NATO Spooked by Afghan Laws Upholding Patriarchy
April 3, 2009

Apart from drugs, oil and the need for perpetual war, Afghanistan is about bringing the blessings of Western feminism to women there. We are giving them the benefit of promiscuous sex, STD's, abortion, unemployment, lesbianism, divorce and single motherhood.
However this bonanza is threatened by Hamid Karzai's new laws which enshrine the Patriarchy. Accordingly, a woman cannot refuse sex for more than four days. Headlines in the West (where sex is mostly confined to random short-term encounters) are screaming "legalized rape!"
The laws also stipulate that women cannot seek work, education or even leave the house without their husband's permission. The law grants custody of children to fathers and grandfathers.
Since the Afghan war is little understood, "women's rights" has been a fig leaf for imperialism. So, Westerners are expressing consternation that Hamid Karzai is actually "worse than the Taliban."
The gnashing of teeth is particularly acute in Canada which has invested $3 billion and more than 120 lives in the Afghan "mission." (Another $750,000 is being spent in Canada to brainwash the locals i.e. "projects designed to engage young Muslims and non-Muslims in discussions about discrimination, violence and human rights.")
Defence Minister Peter McKay said Karzai's "legislation won't fly." NATO members would be pushing Afghanistan for answers. Remember Karzai is NOT their puppet. (I estimate that an additional 220,000 soldiers will be required to patrol Afghan bedrooms.)
Isn't democracy great? Karzai is responding to political pressure in Afghanistan in the run-up to an election. The law is much improved from its original form. For example, the marriage age was raised from nine to 16.
Like men, women are programmable. They are vulnerable to propaganda stigmatizing family and glorifying "careers" instead. Islam has a right to defend itself from an insidious indoctrination program such as has befallen us in the West.
I don't agree with the new laws. The fastest way to alienate a wife from sex is to make it mandatory. The home should not be a prison and women should be free to lead the lives they want.
But we don't have the right to force our values on other cultures. How would we like if Taliban arrived in Europe and America with tanks and jet fighters? If their drones mistook us for insurgents and massacred us at our picnics? (The real rape is what we are doing to Afghanistan.)
How would we like if they forced our women to give up their careers, raise their children and keep house? If they flogged girls who were caught texting nude pics, showing their thongs, or "hooking up"? If they banned usury, gambling, pornography and prostitution? If they persecuted homosexuals and lesbians? If they banned obscenity, violence and sex from TV and movies? If they prohibited bacon, alcohol and drugs? If they forced everyone to pray to Allah five times a day?

Masquerading as "women's rights," feminism uses women to emasculate men. It destroys the Muslim family, and with it Muslim society and culture. It is designed to sap their resistance and make them docile mindless consumers.
So I applaud Hamid Karzai and hope he sticks to his guns. Let's respect their culture and religion. These are human rights. Let's show some respect and tolerance.
See also my "Burkha Vs Bikini-The Debauchery of American Womanhood"
Latest- Karzai Will Review Law-Doesn't Back Down
Afghan MPs Defend Law
BW said (April 4, 2009):
I was looking though a pamphlet on women's abuse issued by the Nova Scotia government that my girlfriend had. It was interesting that on the same page it said a male partner forcing a female partner to have sex was abuse, but so was
a male partner withholding sex from the female partner.
Also on the same page, abuse is described as the male partner not wanting the female partner to spend time with her friends and family, as well as the male partner spending time with his friends and family instead of the female partner.
These are just two examples of plain double standards and ethical contradictions. Other forms of abuse are the male partner asking where the female has been or asking her to
check in, and making any intrusion into the female's finances. There was a list
of about 40 things considered abuse, some of them were serious and obvious but most were trivial and just part of general human relations. It recommended that the female should end the relationship if "some" of these were experienced by her.
Anyway, I just wanted to share my experience with this government endorsed gynocentric hate literature.