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E. Michael Jones -- "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit" Enthrones Satan

June 9, 2021


The true "Jewish revolutionary spirit" is "to overturn" God and replace Him with Lucifer who represents the perverse self-interest of the Illuminati (i.e. central bankers, Organized Jewry and Freemasonry.)  This is behind the #scamdemic. 

from June 26, 2008 and August 1, 2018
by Henry Makow Ph.D.

E. Michael Jones has written a 1200-page book "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History" (2008) that documents the subversive role played by organized Jewry throughout history.

The book is available for purchase  here.

According to Jones, this role is subversive in the most profound sense, overturning the Will of God, "Logos,"  Christ's Gospel of Love, the inherent Design and Purpose of Creation, hijacking mankind and arresting its development according to Cabalistic and Talmudic dictates.

The true "Jewish revolutionary spirit" is "to overturn" God and replace Him with Lucifer who represents the self-interest of the Illuminati (i.e. central bankers, Organized Jewry and Freemasonry.) 

This also was confirmed by Christian Rakowsky in his  KGB interrogation. "Christianity is our only real enemy since all the political and economic phenomena of the bourgeois states are only its consequences," Rakovsky, says. Peace is "counter-revolutionary" since it is war that paves the way for revolution.

Thus, Organized Jewry, through its Freemasonic arm, has always sabotaged personal identity and social cohesion: race, religion (God), nation and family. They have caused world wars, revolutions, division and corruption and sought to normalize dysfunction and deviance. All to prove that the salutary and natural order represented by Christian ideals is corrupt and hypocritical, and must be replaced by man-made "gods,"  i.e. their "progressive," "liberal," "socialist" and ultimately "Communist" NWO test tube utopias. Their goal is a "1984"-like world police state which is emerging under the pretext of a phoney "war on terror."

Thus, to the mortification of decent Jews like myself, Jews are often on the vanguard when it comes to trashing Christian mores and human dignity, and creating dysfunction whether its undermining gender and marriage or peddling promiscuity, pornography or abortion. For example, here is a recent music video of a 50-year-old French Jewish singer and his adolescent daughter normalizing incest. Too many Hollywood movies made by Jews are filthy, vulgar and degrading. There are hardly any movies anymore that are educational, honest and uplifting.

We are reminded of a soldier marching out-of-step in a parade who has the chutzpah, money, and media to convince the other marchers that it is they who are out-of-step. Extrapolate this image to a cosmic level and you will understand the New World Order.


Social programs offered in the name of "reform" were proffered to gull the masses and to assume control. This is the real meaning of "progress"  i.e. movement toward Luciferian and occult control. This is what they mean by "changing the world."  

Organized Jewry has sought to portray man as inhabiting a mechanistic universe devoid of inherent design and meaning. In this view, God is an impotent fool who neglects His creation, and Christianity is fogbound superstition. Where Communists have held power, they have banned Christianity outright and persecuted believers. Jews who accept Christ's teaching are persecuted in Israel today.  

God is a relatively easy concept to understand. As far as humans are concerned, he represents a moral and spiritual dimension where spiritual ideals like love, peace, beauty, harmony, truth, goodness and justice are absolute and self evident. All humans, Jew and non-Jew, are gifted with a Divine spirit that recognizes and aspires to these ideals. 

We are God's agents tasked with incorporating these ideals in our lives and in the world. (This requires that we change first by attuning ourselves to these ideals instead of worldly enticements.)

Organized Jewry has used our idealism to deceive us with Socialism, Communism and Zionism. But to warn Jews of this deceit now constitutes "anti-Semitism."  Surely, Jewish leaders who start wars are the real anti-Semites. They create anti-Semitism to keep ordinary Jews in line.


Jones quotes  Leon Trotsky: "Pogroms in which the rank-and-file of the Jewish nation suffer serve the useful purpose of keeping them in absolute dependence on their leaders."  

Jones: "This is another way of saying the Trotskys promote revolution and the Braunsteins suffer for it."

The Talmud was created to keep Jews in bondage to Jewish leaders," Jones say. The supreme authority in Judaism, it creates anti-Semitism. Quoting the Jewish Encyclopedia Jones says the Talmud is "a systematic deformation of the Bible" in which "The pride of race with the idea of universal domination is therein exalted to the point of folly....With regard to the Goyim (non-Jews) everything is allowed: robbery, fraud, perjury, murder...."

