August 16, 2011
My Cancer Cure
by Al Thompson
I was told by a doctor that I possibly had lung cancer and that he would "save my life." After seeing my father-in-law and my own mother die of cancer, I decided not to take any treatments and I was going to either live or die.
At the time, I was in federal prison for daring to challenge the income tax, and the staff there wanted me to go to the hospital for a CT scan. I refused the treatment and the doctor got very upset.
I told him I'd rather die than go through that nonsensical treatment of chemo, radiation, or surgery. In fact, I was threatened that if I didn't do the CT scan, I wouldn't be released on time. So I did it anyway. After the CT scan I heard nothing.
One of the other inmates gave me the book "Death By Diet" by Dr. Barefoot. His idea was to use coral calcium which helps oxygenate the blood.
After reading the book, it made sense. I didn't have coral calcium in the prison but they did have calcium tablets. So I bought a big supply of them and I took 3000 miligrams a day, and I ate one clove a fresh garlic every morning.
I would actually chew it and then wash it down with water. It was gross, but I did feel better. I had none of the usual symptoms of lung cancer with the exception of a cough which I still have today.
About June of 2010, I went to the hospital for what appeared to be pneumonia and I asked them to check for the lung cancer. They told me that there were no indications of anything wrong with my lungs and there were no neoplasms. I was completely clear of any cancer.
I still take coral calcium to this day as it is easy to do. There is also the laetrile treatments that essentially do the same thing but in different ways.
I'm thinking that Otto Warburg discovered the cure for cancer back in 1931 after discovering that cancer cannot survive in an oxygen rich environment.
["Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar." -- Dr. Otto H. Warburg in Lecture ]
Obviously, putting oxygen back into the system would be the way to defeat the disease.
I think this disease is spawned by processed foods and our generally unhealthy diets along with some other things. I'm not inclined to study anything scientific unless I need to use it.
In this case, the coral calcium thing seemed to work for me. I don't know if it was actually cancer or if it was just come kind of growth because I would not allow them to do a biopsy on me. Either way, as of June 2010, it was completely gone.
Many people thought I was crazy but I did my homework. Whatever treatment, you are going to take, it makes good sense to know why you are taking the treatment and how the "cure" is supposed to work. Just listening to a "professional" doesn't mean you're getting good information.
Richard Replies:
He had referred to taking garlic as an anti-carcinogenic. I have been living in Korea for some time. A natural product that I discovered here and I believe is now available in Canada is Black Garlic. I'm not sure if you are familiar with it. It is actually natural garlic that has been fermented. When garlic ferments it turns black. It is very easy to digest and does not have the odour that regular garlic has. I(you) can easily eat a whole bulb of black garlic a day. It is very digestible and in fact very tasty. Moreover, it contains even more anti-oxidants than regular garlic and has all the other healthy ingredients. In short, it is healthier than regular garlic. I consume it regularly as part of my diet. A bulb (not a clove a whole bulb)/ a day.
I wanted to make this recommendation to Al and you might like to consider this for yourself. It is a completely natural product. I even take this in conjunction with Kim chi. Kim chi is eaten by most Koreans everyday. It is basically cabbage that has been fermented heavily with regular garlic. It is also soaked in chile sauce. It just eats away at high cholesterol in your blood. Both are powerful anti-oxidants that help to repel cancer. You could try googling both of these natural products and look at their health benefits. They really get touted. Check them out.
Related- Confessions of a Cancer Insider (see other cures in Comments section)