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"Just Don't Give In"

September 9, 2011

chinatank.jpeg"When it comes to fighting the moral decay, remember it is not progress and enlightenment, as they would have you believe.  It is a calculated attack on our God- given sense of right and wrong, an appeal to our need to belong, to convince you to go along with the group, as if evil stops being evil if it is widely practiced."

by Michael McLean

Michael McLean: "I am a normal working father of 3, who in his 43 years has seen our society be subverted from within-hardcore porn went from illegal to ubiquitous in Ontario.  Same with gambling.  I am tired of seeing good people dragged down into the mire.  If one person reads your site and keeps resisting because of it I'll be happy.  Time is not something I have in abundance as besides working, my son has autism and diabetes, so he gets most of any free time I do have."


One of the pearls of wisdom Thoreau left us with was "...simplify". 

Every media source is pushing us toward evil, whether it be pornography, Zionism,  homosexual/pedophile normalizing propaganda or just run-of-the-mill mind numbing television programs designed to limit the public's ability to think independently. 

So what can be done?  How can those who wish to resist find the strength? 

The answer is actually surprisingly simple-so simple that it is easy to miss in the cacophony of sin we're surrounded with:  Just don't give in.

Evil cannot defeat you; you have to give in to it first.  You have to stop fighting, and as long as you don't stop, evil is actually powerless over you. 

If you refuse to believe the lies, evil cannot defeat you. If you refuse to be one of Fozdyke's sheeple, his false god cannot defeat you. 

This is the secret the Satanists don't understand:  they are the ones who have lost, defeated by their own surrender to evil.  

Fozdyke tries to induce it himself with his foolish bragging, trying to make us believe we cannot win, when in fact we already have, and it is he and his compatriots that are on the long march to their own doom.  


Why have we not declared war on evil itself, instead of its symptoms?

There will be people who will say that good and evil are subjective, that we cannot defeat it because we can't even agree on what it is.  They have already bought what the Satanists are selling.  The difference between good and evil is as simple as this:  One is the way of giving, one is the way of getting.  I am sure you can discern for yourself which one is which.  

We also need to stop looking the other way.  We need to open our eyes, see evil where it is and shout to the sky "This is wrong!  This is evil and I will not accept it!" 

It's all right in front of you .  Why do we say we as a society want to protect children and then give repeat offending pedophiles offensively light sentences?  Why do we tolerate slavery in our midst (prostitution)?  Why do we allow corporations to pollute and destroy in the name of profit? 

Why do we tolerate corruption in elected officials?  Does anyone even think adultery is wrong anymore?  How about porn?  Are you ok with some guy masturbating to your drug-addicted daughter having brutally demeaning rough sex with two or three Viagra powered men?  No?  Then what makes it ok for other people's daughters?  And what about slave labour?  Just fine as long as it's in a far away country and you get cheaper shoes, right?

When it comes to fighting the moral decay in our society, remember that this is not a natural evolution, it is not a natural development towards enlightened thought, as they would have you believe.  It is a calculated attack on our God given sense of right and wrong, an attempt to appeal to your need to belong, to convince you to go along with the group, as if evil stops being evil if it is widely practiced.

It doesn't.  It never will.  If you keep that thought with you, evil will never defeat you.  And it is not someone else's job to overcome evil, it is yours so do it, or don't be surprised when it overcomes you.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for ""Just Don't Give In" "

Al said (September 10, 2011):

I liked your article as it starts in a direction that all of us should try to understand. Evil is already destroyed by its very nature. For me, I don't bother fighting it so much as I don't want to engage in it at all. I try not to respond to it because I don't want to make it any more important. Evil cannot be fixed, so there isn't any reason to attempt it. Evil must be separated from and held at arm's length or as far as one can get from it. There's nothing good about evil and in the 64 years I have lived, I never, ever, got anything good out of doing evil. The real fight comes when the evil tries to include me. This is where I resist. And this is why I emphasize God's commandments. I want to live in peace and I encourage people to do the same.

