Operation Sandy
December 1, 2012

Was this storm a natural disaster or was it man-made?
Since the founding of New Amsterdam, aka New York City, 500 years ago, there has never been a storm such as this; with the ocean rising up to cover Lower Manhattan and other low-lying area.
Another peculiar coincidence is that the storm struck the coast exactly at the moment of the full-moon, which was the night of October 29th / 30th, 2012, meaning the tidal effects were at their greatest. (Was this coincidental?)
New York Port Officials say that the full Moon raised the level of the ocean tide by five feet, while the hurricane's surge added another nine. These two factors combined to created a 14-foot rise in the ocean's surface which flooded the whole coast.
On a summer's day, the sun rises and begins to heat the ground and whatever is on it -- plants, oceans, lakes or streams.
This causes moist, heated air to rise and form clouds.
This warmed air continues to rise until it hits a barrier which is the cooler air above in the stratosphere.
As the day goes on, the sun goes lower and the moist clouds begin to cool and the stratospheric cooler air presses down upon the moist clouds. And if these clouds become chilled below their dew point, the result is rain. That is how the weather engine works.
But the U. S. Chemtrail Air Force hates normal weather. Its purpose is to destroy it.
They fly hundreds of old retired commercial aircraft which they have converted into spray-tankers. These tankers carry huge loads of powdered aluminum and boron dust which is sprayed from the highest altitudes they can achieve. The dust is light and it hangs in the air for the rest of the day. What it is does is to reverse the normal workings of the weather machine in order to create drought.
This aluminum and boron dust is abnormally heated by the Sun. Now, when the moisture laden surface air rises, it is not capped by a normal cold layer of air but, rather, it rises up and up into the artificially heated stratospheric air.
Chem trails cause Sandy?
..i dunno, thou i know "chem trailing" is a fact. I live near an air force base, so i see this all the time. But there are also very convincing natural explanations for Sandy.
Natural factors at the time, or just before the formation of Sandy:
-Awakening El Nino
Sandy sucked warm air from the mid-American area the weak El Nino was warming at the time, and you can see this from the NASA-video linked below.
Satellite data also show "ocean hot spots" below Jamaica just before Sandy started forming (October 13).
Latest El Niño/La Niña Watch Data Archive
-Jet Stream dipping very low played a part, and this is also visible in the NASA-videos and images.
NASA Satellites Capture Hurricane Sandy's Massive Size
Oct. 30, 2012
-Positive phase of AMO brings weird weather (Positive-AMO warms Northern Atlantic and causes flooding and rain in some places, drought somewhere else. So might be a factor behind the US droughts, along with La Nina that ended earlier this year.)
Frequently Asked Questions About the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO)
pzt said (December 3, 2012):
Alex Jones had a caller on who identified himself as a Police officer. He said that they were being warned of an "event" in October that was going to require the air and ground forces. While it might not have been an economic event or something requiring them to confiscate guns, it certainly was a major event.
They might have changed their plan somewhat because it got out to a degree.
Jim', a Police Officer Warns of an "Event" in October, 2012: Alex Jones Show