Slip-of-Tongue - Mossad Did London Terror Attack
March 14, 2016
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March 14, 2016
AS said (March 14, 2016):
Aaron Greene and Morgan Gliedman were guilty as hell.
They got off light; outside NYC, no one even heard about their legal problems.
Does a tree that falls in forest make noise?
That depends.
But it won’t be reported by American mass media if rich Zionist Jews cut it down.
JG said (March 14, 2016):
It's really unfair to give the Israeli Mossad all the credit for international terrorism. The host nations that they occupy whether knowingly or unknowingly have aided and abetted them in their acts of terror.
The Mossad has been very good at selling American and English leaders of the urgency and need for false flag terrorism in order to establish a world peace. A need for small wars in order to prevent bigger wars.
Even with the false flag terror act of 911 Americans still can't believe that their own government would be complicit and allied with a foreign entity that's using them as a shill in the grand scheme of the global chessboard.
The patsies in this article here are a sad bunch of CIA wannabes who were in serious need of getting a life.
JG said (March 14, 2016):
It's really unfair to give the Israeli Mossad all the credit for international terrorism. The host nations that they occupy whether knowingly or unknowingly have aided and abetted them in their acts of terror.
The Mossad has been very good at selling American and English leaders of the urgency and need for false flag terrorism in order to establish a world peace. A need for small wars in order to prevent bigger wars.
Even with the false flag terror act of 911 Americans still can't believe that their own government would be complicit and allied with a foreign entity that's using them as a shill in the grand scheme of the global chessboard.
The patsies in this article here are a sad bunch of CIA wannabes who were in serious need of getting a life.
SH said (January 27, 2013):
Gordon Duff claims to be a self-hating Jew...
says his momma is Jewish
he is a "former" CIA agent - military intelligence - no wonder he feeds 40% disinfo...
an admitted employee of the US gov...
- oy vey zey vill execute me - zey vill shoot me if I don't write some lies...zees Nazis are out zere!
I mean...why the fuck doesn't he just quit writing?
his stance on Libya and Syria is the dead giveaway -
as to where his true loyalties lie - and he's senile anyways...
some of the half-truths he puts out are far worse than any of the lies coming outta the new york times....
he peddles the myth that Nadal Hasan and Breivik were lone gunmen in the shootings that happened....I am not sure Major Hasan was even involved...and Breivik couldn't have pulled off such a huge operation all by himself and without a shadow of doubt is an idiot patsy/scapegoat to a far bigger crime!!!
Andrew said (January 26, 2013):
If these kids were the best the Mossad could hire, the world would be a much safer place.
They are a bigger threat to themselves than to the rest of us.
I don't know the law in NY, but in Texas possession of illegal explosives (on private property) alone without intention to use in some further criminal enterprise would not carry a heavy criminal sentence.
And seven grams of HMTD wouldn't be enough for a 4th of July party.
Equal to about 10 Cherry Bombs.
Leaves me with the feeling there must be more to the case we are not being told.
Dan said (January 25, 2013):
Oh I don't agree with that. There's plenty to see here, but the court, cops and media have effectively sealed the case. The cop ruling 'They're well-to-do junkies not terrorists' is preposterous.
Neither Morgan or Aaron look or act like heroin addicts. Junkies are notoriously non-violent, passive. It's a personality type that's drawn to that kind of high. Aaron Greene doesn't fit the profile. Now if the cops said he was dealing heroin to rich junkies in the Village, that fits. But then they'd both be looking at serious time, wouldn't they?
The junkie frame is a sympathy ploy, and it also distracts attention from the real questions. The shotguns aren't a big deal, but why were they making bombs? Was other literature found in the apartment besides terrorist manuals? What political organizations have they ever been involved with? Have they visited foreign countries known to export terrorism? If so, how long, how often, and where did they stay, and with whom.
I've been researching the story and have found no answers to these questions and I don't expect to. An New York newspaper has the resources to give us a complete bio on this couple, but they're doing a snow job instead.
And this from the Jan 10 New York Post;
"The Nazi-loving Harvard grad busted with bomb-making materials in his Greenwich Village apartment was planning to blow up the Washington Arch with high-grade explosives, police officials said."
"Law enforcement also characterized Greene as an Adolf Hitler-wannabe. Greene allegedly signed off on several letters with the lightning bolt symbol commonly associated with Hitler's SS. In one missive, he repeatedly used the word 'kill' and the phrase 'kill them all,' sources said.
'Greene told his girlfriend's parents that his grandfather was a Nazi during WWII,' said one law enforcement source."
Do they really expect us to believe this shit?
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Ed said (March 14, 2016):
They could not accomplish much with the stuff they had in their apartment. With the literature it reminds one of the ridiculous "how to fly a 747" manual the 911 patsies supposedly left behind in their car. This Mossad cell probably held this stuff to plant on a Moslem or "right wing" patsy later.