The Talmud influences Jewish leadership but I doubt if 10% of ordinary Jews have read it. Indeed I wonder if a religion that holds the Talmud supreme can call itself a religion. True religion is otherworldly, eschewing power, wealth and sex. The Talmud seems to embrace these things. It's as though Christians chose heaven and Jews said "you can have it; we'll take this world, thank you very much."

In the Talmudic perspective, anyone who resists Jewish hegemony is an anti-Semite as is  anyone who points this out. Like the boy who cried "wolf" too many times, the term "anti Semite" has lost its power. People are realizing that it is a Pavlovian control mechanism, and that very few "anti Semites" dislike all Jews.  If it describes resistance to the out-sized Jewish role in the NWO, "anti-Semite" could become a badge of honor worn with pride.

A healthy individual will listen to criticism courteously, acknowledge if it is valid, and mend his ways accordingly. This is the way a man makes friends of his enemies. This is how he corrects his course and grows. (See my "How to Reduce Anti-Semitism")

He does not accuse them of harboring an irrational hate. That's how a child or someone suffering from arrested development reacts. The only explanation for the conventional response is that Jewish leadership knows it is at fault, but that does not deter it. It will turn the world-upside-down so that fault becomes virtue, and victim becomes the aggressor.    


Jones, a traditional Catholic, is a former English professor who was run out of Notre Dame for opposing abortion.  The Editor of  the  journal "Culture Wars"  and author of  ten other books,  including "Libido Dominandi," the definitive history of the sexual revolution from 1773 to the present, Jones is the foremost scholar  of our time and predicament. This is because he studies the masterful Masonic-Jewish takeover of Western civilization now almost complete.

"For the past 2000 years, history has been a struggle between the two groups of Jews: those who accepted Jesus Christ as the Messiah and those who rejected him." Jones writes. "The Jews who accept Christ become the new Israel, otherwise known as the Church. They are the two children of Abraham and Moses. Those who reject Christ become the "Jews" or followers of Satan."

Jones believes the "chosen people" idea has led Jewish leadership to espouse "humanism" and the idea that they collectively represent God. "Fantasies of racial superiority alternate with contradictory fantasies of universal brotherhood," Jones writes. "The great ideal of Judaism," the Jewish World announced Feb. 9, 1883 " is that the whole world shall be imbued with Jewish teaching and that in a Universal Brotherhood of Nations -a greater Judaism in fact--all the separate races and religions shall disappear."

If you think this sounds ominously like "diversity" you are right. For a complete history of the New World Order from its inception over 2000 years ago,  I recommend "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit."


am a product of the "Jewish revolutionary" brainwashing myself, a Socialist, Zionist and Feminist for most of my life. I used to look askance at the satisfaction Christians got from normal life and feel that "normal" was boring. I remember reading Paul Krassner's "The Realist" where he depicted Snow White having sex with the Seven Dwarfs and thinking "yes! this exposes the hypocrisy of the US" then at war in Vietnam.

Now I realize that this left-right, imperialist /anti-imperialist media matrix is all a charade, that the people behind anti-war are the people behind the war.  That war has bigger stakes: World Government (a.k.a." globalism") achieved by gradually degrading and demoralizing humanity.
My point is that I wasn't a bad person, just a dupe. This is also true of Jews and non-Jews who have been duped by Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Feminism and Zionism. They're good people who have been mislead by NWO indoctrination. I expect that many Masons, CFRs, Bildersbergs and officials of Organized Jewry are also dupes. 

The NWO works by sowing division. We can win by joining together --"Left and Right" to oppose the agenda of the satanic cult that runs the world, the Masonic central bankers and their minions.  

Related- Michael Jones - Who is the Real Enemy?
 ---------- Podcast 

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "E. Michael Jones -- "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit" Enthrones Satan"

Robert K said (June 9, 2021):

While one hesitates to take on the monumental brain-power of Dr. E. Michael Jones, I must point out that his oft-reiterated assertion that "human labour is the source of wealth" is radically anti-Christian. I need hardly add that it is also a primordial precept of anti-God Marxism.