I don't go to any religious group because I don't want to commit idolatry; I trust God but I don't trust religions..any of them. I only believe in the God who created the heavens and the earth and all life. I can see the evidence of God through the creation. Creation is the evidence of God; creation is not God. I don't swear oaths because that would be taking the Lord's name in vain. I certainly don't want to kill anyone, and I have to be careful not to lie. I don't fornicate anymore because every time I did, I got paid back for it. Sexual sin is one of the most destructive forces that plagues mankind.

By keeping the commandments, life becomes more simplified and much more peaceful. And while all of us get tempted to commit some sin almost everyday, if we resist those inclinations, then we can have a better life. To the extent that I am able to keep the commandments, my life always seems to be much better. This is the only thing that works to my benefit.

Anymore, I depend less upon the written word and more upon logic and common sense. For instance, I don't need a book to tell me that God exists. My faith in God is confirmed by what I observe in nature. Because while a lot of writings have value, they can also be twisted to give the reader the wrong impression. By twisting writings, Satan can accomplish a lot of destruction. So when I read something, it has to make sense and be confirmed by my observation before I accept it as truth.

Government, religion, and most of the media promote hatred and moral chaos. By separating our minds from them we can live a more productive life. Using the commandments as an anchor for the mind and soul seems to me to be the most productive thing anyone can do to improve his lot in life. Evil has nothing going for it and it is of no service to anyone or anything.

Jeffrey said (September 10, 2011):

Decline is right on time. These are indeed the last days, though we have the victory through the Blood of Jesus Christ. As the days get darker I implore those of you who believe to keep on praying. The fervent prayer of the righteous avails much. Henry I can't thank you enough for your work and I can't thank Mr. Rense enough for giving you the platform to disseminate your messages of hope. Please be encouraged and keep up your efforts. "The only thing it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing." Ed Burke.

Lao Tzu said (September 10, 2011):

"Would you like to save the world from the degradation and destruction it seems destined for? Then step away from shallow mass movements and quietly go to work on your own self-awareness. If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation."

Dan said (September 10, 2011):

A great and accurate article.

I like the photo you put with this article, Henry. The Tank Man. I first saw it in my girlfriend's apartment, as a poster, in 1989. I've been inspired by that man ever since.

Most in this country are either angry, or afraid, or both. So most choose not to fight the evil that is shoved down their throat often, and daily. Their silence is another evil, and they don't even realize it. Most walk around with the attitude, "I got mine, so you get yours". They want to keep what they have, so addressing such evil that is present may risk losing what they have. Their world is all about me, instead of we. It makes me sick.

When I was a patient in a mental ward of a hospital two years or so ago, I met a fellow patient who was a Vietnam war, award winning, navy seal. This guy is incredible, and he is ostracized by the very people he chose to protect.

My point is, heroes are not celebrated by our society. Their acts are often beyond the comprehension of your average American citizen. So it seems, heroes are either patients on mental wards, or in prison, often. Society attacks what it chooses not to understand.

Imagine living your life void of anger or fear..... It's an incredible experience- you are much more aware of things than those saturated by anger and fear. A hero, by definition, is one who is part mortal, and part deity. Most chase around trying to be in God's favor. What if you act as if God is part of you? That is what a hero is...........he or she is not a Christian- they are Christ instead, which is a much better way to live your life.

“I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ.” ---Gandhi

Dane said (September 9, 2011):

This is a nice article & i agree on resisting evil. the scriptures are many that pertain to this. the lord says in the book of timothy to resist the devil & he will flee from you. you must make an effort to confront what comes at you. that is why you are admonished to be sober & on your guard with the whole armor of god against the wiles of satan. too many people are partying & under the influence to understand. in the lord's prayer we are told not to make up words of our own but recite the lord's prayer & in that we pray to be delivered from evil. also not lead to temptation. forget made up so-called prayer, all you need are the words of Jesus himself.

if we would simply understand these things a burden would be lifted & we could be lead to a godly understanding that jesus admonished himself. come unto me all ye who are heavy laden & i will give you rest unto your souls. all the forces of evil have nothing over this. we wrestle not with flesh & blood but the powers & principalities of wickedness & evil in high places. ephesians 6:12

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at