"Prometheus" - A Lesson in Illuminati Religion
June 28, 2012

Left - The Alien lifecycle by satanist H R Giger.Why should the alien be drawn inside an Illuminati pyramid, eye of houris and all ? Also notice vagina representation on top of pyramid.
We are living in the times of occultist Alice Bailey's Externalization of the Hierarchy, a time when the satanic plan for humankind would not be the property of a few initiates, but would be promoted openly.
by Marcos
Fans all over the world were anxiously waiting for the prequel of the Aliens movies, where actress Sigourney Weaver killed serpent-like aliens in what is considered some of the best horror/action movies of all time.
Unfortunately, fans were bitterly disappointed with what looked like a confusing, boring movie, full of plot holes. Was it possible that Ridley Scott, one of the best directors of our time, simply forgot how to make a good movie ?
Of course not. In reality, Scott was not concerned in entertaining people. He was supposed to pass a message, and he's performed his task very well.
The movie starts with a humanoid alien in a primordial planet (Earth?) drinking some DNA-changing black goo, which makes himself explode and create life in the oceans from strands of his chromosomes.
Fast forward to 2089. Some archeologists, including a Christian named Liz Shaw find several ancient paintings depicting a particular star system.
Peter Weyland, trillionaire CEO of the largest company on Earth, decides to send a spaceship to a planet on that star system, looking for the alien gods that visited Earth long ago.
Once there, the astronauts find a star-ship loaded with jars of the black goo and several dead giant human-looking aliens, the Engineers. It is revealed that the Engineers were on a journey to destroy Earth with the goo weapon, when something bad happened 2000 years ago that prevented the mission. Somehow, the evil serpent-like aliens grew from the goo and killed the humanoid aliens.
The astronauts wake up the last sleeping Engineer, who in turn, in an attempt to resume his mission, kills everybody with the exception of Liz, only to die later at the tentacles of a monster alien from the Aliens franchise.
Liz, with the help of David, an android built by Weyland, take control of another abandoned alien spaceship and instead of coming back to Earth to warn people, decide to go to the alien-gods planet in order to convince them not to exterminate humankind.
The movie touches many complex issues, but two subjects are the most important:
Weyland is a super genius, the richest man on Earth who probably would be presiding the Bilderberg meetings, knighted by the Queen and offered the Rothschild's daughters as brides. There is an interesting TED speech done for the promotion of the movie, where a young Weyland says that we are now gods because we can create cybernetic life, like the man-like robot David.
This is a very common theme in all Illuminati-driven movies and music: cyborgs, nanotechnology medical bots, all kinds of improvements on the "imperfect" body that God gave us, especially reserved for those few who can afford it.
However, fast forwarding some 50 years to the time of the movie, we see that even with his science, Weyland is dying.
Cybernetics can only go so far, and if man wants to live forever, he needs to evolve his DNA. The Engineers were the ones who created humankind, so Weyland thinks that they are the key for the continuation of our evolution, our next "jump".
However, he is arrogant in his demand for eternal life and the Engineer kills him instead. One can't approach a god this way.
The first message is this: humankind can only take the next step in evolution when it complies with (worships) the Engineers' plans and intentions.
Prometheus relies heavily on the works of Erich Von Daniken, the author of The Chariots of Gods and other works that affirmed that aliens created men. It also defends the views of people like Zachariah Stichin, who say that Sumerian gods from outer space, the Anunnaki, created men.
In their worldview, there is no space for the Christian God, judged to be a human fable. Obviously, in their perspective, these Engineers would return some day to help us save humans from ourselves.
Two particular scenes show the anti-Christian character of the movie. First, Jesus is depicted as an alien, who was sent to observe us but was instead killed.
That's why the punishing mission was started 2000 years ago. Ridley Scott confirmed this in interviews. Later, at the end of the movie, Liz, the Christian, takes back her crucifix necklace and is said to have had her faith returned.
