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The American "Right" is Largely False Opposition

January 16, 2022

elzl4xy1makgamgx.jpg(McCarthy -- March 8, 1954 Edition of TIME)

In 1954, businessman DeWest Hooker discovered
that Jewish central bankers (i.e. Bernard Baruch) funded 
"anti-Communism" to obscure the fact that Communism (i.e. the covid scam today) is in fact 
Jewish satanist supremacism. Illuminati bankers manipulate public
perception using false opposition like Donald Trump or Alex Jones. 

If they get mainstream media exposure, it means they are certified kosher.
(E.g. Alex Jones ghosted Henry Makow.)
We live in a de facto Communist (Masonic Jewish) society.
In short, we are satanically possessed by Organized Jewry (and their Masonic flunkies.)
You'd think Christ's Crucifixion by the Cabalist Jews would have been a tell.

Mr. Marks stated that a lot of Jews called McCarthy an anti-Semite but little did they know that "he is the best friend the Jews ever had."

"We were the ones that wrote the speeches for McCarthy  back in West Virginia that started his build-up into the famous  anti-Communist that he is today. Our pressure on the press resulted in his getting as much attention as he has. In return for this build-up, he agreed not to call up or expose Jews in the Communist movement by the investigations through his sub-committee."

But no man said anything about him [Jesus] openly for fear of the Jews. (John 7:13)

The Secret Masonry is setting up "our own, to all appearance, off position which in at least one of its organs [Nazis] will present what looks like the very antipodes to us. Our real opponents at heart will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will show us their cards."
(Protocols of Zion, 12.11)

"Our countersign is--Force and Make-believe. Only force conquers in political affairs, especially if it be concealed in the talents essential to statesmen. Violence must be the principle, and cunning and make-believe the rule for governments which do not want to lay down their crowns at the feet of agents of some new power. This evil is the one and only means to attain the end, the good. Therefore we must not stop at bribery, deceit and treachery when they should serve towards the attainment of our end. In politics one must know how to seize the property of others without hesitation if by it we secure submission and sovereignty."
  (Protocols of Zion 1-23)

"The Goyim are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock?" ...Protocols 11.4

 The Communist Jews Behind Sen. Joseph McCarthy
by Michael Collins Piper
(from his 2006 book, "The Judas Goats")
(First posted here Nov. 24, 2010)


What follows is the sworn statement that Hooker executed on September 30, 1954 outlining his findings about the role of the self-styled "American Jewish League Against Communism" and how it was manipulating then Sen.  Joseph R. McCarthy's efforts to investigate Communism in high places  in the American system. The affidavit reads:

 "I had an astounding interview for two hours some time ago with Norman  L. Marks of the American Jewish League Against Communism, Inc.  As a matter of fact, I was brought along by another party, and Mr. Marks did not know anything about me (hence he really opened up because the person who took me was "trusted" by him).  The AJLAC has offices at 220 West 42nd Street, New York City. Its  national chairman is Alfred Kohlberg. Its executive director is Rabbi  Benjamin Schultz, and its treasurer is Harry Pasternak. Listed on its  national board are the following: Bern Dibner, Lawrence Fertig,  Theodore Fine, Benjamin Gitlow, Hon. Walter R. Hart, Herman Kashins,  Eugene Lyons, Norman L. Marks, Morris Ryskind, Rabbi David S. Savitz,  Nathan D. Shapiro, George E. Sokolsky, Maurice Tishman, Rabbi Ascher  M. Yager.

hooker1.jpg[Businessman DeWest Hooker, 1918-1989 left)

I swear under oath to you that the following is as accurate as it is possible to put down from memory an hour or so later. Also, the  information can be verified by the other unnamed party.

Mr. Marks, listed above and on the letterhead of the AJLAC as a member  of the national board, said: "Far and away the principal financial contributor to the AJLAC is Mr. Bernard Baruch." When questioned on this point as to what percentage he would say Mr. Baruch contributed, he answered: "About 85% or 90% of the funds."

