Obama's Masonic Ring and Handshake
July 19, 2010
This was translated from the Spanish website Xfiles. It clearly demonstrates that Obama was part of the Masonic conspiracy from a young age, and does not represent the interests of the American people.

Picture of young Obama at the graduation of Punahou School in Hawaii. Expert observers affirm it is a Masonic handshake. Observe how Obama's hand is practically horizontal, when normally, it would be vertical.

This symbol in reality is a satanic emblem, because it represents a supposed crucified Christ upside down, in a triangular cross as a goose's foot, of special significance to satanists. The figure of the inverted crucified is, in turn, inside a circle, which represents the Devil.
Could it be an innocent pendant of the First Lady? Of course not.
Encore: "The First Time I Heard of Barack"
Prince Hall Freemasonry
Thanks to "J" for sending this link.
Ralph said (July 19, 2010):
And don't forget Zbigniew Brzezinski was head of the faculty when Obama attended Columbia. They probably have 100s, or who knows, maybe 1000s of people like him at their disposal. I just can't get my head around this mind control, i mean, the fact it is possible to create these robotic characters, multiple personalities etc....... Is Obama seriously evil, or does he just not care about anything but superstar status? Is he a mindless actor, or a reincarnation of some evil Pharao ?!? hahah