A Christian, on the basis of Christ's revelation (and even basic logic), perceives that God is the source of all wealth, which He bestows on mankind via a multiplicity of media. The sunshine provides energy, the elements provide raw materials, the inherent fecundity of soil and the mysterious multiplicative capacity of seeds provide plenitude, the inherent organizing impulse within gametes generates viable life-forms, the innate creativity of the human brain discovers and combines substances and the laws governing them in order to generate wealth, and so on. Human labour is a diminutive, and indeed constantly diminishing, component in this productive panorama.

Christ described how Our Heavenly Father wills to care for us: "Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither. do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly. Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?"

It's our acceptance of the tyranny of an unrealistic, constipative financial system that alienates us from this promise.

How many times has Dr. Jones uttered the central prayer of Christianity, including the words "Give us this day our daily bread", without apprehending their meaning?

Doug P said (June 9, 2021):

A timely essay,

re "Christianity is our only real enemy since all the political and economic phenomena of the bourgeois states are only its consequences,"

I believe that the statement is correct but the reasons don't get to the root of things.

Christianity is the enemy of Judaism because universal law is opposed to Jewish Supremacism. The Bourgeois state came into existence because it grew up in a garden of universal law. As an Athenian thinker I like to focus on the roots more and the stem and the leaves less in direct contrast to Babylonian thought. Quantum Mechanics and History are examples of necessarily Babylonian thought, whereas mathematics, theology and law are Athenian. Our subject is composed of both History and Law. (I learned of this thought dialectic from Richard Feynman on YouTube who is a Babylonian thinker)

There is too much Babylonian thinking and not enough Athenian thinking in this movement. I have enormous respect for people such as yourself and Dr. Jones, Hoffman and many others, but I think that the thinkers in the movements such as the deTax movement get closer to the ultimate truth that all must be aware of and that this can be communicated more effectively. What we learn from Babylonian thought often leads to emotional responses. E. Michael Jones and his Logos gets closer to Athenian thought than most.

Athenian thought leads us away from the ideas of hate and revenge which I see so often expressed on Facebook. The desire for hate and revenge make us stupid.

Caroline said (July 2, 2008):

I know I've written to you a couple of times before, but I don't believe I ever properly thanked you. Your articles have helped me so much in understanding the society I'm in. I have been un-conditioning myself slowly from the feminist/socialist/satanic agenda. Men-bashing is truly second-nature for almost every woman I know. I was brought up being shown that men are doormats and they're only good if they'll give you money.

I feel very out-of-place when I tell people I want to get married soon and I want children. I get a lot of "why would you want that?" from people my age(I'm 22 by the way). But my fiance and I also get a lot of "you're so lucky" - a couple of my male friends cannot find women who don't think that they are doormats. I feel so sorry for them, and at the same time I feel even more sorry for those women - they will grow old pursuing their careers and regret that they never had children or a happy marriage. And good women cannot find men that actually want a relationship - because men aren't 'cool' if they don't have a lot of sex with a lot of women.

I personally find this disgusting. I hate male sluts just as much as female sluts. I have been in a relationship for 5 years and I am happily engaged and soon I will be happily married. But at the same time it feels like I'm outgrowing my friends. It's like I need to be stuck in perpetual adolescence to 'fit in'.

Now, I understand why I don't 'fit in', and now I know that wanting a monogamous relationship and children is perfectly normal. And the poor souls who think otherwise are socially conditioned to think so. Your articles have helped me so much in understanding this. So thank you, Henry.

Eric said (June 29, 2008):

You missed a couple of things. My understanding is that Judaism has a strong, materialist element in which human beings are God's instruments to perfect the world. Also Jews not having a nation state are perpetual outsiders and in danger of persecution. It has always therefore been in their interest to destroy established authority, particularly inherited titles (like the monarchy) and the power of the Christian church, both of which they are completely excluded from.

We differ in that I regard materialist satanism as the left (evil) hand of God. It can't be any other way for anyone who believes in a Creator. It is the spirit of Lucifer (Prometheus), the bringer of light and fire to human beings that drives evolution. Without evolution, there would have been no religion, cathedrals or bibles.