 I said that I had thought Mr. Kohlberg was the main contributor to the  AJLAC and Mr. Marks answered: "Well, he contributes some but nothing  like what Baruch contributes." I asked Mr. Marks why Baruch's name did not appear on the letterhead. He stated that Baruch was very emphatic about NOT having his name appear on the letterhead, and that it was to be unknown that he contributed funds to it.

 Mr. Marks said that the organization was entirely Jewish but that a funny thing was that many of the founders of it seemed to have  "Christian" wives. He said that they used to meet every Thursday at the Ambassador Hotel for lunch and talk about the world situation.  Marks said that the organization would not accept either a "Christian in it" or a "Christian dime of support" and that no Christian money  had ever been accepted in the past--that it was completely a Jewish  organization and financed by them.

 He said there were only two purposes for its founding: That the Number  One purpose was to take the heat off the Jewishness of Communism, and  a secondary aim was to get the Jews out of Communism and to support  Zionism. He said that: "for a while there, almost all the spies of the  Communists that were turned up were Jews and that they had become  concerned, and thought that something should be done to take the sting  off the Jews. They wanted to show the Christian world that ALL Jews  were not Communists."

 When asked just how they went about this whole project, Mr. Marks  said: "It's impossible for a Christian to get away with criticizing  the Jews. Only a Jew can do that."

 He went on: "And so we got together a strong group of Jews that "were  known to be anti-Communists" and started our campaign of pressure from our point of view."

 [According to Hooker's original affidavit, Marks' reference to those  who were said to be "anti-Communists" actually meant that the Jewish  leaders in question were, as Hooker put it, "meaning  anti-Stalinist."--Ed.]

Marks stated: "We were the ones that wrote the speeches for McCarthy back in West Virginia that started his build-up into the famous  anti-Communist that he is today. Our pressure on the press resulted in  his getting as much attention as he has. In return for this build-up  he agreed not to call up or expose Jews in the Communist movement by  the investigations through his sub-committee."

 Mr. Marks stated that a lot of Jews called McCarthy an anti-Semite but little did they know that "he is the best friend the Jews ever had."

 [Hooker noted of McCarthy that "Eventually they destroyed him anyway when he started calling up Jewish Communists later on."--Ed.]

 Marks went on to say that "other investigations might have turned up  Jews and McCarthy had been given credit for them, but that if we traced the record back, we would find that McCarthy actually did not call up a single Jew in that period when the heat was on the Jews." He  later qualified these remarks by saying that "while McCarthy was  operating as a temporary subcommittee under the Truman administration,  he did not call up any Jews; that when he once got himself elected as  the chairman of the permanent investigating committee, in the new  administration, he then began to call witnesses "as they came."  [That is, whether the witnesses were "Jewish or not," according to Hooker--Ed.]


Mr, Marks continued: "But that doesn't make much difference now because he accepted our own men to work right with him. For example,  he accepted as his top man next to him our man Roy Cohn, left, which was  arranged through another of our men, George Sokolsky."

If memory serves me correctly, Marks stated that Julius Kahn was also  their man on the McCarthy committee, but who was now on the Senate  Foreign Relations Committee. He definitely stated that David Schine  was NOT with the AJLAC but that he was put there by "another group  which I don't know about."

 Mr. Marks went on to say that "not only is McCarthy under our control  but so are Jenner and Velde, who also took our men to work right with  them. Benny Mandel and Robert Morris represent us on the Jenner  Committee." He mentioned Robert Kunzig as "their man" for Velde.  Marks also stated definitely that Professor Louis Budenz was under  "their control" and one of "their men," and that he was working to  take the "heat" off the Jews.

