Is New Oz PM Head of Satanist Lodge?
July 13, 2010

by Henry Makow Ph. D
In a dramatic coup June 24 2010, Julia Gillard took over as Prime Minister from Kevin Rudd and became Australia's first female
Gillard is the first PM to be unmarried
and a lesbian. (She is in a relationship with Tim Mathieson - who is a "beard.") She is the first PM to be sworn in without
making reference to God. (Gillard is an atheist and has no religious
A reader has suggested that Gillard is head of the Satanic Alpha lodge of Sydney ("Australia`s global satanic legacy and future.")
This is based on the posthumous confessions of a leading Australian Satanist "Frater 616":
"Some of the deadliest, most effective and disarming assassins
are women. Within the Alpha Lodges they are worshipped as embodiments
of the Dark Goddess - who is known by many names and is virgin still!
Currently the Outer Head of the Alpha Lodge Australasia is a very
highly placed and successful Federal politician - whose Satanic name is
We asked Aloysius Fozdyke, (the man who brought Frater 616's testimony to the world,) to comment. He is a member of the Alpha Lodge and we assume acts with their authorization.
His reply on the "Bestia"-Gillard connection: " I'd rather not comment at this stage."
Our reader continues, "there is only one female politician in Australia who fits "Frater 616"`s allusions to a "t"; and that person is Julia Gillard."
He says, "a closer study of photos of Julia Gillard (as well as ... European High Commissioner Herman van Rompuy, btw) clearly point to psycho-pathological traits - in Ms Gillard`s case those of the sadistic personality type. I would therefore venture the claim that Ms. Gillard is not only "a communist lesbian", but that she is in fact the head of the Satanic Alpha lodge - the "Bestia" mentioned by Frater 616; and the very person whose predilection is ritual child abuse."
Our reader continues:"In the same manner as Mr. van Rompuy has been placed at the very epicentre of European power (by his handlers Brzezinski and Kissinger; who "just happened to dine with him" in Belgium, on the very night of his election in November 2009.)"
"Ms. Gillard has now been placed in control of the south-east Asian region, quite possibly in preparation for the soon-to-be implementation of specific "new rules of societal conduct" be dictated by these very circles."
"Please also note these further clues:
1) Ms. Gillard is childless; although she obviously "enjoys" (as
previous minister
of education) concerning herself with children, she does not (as stated
in an ABC interview of 2009) "especially like them".
"2) Ms. Gillard is "an atheist". Oh really? this might not be wholly
dishonest, but
actually a half-truth: if Ms. Gillard`s master is Satan ("the lord of
this world"), as I would suggest, then she is -true to her beliefs-
simply "hiding" this fact "in plain sight", as Satanists are wont to
"3) Ms. Gillard came to power very suddenly and in a most conniving
"unusual" fashion; this would seem to point to hidden strings being
strings such as those found in secret societies and brought to bear at
the crucial time - and with deadly force. Further "enjoyment" is then
drawn from the distress and shock of the opponent; in our case from the
tearful downfall of Kevin Rudd (who would seem as decent a human
being as they come, in the guise of politicians anyway.)
4) Ms Gillard is currently the only "highly placed and successful federal (female) politician"...her curriculum vitae, her views, as well as her highly suspect private life and "preferences" fit Frater 616`s description perfectly. all said, I`m sure that by following this admittedly still rather basic line of enquiry, others (perhaps more at home in Australian politics) will be able to add further evidence to my thesis.
In conclusion, the thesis that Gillard is the Head of an important Satanic Lodge is consistent with the claims made by both Frater 616 and Fozdyke that leading members of society, especially politicians, are Satanists. The fact that Fozdyke declines to comment is significant.
Here is the rest of the original article by "Matt" on Gillard. She certainly fits the profile in light of the occult and satanic roots of Communism and Lesbianism:
She was sworn in by Australia's first female Governor General
(Quentin Bryce.) Bryce has held numerous high offices with the aim of
advancing women's and "minority" rights at the expense of the Australia's European majority. Bryce's daughter is married to
Bill Shorten who was pivotal in binging Gillard into the office of PM.
When she was at high school, Gillard was mentored by the Jewish liberal (i.e. Communist) Marlene Pilowski. When
she moved to Melbourne to attend university, she became the Education
Vice President of the left wing (i.e. Communist) AUS (Australian Union of
Students), and later was its President.
Gillard was in the Socialist Forum
from her university days. The forum's
objectives were to create a socialist / feminist society through Labor
governments. It originally consisted of ex-members of the Victorian
branch of the Communist Party and some ALP members. Gillard was one
of the two original paid organizers of the Forum. She wrote numerous
documents for the Socialist Forum including 'Being a Socialist Teacher'
and 'Future Directions of the Left'. It was also through the Forum that
she met Labor heavy-weight Joan Kirner and worked closely with her on
Labor's Affirmative Action Plan. Gillard wrote the
constitution for the pro-abortion feminist organization EMILY's List
(in Australia), which supports "progressive" Labor women.
In 2006, when in opposition,
Gillard voted for legalizing the abortion pill RU486 and for stem cell research, which both became law. In March 2010, when
she was Education Minister, Senator Ron Boswell said that "Julia
Gillard's new [education] curriculum reads like a learners manual for
international socialism".
As PM, Gillard has tried to assuage Australians by painting herself as a moderate. She has also distanced
herself from Rudd, who had become the fall-guy for a bad government.
Gillard however should take more blame as she
was one of the "gang of 4" that made the decisions. She was
directly behind the Building Education Revolution (BER) scandal over building unneeded overpriced schhools.
In less than three years, the Labor Government
has gone from a 20 billion dollar surplus (left
by Howard) to 148 billion debt, and is borrowing an extra $150 million
every day. The common theme in Federal and state politics is that Labor
governments create massive debt, and the Conservatives
(Liberal / National party governments) pay that debt off. The main point
though is missed - governments shouldn't be borrowing or repaying money
from off-shore lenders in the first place.
Before holding the next general
election (probably this year), Gillard wll have to straighten
out 3 key policy areas. She compromised on the mining tax,
which was originally introduced by Rudd to pay off debt. With her dodgy
projection figures, she claimed it would bring the budget back into the
black, but this is unlikely.
The second issue, that of the
"boat people". Boat arrivals have
increased at over 50 times the rate under Howard because of Rudd's loose
regulations. Boat people are considered queue jumpers. Gillard said that they will be processed in East Timor although there is no centre there. She is
ignoring the centre already built at Nauru. Gusmao, the PM of East Timor
claims he wasn't consulted and didn't want a centre in his country.
The third issue is the Emissions
Trading Scheme (ETS.) Rudd initially pushed it hard, but it was defeated
in the Senate. The average Australian didn't really understand what
it was, but many have since woken up that it is essentially a big expense
which will effect ordinary people. The ETS is not about saving the environment
so much as social change and the redistribution of wealth.
As PM, Gillard just looks like another version of Rudd. Pretending to listen to the people, she instead pushes the NWO agenda. Being a non-religious 50 year old woman in a de-facto relationship is nothing unusual in Australia anymore. Gillard simply mirrors what Australia already is, while helping to push it ever closer to extinction in the name of "tolerance."
Peter said (July 19, 2010):
Dear Henry, it is marvelous the material you wrote about Jullia Gillard. Problem here is the Press is controlled
otherwise,as a political jourtnalist for 30 years I would venture to expose the bitch.