Mini-Nukes Were Used on 9-11
August 17, 2010

Two recent articles regarding the use of mini-nukes were examined very briefly.
Beware Bogus 9-11 Mini Nuke Theory
Was WTC Demolished by Mini Nukes?
Interesting how what has been described by Bill Deagle MD and Jeff Rense as the best presentation/comprehension of information on the WTC on the web is NEVER ADDRESSED. Nope, seems they only want to deal with 'others' articles, all of which somehow seem to have easily seen, ludicrous, easily disproven Bogus Science - a ready made poison pill to discredit micro nukes.
Virtually all of the WTC residue has been accounted for in my articles and it is classic, textbook, nuclear reaction residue. In over 2 years, only one reference has been scientifically refuted - Thermite and that was by me.
The US Government's Usage of Atomic Bombs - Domestic - WTC
Update: The US Government's Usage of Atomic Bombs - Domestic - WTC
(not an endorsement of the site)
The 'Traces Of Tritium' WTC 9-11 Lie Is Obstruction Of Justice By Accessories To Murder
Recently Declassified Video of Testing of the First Micro Nuke - The Davey Crockett - 0.018 kiloton Youtube
YouTube- Declassified U.S. Nuclear Test Film #32
This .018 kiloton micro nuke video shows that a .018 kiloton micro nuke could easily have been basically contained with the WTCs.
The data presented is an above ground detonation. Its crude design would have been unfocused and would have been no where near as clean as a 3rd (neutron) or fourth generation nuke. Based on this referenced proven data, the size of an underground, focused, Minimum Residual Radiation -
- micro nuke explosion could have been 2 or 3 times as powerful and still been basically contained by the WTC buildings, possibly as large a 1 kiloton, but believe that would be about the maximum that could be used and still be effectively hidden.
Ed Ward, MD
Mini-Nukes Prove US Government Involvement
Recently Declassified Video of Testing of the First Micro Nuke - The Davey Crockett - 0.018 kiloton
YouTube- Declassified U.S. Nuclear Test Film #32
This .018 kiloton micro nuke video shows that a .018 kiloton micro nuke could easily have been basically contained with the WTCs.
The data presented is an above ground detonation. Its crude design would have been unfocused and would have been no where near as clean as a 3rd (neutron) or fourth generation nuke. Based on this referenced proven data, the size of an underground, focused, Minimum Residual Radiation - http://www.thepriceo.../09/25/ward.htm - micro nuke explosion could have been 2 or 3 times as powerful and still been basically contained by the WTC buildings, possibly as large a 1 kiloton, but believe that would be about the maximum that could be used and still be effectively hidden.
Ed Ward, MD
The Bogus Science (BS)
Of 'Explosive SuperThermite' Versus The Facts Of A 'Deflagration Compound'
'Understanding The Scam of Thermite on 911' by 'Dick' Eastman/'Dr.' Jones
A simple rebuttal to the lunacy of
Dave said (August 18, 2010):
Of course, it was a mini-nuke(s) strategically placed.
Of course the Danish Nobel prize winner found traces of nano-thermite, which btw did not exist when the WTC towers went up, this "nano-technology", so no "planned demolition" with nanothermite was possible, and no past convetional method of planned demolition vaporizes anything, it is quite that simple. He found traces of nanothermite, because it is classic misdirection from the usual suspects: use more than one method, more than one set of perps. hell, if bringing the towers down was the main objective, then they could have said Islamic terrorists have taken the WTC towers hostage with NUKES!
But as usual, more than one set of perps, more than one set of ulterior is quite that simple! They NEEDED to stage melting steel and place evidence that misdirects away from nukes. They NEEDED to ram guided drones into the towers, maybe Boeing refueling tanker jets remote guided from wherever they guide the drones over Afghanistan and Pakistan, to whip up fear, hatred, hostility, and acceptance of restricted freedom.... it REALLY is quite that simple!
I assume the nanothermite was placed during the "cable repairs" shutdown the weeks before. Just mis-direction: nanothermite doesn't toss I-beams the size and weight of school buses 600 ft in an arc like a Peyton Manning deep pass. Look closer at the video of the collapses if you don't know what I am saying. Like they were shot out of a huge cannon. Nuclear.