 [Budenz was a well-known "ex-communist" who became a leading figure in  the so-called anti-communist movement, key elements of which had come  under the control of the Zionist and Trotskyite elements. Hooker's  revelations explain why--Ed.]

 desantis.jpg(left, Florida Gov Ron De Santis at the Western Wall in Jerusalem)

He stated that [Alfred] Kohlberg, their national chairman, was the one  who "found" Budenz when he was testifying in Washington and Kohlberg  "picked him up and practically supported him for a while in order to  get him started and built up to the man he is today in the  anti-Communist movement."

 Marks also stated that they got "their man Robert Morris" elected  recently as a judge in New York City, and that Victor Lasky was  another one of their men who did a lot of "press work" for them, and  "made speeches favoring their people, for example, Robert Morris." He  said, "All these people agreed to take the 'heat' off the Jews."

 I recall now another statement by Mr. Marks that "there is a vast pooling of information in the New York City area and throughout the  country which is connected with our organization."

 I asked if J. B. Matthews and his files were in on "the deal" and he  said: "Yes, we have access to all of his files."

 [J. B. Matthews was a prominent "anti-communist crusader" in the  period, but, clearly, under the control of the Zionist-Trotskyites.--Ed.]

He said that they have at least "thirty Communists on our payroll who report information to us," and that "we know everything that goes on  in this field."

 Mr, Marks told all the above information as if there was nothing  "wrong" with what he was saying. He even invited me and this other unnamed fellow to go to a meeting the following Tuesday night at the  University Club, sponsored by Norman Lombard.

 When they finally found out who I was, however, I was told by Norman Lombard and Norman Marks not to come to the meeting. I sure hope that the true patriotic American nationalists will be able to straighten out a few of these "pseudo-patriots" who are trying to lead the  so-called "anti-communist" movement.

(left, Biden kneels before Israeli President) Biden kneels to Jews.jpg

Don't misunderstand me: I'm just as anti-Communist as any of you, but I don't want our country to be led head-long into traps which enable  these pseudo-patriots to "use" the fine instincts of the American  people and the anti-Communist movement for their own diabolical ends.  In other words, some of these pseudo-patriots are "anti-Communist,"  meaning "anti-Stalin communism," but are pro- as hell another form of  Communism (American brand) leading to dictatorship by them in our own  country and the rest of the world under Bernard Baruch and the crowd  he represents.

 [The "American brand" of communism to which Hooker referred, although  he didn't say it directly, was precisely the Trotskyite brand, then in  its evolution, that has come today to be known as "neo-conservatism."  --Ed.]

 (Signed) DeWest Hooker

(---Makow comment: Reading this, it's hard to imagine that the same forces didn't put Hitler into power. Or that The John Birch Society and some anti-NWO websites are truly independent.)

After World War Two ended, the Illuminati needed to create the bogus Cold War to justify the arms race and the national security state (just as the "war on terror" replaces the Cold War today.) The problem was that Communism could be traced back to the Illuminati Jewish bankers. Most Communist spies were Jewish and Soviet Communism was Illuminati Jewish. They used McCarthy to fuel Cold War hysteria while de-emphasizing the role Jews play as agent/dupes for the Illuminati bankers. Apparently McCarthy outlived his usefulness and they murdered him at Bethesda Naval Medical Center after disgracing him earlier.   

This article impugns Organized Jewry but most Jews are manipulated by these machinations, just like non Jews. It's pathetic that anti-Communist/ anti-NWO forces need to be organized and subsidized by the enemy. It proves my contention that grass roots or populist resistance is negligible and nothing gets done politically unless someone pays for it. And you know who can afford that.

Thanks to Tony Blizzard for sending me this excerpt.

Related- How Trump's mentor Roy Cohn helped the Jews hijack the anti-Communist movement
Piper Collins- The Judas Goat/The Enemy Within
The Strange Death of Michael Collins Piper
Kevin MacDonald reviews a book on McCarthy & the Jews  

First Comment from Dan Butler 1955-2018:

I recall that the former staff director of the Congressional Committee to Investigate Tax-exempt Foundations. Mr. Norman Dodd said to John Birch Society's Edward Griffen in 1984. 

