov and his son Ivan were imprisoned by Putin for a hate "crime" of Putin's regime.
Shane said (January 5, 2013):
The European Union Collective" by Christopher Story is a must-read in order to understand what is happening in Russia. Mr Story, who was a British Intelligence Analyst, proves beyond reasonable doubt that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a strategic deception in accordance with Lenin's long-range plan for world revolution. The CPSU still exists despite having been officially banned, and controls all political parties in Russia and the "former" Soviet republics. Putin is their man. No doubt about it.