Does Conspiracy Extend to Musical Scale?
October 21, 2012

(for from Aug. 31, 2010)
Vibration throughout the frequency spectrum of sound, heat, and light, is the organizational principle of matter. Sound is the organizational principle of our Universe, of physical matter and most importantly, living matter.
The science of Cymatics illustrates that when sound waves move thru a physical medium (air, water, sand, metallic particles, etc.) the frequency of the waves has a direct effect upon the structures which are created by the sound waves as they pass thru that particular medium. YouTube videos show these fascinating patterns and arrangements here:
Sound is also the basis for form and shape:
Imagine an incredibly powerful, wealthy person who secretly prospers from conflict, disease and war learns that certain sound frequencies (those easily divisible by two, signifying opposition) create conflict, discord and disharmony while those divisible by three (signifying balance, polity, reconciliation, harmony) produce symmetry, and visually harmonic, pleasing structures.
Now imagine that he has the power to establish the tuning standard of all musical instruments throughout the Western World.
Imagine that he bases the entire scale of musical artistic creation upon a frequency which would skew vibrations towards discord.
It sounds like science fiction. Yet this is exactly what transpired in September 1939 when Rockefeller (Illuminati) financial interests dictated that the standard tuning for the note of "A" above middle C would henceforth be said to vibrate at precisely 440 cycles per second.
This unnatural standard tuning frequency, removed from the symmetry of sacred vibrations and overtones, has declared war on the subconscious mind of Western Man.
The standard tuning fork, which is set to vibrate the note "A" above middle C at 440 cycles per second, is based upon a frequency only divisible by two rather than three, which means that all of the musical notes both above and below it are affected.
Despite the apparent "sweet music" a symphony orchestra can produce, when all instruments are tuned based on the A=440Hz key frequency, they are covert weapons no matter what "music" they may be playing.
These destructive frequencies entrain the thoughts towards disruption, disharmony, disunity. Additionally, they also stimulate the controlling organ of the body -- the brain -- into disharmonious resonance, which ultimately creates disease and war.
In a paper entitled "Musical Cult Control," Dr. Leonard Horowitz writes:
The music industry "...features this imposed frequency that is 'herding' populations into greater aggression, psycho social agitation, and emotional distress predisposing people to physical illness...." while the agents of this conspiracy provide 'therapeutic' pacification in the form of myriad psychotropic drugs and tranquilizers for the stress they purposely created, and chemotherapy for the more serious illnesses it inspires."
He says, "Energy (vibration) impacts "life" (biology) and our bodies through the most common medium of life: water. Our body weight, which is nearly 80 percent water, vibrates and resonates to frequencies, and frequencies entrain our physical matter as well as thought processes. Light and sound have been shown as the primary drivers of intercellular communication, which indicates that our health, or lack of it, may indeed by a product of the vibrational resonance of sound and light."
As noted, the Rothschild-Rockefeller (Illuminati) alliance chose " determine the musical factors capable of producing psycho pathology, emotional distress and 'mass hysteria.'"
The initial effort to make A=440 Hz the basis of standard tuning took place in 1910 when the Rockefeller Foundation issued a grant to the American Federation of Musicians to popularize the concept. The initial effort failed.
However, the BSI -- British Standards Institute -- officially adopted A=440 Hz in 1939, promoted by the strange consortium of Rockefeller Foundation influence and the Nazi government. Ironically, The British adopted a tuning standard promoted by the Third Reich, just as both went to war. While 440Hz had been rejected by British musicians only 3 months prior, Josef Goebbels persuaded the BSI to adapt 440Hz saying it was of extraordinary importance.
As Dr. Leonard Horowitz concludes: "Music bioenergetically affects your body chemistry, psycho neuro immunology, and health. Your body is now vibrating musically, audibly and subliminally, according to an institutionally imposed frequency in harmony with aggression and in dissonance rather than vibrating in harmony with Love."
Musical instrument tuning using the artificially imposed standard of A=440Hz may promote physical and mental disease and distrust, while effectively suppressing spirituality, intuition and creativity. This universal tuning frequency has been empirically shown to suppress the creative, intuitive aspects of our mind, while negatively affecting our body chemistry and our immune systems.
L C Vincent
Ken said (September 6, 2010):
Having read the recently published article on the above subject, I must agree with Mr. Vincent that the choice of 440 Hz for "A" is "interesting" to say the least! I also agree with his assessment that WHO forced this is probably
equally important as WHAT was forced.
Until I came down with severe rheumatoid arthritis, I played the Scottish bagpipe. It is interesting to note that many of those professional level pipers looked upon the modern tuning of "A" as a severe annoyance, calling it the "Dog Whistle" "A".
You see, most Highland Bagpipe Music is in the key of "A" and the original pipe chanter, i.e. up until about 1922, was tuned much lower than the
present "dog whistle" chanter and pipes.
You are probably not familiar with what is known as Piobaireachd, pronounced, more or less, as "peebrock". The word means, in old Scots
Gaelic, "piper's music", but today denotes a particular kind of "classical" bagpipe music.
This music has roots reaching back to the 14th century and possibly further, and was passed from master to pupil by his singing it to the pupil.
It is also always played by a solo piper, never by a band.
Furthermore, the original composers of this very difficult-to-play music were completely familiar with the emotional effect on the hearer of each note of the chanter and its resonance against the drones and wrote their music accordingly.
Thus it is that the Piobaireachd, when played on an instrument with "modern" tuning, has a completely different effect on the hearer than the same Piobaireachd played on an instrument with "traditional" lower tuning.
All modern professional pipers use a much lower-pitched chanter to play Piobaireachd now.
That tuning appears to be "A" at 405 Hz, divisible by 3 to 135, as opposed to
the modern "A" of 440 Hz, divisible by 2 to 220.
One other aspect of this 3 vs 2 question revolves, in my mind, around the
Trinity. After all, I am a traditionally minded Roman Catholic, and am fully aware of the modern trend (I almost said, "plot") to eliminate God from every aspect of modern life.