This part of Dodd's testimony didn't seem very important to me until reading your article today.  Dodd said that none other than the chairman of the Republican National Committee and White House use accusations of anti-semitism to shut down the investigation.  This 'back room' aspect was unreported in the press. 

NORMAN DODD: The Republican National Committee got wind of what I was doing and they did everything they could to stop me. They appealed to counsel to stop me, and finally they resorted to the White House.

 ED GRIFFIN: Was their objection because of what you were doing or because of the fact that you were doing it outside of the official auspices of the Committee?

NORMAN DODD: No, their objection was, as they put it, my devotion to what they called anti-semitism. That was a cooked up idea. In other words, it wasn't true at all, but anyway, that's the way they expressed it.

ED GRIFFIN: The charge of anti-semitism is intriguing. What was the basis of that charge? Was there a basis for it at all?

NORMAN DODD: The basis of what the Republican National Committee used was that the intelligence officer I'd taken on my staff when I oriented this investigation to the exposure and proof of a conspiracy was known to have a book, and the book was deemed to be anti-semitic. This was childish, but this was the second in command of the Republican National Committee, and he told me I'd have to dismiss this person from my staff.

ED GRIFFIN: And what was his book? Do you recall?

NORMAN DODD: The book they referred to was called Waters Flowing Eastward, which was a castigation of the Jewish influence in the world.

[1]  If this is the first you've heard of Norman Dodd's testimony please download and study.  Crucial hidden history. 

The original 1953-54 Dodd Report: Committee to Investigate Tax-exempt Foundations

Recommended:  FOUNDATIONS: Their Power and Influence. ISBN 0-925951-28-9
download PDF format

Tony writes:

I was in this war before John Birch was created.  When it came into being with lots of media fanfare it began gobbling up most of the small, true anti-communist, organizations.  It struck me as way too dictatorial to its members.  I quickly tabbed it as an enemy having three major undesirable aspects:

1.  It's members were "forever learning and never coming to the truth."  Millions of details (lots of trees) but never even mentioning true causes, the forest.

2.  It was the first in my knowledge (along with major insurance corporations) to equate capitalism and free enterprise as synonyms when, in reality, they are 180 degrees opposite.  Capitalism, which it praised, is simply the concentration of capital into the hands of the few (mainly for their own profit) while free enterprise is capital diversified as much as possible with local businesses taking care of local business.  Under free enterprise franchises, malls, and chains, which drain local capital to national or international headquarters, hardly exist.  Capital mostly stays in the local community, constantly re-circulated by local business.

3.  The Birch society destroyed any local "chapter" which decided on its own to "study the Jewish question."  I saw that take place with my own eyes in So. California at least twice.  A dead giveaway of the true reason for its existence.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for " The American "Right" is Largely False Opposition"

C said (January 15, 2022):

For me, the two signs Alex Jones was a lost cause was first joining the Sandy Hook team for pushing the official narrative (the court case was a joke as there’s zero evidence of any deaths) and second, when his website moderators were shadow banning my comments for exposing point number one. Then there was the other occultic occurrence of Hillary Clinton mentioning his name during a speech. As if a form of her playing phony victimhood while baptizing AJ into their cult. Only the truly awake would have caught that.

He can’t join their team while pretending to be against it. Once he’s exposed and compromised, all he has left is to try and fool the ignorant and unaware. Maybe Alex Jones was threatened, with his only alternative to join their team. The same was said of Trump, forcing him to hand the election to Biden.

At the end of the day, we can only trust in ourselves and our closest of friends.

C said (January 15, 2022):

For me, the two signs Alex Jones was a lost cause was first joining the Sandy Hook team for pushing the official narrative (the court case was a joke as there’s zero evidence of any deaths) and second, when his website moderators were shadow banning my comments for exposing point number one. Then there was the other occultic occurrence of Hillary Clinton mentioning his name during a speech. As if a form of her playing phony victimhood while baptizing AJ into their cult. Only the truly awake would have caught that.