In fact, she changed her faith, from a Jesus who is God, to a Jesus who is an alien. That's why she heads to the Engineer's planet, to meet this new Jesus.
So there we have it. Our real gods are aliens, and we need to drop our old religion and start worshiping them. Those who are worthy will receive a DNA boost that will make them become gods as they already are. This is the gift of Prometheus, the god who brought fire to humankind in a self-sacrificing manner.
We can't forget that other partners in this movie are also involved with Illuminati themes. James Cameron is the director of Avatar, The Abyss and Dark Angel, and is an insider activist for the new world order.

We are living in the times of occultist Alice Bailey's Externalization of the Hierarchy, a time when the satanic plan for humankind would not be the property of a few initiates, but would be promoted openly. However, the poison inside the plan will never be advertised.
The aliens who have been contacting the occultists don't come in material form; they don't land a ship in their backyards. They come as spirits, as demonic entities who possess mediums in order for them to write their books. The orbs we see in Youtube are not solid UFOs; they are apparitions. It is a spiritual phenomenon.
Another thing they won't say is that only a few elect will be chosen to participate and lead the New World Order. Not everybody will merit the enhancements. In fact, most of humankind is useless and will have to be disposed of, especially if they don't agree to serve the masters.
According to the Bible, aliens already visited the planet and messed with our DNA (Genesis 6:1-4). They were fallen angels who had intercourse with women and generated hybrids called Nephilim. These turned out to be utterly evil creatures who had to be exterminated by God in the Flood in order to protect human genetic purity, and the eventual birth of Christ.
Some Christian authors like Douglas Hamp and L. A. Marzulli believe that Satan will eventually deal the same trick in the end times, with the goal of polluting humankind's genoma, perhaps with some kind of DNA tampering substance linked with the mark of the Beast (a beast is not a pure man).
If we think that Jesus Himself said that the time of His coming would be like the times of Noah, when Nephilim roamed the earth, we should listen to what they have to say.
Also in the Bible we read about a coming Great Delusion, some kind of lying trick so huge that only God's hand can protect people from believing in it. The number of Illuminati sponsored movies such as Knowing, with the elite's darling Nicholas Cage, and Mission to Mars, along with the huge media attention to UFOs suggest that some alien contact is on its way.
These guys, who are really demonic beings in disguise, will require that we throw away all old religion and embrace them, and the man of their choosing, the anti Christ, as savior.
There is a great chance that the Satanic elite is programing us to accept some kind of genetic tampering with the promise of a quick evolution progress, freedom from disease or paranormal powers.
They will say this is a gift from the aliens who created our DNA in the first place. Perhaps these aliens will be there to vouch for this claim. Remember that the Bible says that there are aliens; they are called holy and also fallen angels.
The tampering with the genome is obviously in disobedience to God's command to not harm the body, which is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, which should be used it to honor God (1 Cor 6:19-20). We already see a growing trend in piercings, tattoos, scarring and horrible mutilations today, which contradict this command.
An injection of mutating DNA is only the next step. Maybe that is why those who receive the mark of the Beast can't be redeemed anymore, because they cease to be fully human.
Prometheus is a movie where there are simply too many Illuminati signals to ignore, or dismiss as coincidence. It is a message of what is coming our way.
They want us to think that Prometheus (Lucifer) is a benevolent, self sacrificing god who is giving us the light. In truth, we should regard Prometheus as a drug dealer who gives us the gift of crack cocaine. Caveat emptor.
For another take-- Aspen: "Prometheus, Another Illuminati Home Movie"
Hamid said (June 29, 2012):
most striking part of this movie was denial of God, who is the creator. We don't have to go to another galaxy to find God. God is loving, merciful, caring, wanting the best of this world that he has created for us. God is with us every second.
This movie tried to tell us life is all destruction and darkness; that there is no hope, even if we travel to anther galaxy. We should not believe in their deceit.