Our Friend, Philip Jones Died of Stomach Cancer Today
November 24, 2012

Age: 51
Gender: Male
Astrological Sign: Aries
Zodiac Year: Dog
Industry: Law Enforcement or Security
Occupation: Retired Police Officer
Location: Neath : Wales : United Kingdom
About Me
Arnold Swarzenneger said, "My relationship to power and authority is that I'm all for it. People need somebody to watch over them. Ninety-five percent of the people in the world need to be told what to do and how to behave." This statement is typical of the Totalitarian mentality of the Luciferians and the antithesis of who I am and what I believe in. For people to have any chance at life, liberty and happiness, government interference in the lives of private citizens must be kept at an absolute minimum. The Hidden Power which controls world events has been busy building fences around our lives, whilst our wives went shopping and we watched the football. Now, the choice is stark and singular; we either take back responsibility from those who would deny us the right to self determination, or submit to slavery. There is no `third way.`
Should The State be Your Servant, Or You Its Slave?
I am a guest Columnist with www.rense.com and very proud to be so. My main interests are all embroiled in what is known as the Global Conspiracy to create a tyrannical world state. This is what I read about and what I write about. Other interests include Historical research Full Contact Sports Weight Training and spending time with Max my young Labrador DOG. I have a passion for Pakistani cuisine and American Food cooked `country style ` neither of which as readilly available here in DK.
Favorite Movies
Troy Kingdom Of Heaven Braveheart Gladiator Sword Of Lancelot Open Range and Tombstone
Favorite Music
Verdi Puccini Wagner Evanescence Classical Arabic Music and dramatic film scores
Favorite Books
Terrorism And The Illuminati by David Livingstone The Death Of The West by Pat Buchanan Fallen Angels by Elizabeth Claire Prophet Genesis Of The Grail Kings by Lawrence Gardner The Prince Of This World by William Carr Illuminati `The Cult That Hijacked The World ` by Henry Makow (also Cruel Hoax by same).My Blogs
Team Members
The Righteous Alliance
Blogs I Follow
"Musings of a Dead Man"
Alexandru about Denmark
Notes From the American Southwest
Truth at any cost
Philip's Writing on Righteous Alliance
Articles by Philip on this Site:
Silence of the Lambs
Report from the Danish Gender Gulag
On Feminism
Michael said (November 28, 2009):
It is with a heavy heart that I learned on your website about the passing of Philip Jones. Over the past two years he and I have been writing e-mails back and forth and he has been an endless source of knowledge on all things NWO for me, in addition to just being a wonderful guy. Less than two months ago I had written him an e-mail in general chit-chat, sent him a few pics of my dog (miniature Dachshund), and asked him some questions on mind-control subjects (eventually, I'll get around to asking you, but right now I'm so tired and so very very sad). He had written back and told me that he was feeling a bit under the weather, but had never mentioned the seriousness of what was going on. We have lost a very powerful ally and warrior for truth and freedom, but may his torch burn brightly forever.