He can’t join their team while pretending to be against it. Once he’s exposed and compromised, all he has left is to try and fool the ignorant and unaware. Maybe Alex Jones was threatened, with his only alternative to join their team. The same was said of Trump, forcing him to hand the election to Biden.

At the end of the day, we can only trust in ourselves and our closest of friends.

LC said (January 14, 2016):

An entire article could be written about the voracious sexual predator, Roy Cohn, McCarthy's right hand man.

Cohn's sexual appetites revolved around young boys -- three or four new ones per day! I always found it amazing that McCarthy would have someone like this working for and with him, but perhaps Cohn acted as the JDL watch dog to help steer McCarthy in the "proper" direction, so his horrific lifestyle was somehow "overlooked" by the controlled media, and has been to this day.

His face drips with evil and perversion. If ever there was a picture of depravity, it is Roy Cohn.

James Perloff said (January 9, 2016):

Thank you for another edifying post. I always thought it strange that McCarthy had Roy Cohn as his lieutenant, not just because Cohn was Jewish, but Cohn was reportedly homosexual, and homosexuals were generally looked upon as security risks in the 1950s anti-communist era. I do want to say that I believe McCarthy had very good intentions and was probably eliminated because he started drawing too close to the truth.

This explains why Jewish-run Hollywood permitted a brief rash of anti-communist movies in the early 50s, such as “I Was a Communist for the FBI,” “Big Jim McClain,” and the almost unwatchable “My Son John.”

I do want to confirm that the Cold War ended so that the War on Terror (translation, War on Israel’s Enemies) could begin. Gorbachev came to Power in 1985 and Reagan bombed Libya in 1986. I have an article on the transition at

The neo-con/Trotskyite pairing also makes sense in light of all this. The Zionists always wanted Trotsky, not Stalin, as Lenin’s successor. After Stalin had Trotsky assassinated, the Zionists finally had to give up on that ambition and deal with Stalin. After Trotsky’s death, he was eulogized in FOREIGN AFFAIRS, the CFR’s journal. I have to wonder if when Stalin finally “got his” during the McCarthy era, if it was actually payback for Trotsky.

Gord said (January 9, 2016):

further to Tony Blizzard's comment today, re the John Birch society

in 1971, Sheldon Emry exposed the head of the John Birch society as part of the problem, rather than part of the solution to communism. Those sermons can be found on the website of the Sheldon Emry Library ; entitled "Robert Welch Hero or Heretic?" : tapes 7111a and 7111b

Paul said (January 8, 2016):

The most important issue among all the issues in life is, "Where does your money come from?" Many people want to proclaim conservative truths and values but accept money from adversarial sources and they think they can get away with it. But even more deadly is the fact that under socialism 99% of people are accepting free money they have not earned from bankers to whom we are now in debt. Few ever pay in taxes what they end up receiving from the government (how many people are keeping a balance sheet in this regard?).

This article also mentions "Christian wives". Women, more than men, want security and blindly accept what governments give. Many men are uncomfortable with government handouts but few women ever express doubts. Women need to learn how to depend on their husbands and fathers or prove that they can do it on their own by building skyscrapers and bridges etc.

Where does our money come from? Where do we put our faith? Do we gladly accept government jobs and salaries from that source? Are we taking a chance and risking livelihoods dependent on private enterprise and the free market?

McCarthy accepted money from wrong sources and paid a price - sadly.

Mark said (November 25, 2010):

Eustace Mullins said that McCarthy was fine so long as he stuck with his anti-communist agenda
Mullins says in 'a writ for martyrs' that he (Mullins) wrote a speech for McCarthy detailing the Jewish bankers who were financing the communist.
McCarthy delivered the speech in Washington
this is when Bernard Baruch called McCarthy into his office and laid down the law. No more talking about who was financing the communists. This was the end of mccarthy. Mullins was working on a bio that would restore Joe m's image as hero/patriot before he died.

following is an extract of an interview with mullins: On the John Birch Society...

