Not Being Gay is Now a Crime
May 21, 2012

LATEST!!! (MAY 21)
Duran Ravi gets 30 days in jail and $10,000 fine -- Since when is "insensitivity" and "invasion of privacy" a crime?
Ask yourself, if someone spied on heterosexuals making out, would they go to jail? There is no evidence that Ravi's act caused Tyler to commit suicide. In fact, there is evidence he took it in stride.
The only people who have "human rights" are those groups sponsored by the Illuminati to undermine the social fabric.
Defend Dharun Ravi -The 20/20 Interview
Update: May 5,2012 Sentencing Memo
by Henry Makow Ph.D
Dharun Ravi, 20, is facing 10 years in prison for little more than a college prank because our Illuminati controllers desperately need to find another "homophobe."
His hate crime? In Sept. 2010, remotely he turned on his webcam for a couple of minutes and caught his gay Rutgers roommate, Tyler Clementi, making out with a man. He tweeted about this to his friends.
On Sept 22, he considered doing this again but Clementi, who read the tweets, disabled the computer.
Nevertheless, that night, for no apparent reason, Clementi decided to throw himself off George Washington Bridge. Since he scouted out the bridge earlier that year, he was obviously a disturbed person with suicide on his mind.
Ravi didn't post any video on the Internet; yet on March 16, 2012, he was found guilty of "invasion of privacy" and "bias intimidation" (hate crime) punishable by up to 10 years.
Illuminati social engineers need to turn Tyler Clementi into a Gay Martyr in order to guilt society into adopting homosexuality as normal and healthy.
And for Clementi to be a martyr, Ravi must be a hater.
Unfortunately for them, Ravi is anything but. He is an intelligent, personable young man who emailed Clementi moments too late:
"I've known you were gay and I have no problem with it. In fact one of my closest friends is gay and he and I have a very open relationship. I just suspected you were shy about it which is why I never broached the topic. I don't want your freshman year to be ruined because of a petty misunderstanding, it's adding to my guilt. You have a right to move if you wish but I don't want you to feel pressured to without fully understanding the situation."

The problem is that a debilitating developmental disorder is being forced on 98% of the population by the Illuminati bankers and their traitorous minions in media and government. The purpose is to subjugate us.
The 98% who have a visceral and healthy distaste for homosexuality have no rights.
If you read, "A Story of a Suicide," a 10,000-word account by Ian Parker in The New Yorker (Feb 6), it becomes apparent that this tragedy was caused by forcing homosexuality on heterosexuals.
Dharun Ravi was a 19-year-old with little understanding of homosexuality but no animosity for homosexuals either.
On numerous occasions, Clementi asked Ravi to give up his room so Clementi could entertain older men that he met online.
Is Dharun Ravi a criminal because he felt imposed upon?
Is he a criminal because he was curious or possibly repulsed? (He literally didn't know why he was being asked to leave. He was stunned when he saw images of the two men kissing.)
Is he a criminal because he was afraid Clementi's "guests" might take his possessions?
Then a normal heterosexual is a criminal.
Forcing heterosexuals to live with homosexuals and be party to their sex acts is the real invasion of privacy and crime.
Dharun Ravi was clearly uncomfortable. He used his dresser to create a private cubicle where he could change unobserved. He naturally feared unwanted sexual advances.
He came from an Indian family that, unlike degenerate Westerners, was still in touch with reality.
He worried about what his dad would say: "I don't really care," he said, "except for what my dad is going to say. My dad is going to throw [Clementi] out the window."
The hysteria generated by this case shows that Western society has lost its grip on reality. (Thanks to Ian Parker and The New Yorker for helping to maintain it.)
The Illuminati mafia is calling for Dharun Ravi's blood. Equality Forum, a national gay rights organization, called Ravi's actions "shocking, malicious and heinous" and urged he be found guilty of manslaughter.
"My heart is breaking for their families, their friends and for a society that continues to let this happen," Ellen DeGeneres opined. "There are messages everywhere that validate this kind of bullying and taunting and we have to make it stop. We can't let intolerance and ignorance take another kid's life."
What bullying? None took place. We are not condoning it.
This is a feeble excuse to impose homosexual norms on heterosexuals.
Gay and lesbian groups are calling for more attacks on heterosexuals such as removing gender distinctions in campus bathrooms and housing.
This is what satanic possession looks like: People champion and protect what is sick and self destructive, and reject what is healthy and natural.
We are being turned into homosexuals in the sense that, like most homosexuals, increasingly we have sex but not families. Civilization will continue to decline if we allow the nuclear family to be destroyed.
We will prove the Illuminati right: Human beings are too stupid to be free, and must be kept in captivity.
Dharun Ravi isn't buying it, and neither should we.
"Dharun Ravi" I'm Not Responsible for Clementi's Death
Calls to ban "gay propaganda" in Russia
Is this Gay Behavior Sick?
Bullying is another Illuminati PsyOp
Society Blind to Psy War on Heterosexuals
It's OK to Say "That's So Gay"
Why All Porn is Gay
Peter said (March 30, 2012):
This really shows that even when a nine bob note has a moment of sanity and decides to throw himself off a bridge the sick brigade start looking around for the nearest normal person to blame.
Its not just uphill gardeners that are affected in this way when American soldiers return from their overseas murderfest the true enormity of the realization of what they have done leads many of them to hit reset. Of all social groups American soldiers have the highest suicide rate. I don't see any of them blaming Buddhists for the dilemma. That would be bad Karma