McDonald's Ad Makes Gay Disorder Seem "Cool"
June 2, 2010
In case you needed another reason to boycott McDonald's -- "Mac Social Engineering Sandwich"
An Australian website reports on new McDonald's Campaign designed to normalize homosexuality and make it seem cool and edgy:
McDonald's has targeted gay teenagers in a new commercial which local rights advocates say is a refreshing step forward for the fast food giant.
The ad, which will air in France, shows a teenage boy sitting at a table while talking on a mobile phone and looking at a class photograph.
"I was thinking about you too ... I'm looking at your class picture," the boy says in French.
The teenager's father returns to the table with their meal and says: "It's a shame you're in an all-boys college. You would have had all the girls chasing you."
The teen gives his father a sly smile as the tag line "Come as you are" appears on the bottom of the screen.
The advertisement is one of several in the new McDonald's campaign.
Gay advocates have hailed the ad as a "big step forward".
"It depicts a young gay man realistically and without judgment and it includes gay people in an institution that, for many families, is an integral part of their everyday life," Australian Coalition for Equality spokesman Rodney Croome said.
"If McDonalds' aim was to make an ad which says 'everybody is welcome' then it has succeeded and I'd strongly urge McDonalds in Australia to do the same."
But other advocates have slammed the ad, saying it fails to hit the mark.
"What does being gay have to do with eating hamburgers?" gay activist Gary Burns said.
"The ad should have a more inclusive message based around tolerance and understanding for gay men and lesbians in society in general and not just in McDonald's hamburger joints."
McDonald's Australia told ninemsn there were no plans to produce a local
version of the ad.

(left. McDonald's CEO Jim Skinner Makes Sign of Satan)
Makow comment:
The story cares only that the ad doesn't do enough to mainstream homosexuality.
For years, I have warned they are re-engineering mankind to be homosexual. This is an explicit example.
It subtly ridicules the father's heterosexual assumptions and makes it socially acceptable for young males to engage in anal sex. It is an insidious government-sanctioned attack on heterosexuals masquerading as tolerance for gays.
The ad fails to recognize that homosexuality is a developmental disorder. The vast majority of homosexuals suffer from gender confusion due to male sexual assault as youths or dysfunctional families (dominant mothers, remote effeminate fathers.)
Homosexuals suffer from an array of physical, psychological and emotional problems not faced by heterosexuals. Essentially, McDonald's is promoting a disorder just as virulent as any virus.
This is part of a long-term Illuminati program to undermine heterosexual marriage and family, and make promiscuous sex our primary vocation whether gay or straight.
It demonstrates that advertising has a social engineering component that often supersedes the commercial one. The Illuminati have unlimited wealth, now they want unlimited power. Thus they are willing to risk annoying McDonald's 98% straight market or even sacrifice their Crown Jewel, British Petroleum. Mentally enslaving mankind seems to be their first priority.
McDonald's is doing a disservice to homosexuals by misrepresenting a very real problem that causes very real suffering. (See links below.)
Thanks to Matthew for alerting me.
See my article "Is This Gay Behavior Sick?"
Defining Heterosexual as Homosexual
A Homosexual's Quest for Self-Knowledge
Homosexuality- Medical facts
Health Stats for Homosexuals
The Health Risks of Gay Sex
Christine said (June 3, 2010):
Contributing to the delinquency of a minor used to be a crime in Western nations. Now it's an ad campaign.