While Blake was absolutely right about 'dark satanic mills', if he had seen the personal computer, universal literacy, absence from disease and hunger or central heating for the poor we have today, he might have changed his mind. In the Book of Revelation, after the apocalypse, there is the appearance of a New Heaven and a New Earth. I believe that will come about as a result of human endeavour (as the Jews believe). The more the evil ones push materialism, the more their victims focus on money, sex etc. and are driven to produce wealth (for their masters) and evolution moves forward

We are living in the darkest time of the Zionist New World Order, exactly as you describe, but the dawn is also promised. God's plan is never subverted, not for a millisecond.

best wishes

Eric McCay

P.S. I believe all the economic mayhem of today is being totally orchestrated by the bankers and their slaves in the media. They've been talking the economy down for a year. Bush and Blair are departing and Obama (and Cameron in Britain) can have a low base to work from.

Barclays Capital has advised clients to batten down the hatches for a worldwide financial storm, warning that the US Federal Reserve has allowed the inflation genie out of the bottle and let its credibility fall "below zero".

Tony said (June 29, 2008):

I find you site very interesting. Recently I have been reading about the Illuminati. Actually, my interest was spurred by my concern for the upcoming elections. For the past 20 years I identified myself as a democrat with socialist leanings.....but I am unable to follow through at the voting booths this year. Something about Barack Obama and his entire campaign seems wrong. I want to love him - to believe that change is afoot but for some reason I can't shake the feeling that we are being manipulated.

Who is this guy? Why would someone in their 30's write a 480 page "memoir" about their it plain narcissistic or was he penning a history he could recount later....and to be frank who the hell would publish it. Was there a big audience for 1995 Obama?

I also wonder why he has been able to break every political "rule" in the book - obvious distaste for the national anthem and flag, partaking in illegal substances, affiliations with religious zealots that show tendencies towards racism....I could go on. These would be deal breakers for most candidates. Has someone in power asked the media to sit back?

It all just seems so strange to me that in a world where 911 can happen - where racism is still rampant - where we can't seem to heal ourselves....that a cult of personality like the Obama campaign can wave a magic wand and make it all better. Maybe I am jaded but it all seems a little bit like the perfect storm has been predetermined.

Ohh well, I am really just starting to see things differently but I don't want to be paranoid. It would be great to see the first black president....I just hope it's happening for the right reasons.


Your instincts are correct. Obama is another Illuminati frontman, like a barker at a carnival. He is dangerous because he'll further intrude into peoples' private affairs. But McCain s no better. Isn't democracy great?


R said (June 29, 2008):


The 'revolutionary spirit of the jews ' has been largely a plot by Jews , working in concert a la sayanim , through media outlets and financial to subvert Western Civilization , and by that I mean Christian society. This started with Communism,Anarchism and Bolshevism-setting the stage for the global revolution ...
The Jews working together with their proxy "Jews" -the freemasons have setup a worldwide zionist us the sexual and feminist and gay revolutions.
America is now experiencing the fruit of these "edeavours"

God help us

Yuri said (June 28, 2008):

Dear Henry, Just read your piece on Michael Jones' new book and must acknowledge your
bravery for endorsing the work. The collective tribe of the world has alienated the Slavs, Muslims, Germans, Europeans in general and created suspicion in the minds of Orientals and South Americans, not to mention the helpless Africans. The unconscious Americans factor in, only, as examples of the "goy" in primacy.

Truly an astounding achievement!, considering that even those who have been provided
with a stipend for loyalty despise their benefactors. Surely the Jews are not blind to the
situation, yet seem frozen in any attempt to distance themselves from their internal enemies.

Which makes YOU the only (with a hand full) brave voice whistling across the desolate topography of the chosen people.

The situation is dangerous because only the tip of the iceberg represents the seething
hatred that, upon combustion, will devour the innocent.

In conclusion, your website with its excellent forum must reach the jews; forget about
moulding the minds of gentiles. The fate of the Jewish People lies in their own exclusive

hands. The wealth and arrogance that has turned the world against them can be used to
bring them back into the arms of humanity. Of course, such an acid test will determine the
nature and spirit of a people that might not want to be a part of humanity!?

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at