"JBS was set up by Nelson Rockefeller. I knew two people at the original meeting. They needed a right-wing, anti-communist organization. NR decided that Robert Welch was the man to run JBS, so he arranged for the sale of Welch's Candy Co. (where Robert Welch had been working for his brother John) to Nabisco (which was a Rockefeller controlled company) at a highly inflated price and Welch was given an income to run the John Birch Society.

Revilo Oliver was a good friend of mine and he was one of the founders of the JBS. He and I were sitting in his living room once and he told me that he knew Nelson Rockefeller ran the Birch Society because he had a revolving fund at Chase Manhattan Bank, and whenever Welch needed a quarter million dollars to meet the payroll, he'd go to CMB and withdraw the money.

Oliver told you that?

Himself. One of the founders, can't ask for better authority than that.

I traveled around for years and I was trusted because it was pretty well established that I was working for no one but myself, so people would be frank with me. I'm writing my autobiography now, which will break all these things out. It'll be out this spring. I'll go into JBS, McCarthy, Ezra Pound and e.e. Cummings..."

Ty said (November 25, 2010):

I think it fair to remember that McCarthy's list of Soviet agents came from the Venona files handed to him from Hoover. At this time all the "gentiles" in power became aware of the Jewish threat and feared the media's anti Semite slander if they did their duty exposing their subversive acts.

Nixon and Kennedy were very aware of all of this which is why Nixon is on record admitting it while speak to Graham, and Kennedy died trying to break the Jewish grip on America by informing the Media (his famous speech a "monolithic" power) about their duty not to succumb to their pressure.

We all know about his desire to break the Federal Reserve yet few know that he was going to have the UN investigate Dimona in Israel in an attempt to stop the Israeli's from getting nukes.

When one adds up that McCarthy and Kennedy were very close friends, it is easy to conclude that McCarthy was more of a well meaning partial dupe who did his duty as best he could only to be murdered like Kennedy was.

Another point worthy of mention are the reports that Kennedy also wanted anti gravity and free energy technology released to the public and everyone knows he was against the Vietnam war which Kissinger admitted was a Zionist plot against America from start to finish.

In summary, I view McCarthy as a true blue patriot who did not understand the full game. I also view Kennedy as carrying on the fight and that if any of his battles against the Jews would have seen success, it would have spelled in the very least a great disaster in the Jews attempt to control the world through America by proxy.

Lastly, I think Nixon also tried to take up where Kennedy left off but was destroyed by Jewish power once they realized his attempts to buck the growing Jewish system of control in America.

Henry, if anyone has any shred of allegiance to truth, honestly decency and America, they must take up the torch, perform their sacred duty and take up the fight against Jewish power where these great men left off. I for one am not too worried because I know the promises of Jesus Christ and his prophesies concerning Jewish power.

Mark Anderson said (November 25, 2010):

"It proves my contention that grass roots or populist resistance is negligible and nothing gets done politically unless someone pays for it. And you know who can afford that."

As you indicate, the bottom line is the financial muscle. Therefore the banking power, the power to create money privately and soak the world in usury, is the key. Nearly all our efforts must focus there, since that manipulation spawns our other political and cultural problems. That is why they like us chirping about a smörgåsbord of issues and why the tea party movement started decentralized with End the Fed as a fairly common theme and ended up a neutered monolith that largely supports the GOP and neo-con wars while forgetting about a Fed probe.

They don't care what we know; only what we do with what we know. They speak of false unity but actually fragment the freedom movement so not enough people focus on the right thing at any given time, while making sure we're too broke to make enough lasting progress.

Mark Anderson AFP editor

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at