Freemasons Stage Our Political Charade
May 16, 2016

When you shake hands, the thumb naturally extends upward or straight ahead. When it points downward, you are signalling that you are a member of the world's largest satanic cult, Freemasonry, and are committed to its goal of world government under the anti Christ.

Stephen Knight was poisoned and died just two years after publishing "The Brotherhood." What he said about British society no doubt applies to the whole world: Culture and politics are a charade quietly controlled by these disciples of Lucifer. In other words, mankind is in the thrall of a Satanic cult. Millions are complicit in their own enslavement.
Knight showed how Masons secretly control every aspect of British society. There are 500,000 Masons in England. Lodges are associated with every local government, police, bank, military unit, hospital, university, church, court and of course Westminster. What passes for politics is basically members of the same Lodge contending for office to decide how to enact the Masonic agenda. Knight documented how Masons give each other preferment in hiring, promotion and business. Non-Masons are continually hassled. It is no understatement to say that the UK is a Masonic tyranny. (This website takes on the Mason's "Common Purpose" front.)

Freemasonry represents a conspiracy against society that has gone so far as to make treason the norm, and outlaw mention of conspiracy. Freemasonry is an extension of the "Jewish" conspiracy, basically creating a Gentile establishment to do its bidding. The Jewish conspiracy in turn is an instrument of the Central bankers who wish to use Jews and Masons to protect their monopoly on credit (money creation) and turn that monopoly into control over every aspect of your life. Hence the bogus "war on terror."
Every candidate running for US President or Vice President must be a puppet. Otherwise they would renounce the debt and insist on the US controlling its own credit (i.e. creating money.) The mass media is run by Freemasons. Jewish Mason Bill Maher released a film "Religiosity" ridiculing religion. There are three monkeys on the posters (hear-no-evil etc.) each wearing the symbols of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. I believe that religion is God (i.e. your conscience) speaking to you. Apparently Luciferians like Maher object to anything that gives people independence from their tyranny. It's fine to be tolerant of homosexuality and pornography but not the Spirit of God that helps people distinguish right from wrong.

The Masonic bankers couldn't carry off this charade if they didn't own the mass media. They couldn't use perverts and criminals as Presidents and Senators if the press were free. They couldn't carry off an atrocity like 9-11 if the media could speak the truth. Instead, the media covers up their crimes. In my own city, the Winnipeg Free Press is pontificating on "toxic 9-11 truthers" who believe the Mossad played a role. Guess what -- the "Free" Press is owned by two B'nai Brith'ers, i.e. Jewish Masons, Bob Silver and Ron Stern. What a coincidence!
Here's a BBC video of former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson giving the Masonic "triangulation" sign (a pyramid with the fingers) around the 3.20 min mark. Paulson succeeded in raising the national debt to $11 Trillion in 2008. Under the administration of Illuminati member George W. Bush, the national debt doubled! He spent as much as every administration that preceded him. Obama has upped it to $20 trillion. They have done more to enslave Americans through fictitious debt than any other Presidents. Remember a dollar of new "debt" is a dollar in the pocket of the central bankers.


Thanks to J for images!
Related-- Ron Paul- Illuminati hand signs
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Larry said (May 16, 2016):
Henry, there's a gravesite in Houston, Texas that might be of interest to you.
There are over twenty markers grouped together in front of a head marker that reads "My decedents relocated from a Masonic cemetery to Glenwood Cemetery."
I mean here's a guy who felt so strongly about it that he was willing to spend over $300,000 not to have his deceased relatives associated with Masonry. I don't know if he's still alive but odds are he would appreciate and completely agree with your latest article.