Swoosh Logos Signal Illuminati Control
November 14, 2012

Coincidence? I think not. Freemasonry is a Synagogue of Satan.
Baphomet, the pagan devil, has a crescent moon on the top left and bottom right. There been many other symbols like the evil eye and pyramid but now they all having same crescent moon. They have infiltrated all media , schools, companies . This is their way of secretly communicating.
Updated: May 10, 2014

Related- Illuminati Signs Everywhere

Ontario City Logos Indicate Masonic Control
First Comment from Martha:
You need to add Kaiser Permanent to your corporate logo list !
Kaiser logo is a silhouette of three people with a sunburst in front of them. This HMO would love to be the one to implement the "national healthcare " program!
Second Comment from Alicia:
It's not a conspiracy, it's just bad design inspired by the Jetsons.
Swoosh-like logos are Everywhere! (Customers Request it-- why?)
Fight Bad Design - The Swoosh Logo

Henry, Here are another for your collection.
Christian said (November 15, 2012):
Regarding the swoosh article, it is a symbol of the ring of Saturn. The symbol is astro-theological in origin and pertains to the ancient cult of Saturn. Saturn is synonymous with Shiva (the destroyer) in Hinduism and the Holy Spirit in Christianity.
I would also like to suggest that the recent spate of wrongly accused personalities of pedophilia is a diversion tactic to obfuscate the truth and the fact that the Jimmy Savile scandal leads to much higher individuals in the establishment. By sowing seeds of doubt into the masses' perception they can create the notion that the whole thing has become a witch hunt and push the story into the dust bins of history. This tactic was effective in ending Senator Joe McCarthy's senate hearings on the communist infiltrations of America.