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Should We Take Lindsey Williams Seriously?

February 26, 2011

pastor_lindsey_williams.jpgWilliams revealed long term plans to manipulate the price of oil using  anti-government protests in oil-producing states.


by Christian Soderberg


Can we believe Lindsey Williams?

Williams, a Baptist minister and author of the 1980's book The Energy Non-Crisis (on line) has been reporting inside information about oil price-manipulation for many years now, and generally the information has been accurate.

According to Pastor Williams, the Globalists are fomenting rebellion as an excuse to raise the oil prices to $150-200 a barrel.

Pastor Williams revealed in his book that US has huge untapped oil reserves that the elites have known about for decades. After manipulating the oil prices  to around $200 a barrel, we will finally see these US oil reserves opened for production.

Williams writes in the first chapter of The Energy Non-Crisis:

lindsey-williams-cover.jpg"..Senator Chance's first question was, "Mr. X, how much crude oil is there under the North Slope of Alaska, in your estimation?"

Mr. X answered, "In my estimation, from the seismographic work and the drilling we have already done, I am convinced that there is as much oil under the North Slope of Alaska as there is in all of Saudi Arabia.".."

The information from Lindsey Williams covers a lot of ground ..the situation with oil, US dollar and the Middle East, so it is best that you listen it yourself:

Lindsey Williams Exclusive: Nwo to Target Iran & Saudi Arabi Next, Oil to Hit $200 a Barrel

The skyrocketing oil and gas prices will create more economic turmoil in already struggling Europe and US. They will affect the cost of everything including food which is already high because of the natural disasters and cold weather.

The EU just agreed on sanctions on countries that can't control their spending. The sky rocketing oil prices will increase pressure for new austerity measures and privatization programs. This was the plan behind the EU-sanctions all along. First, corrupt state officials (Globalist insiders) will bankrupt the countries and then the Globalists will buy everything for pennies.

Time will tell if Lindsey Williams' information is still accurate. As a reader, Dan, points out, "
Last June during the BP oil rig leak in the Gulf of Mexico, Mr. Williams said the government wasn't telling us that the fissure had 'fractured the surface of the earth" creating a "Gulf volcano".  Williams insisted millions in the Gulf would die of benzene poison and other toxins supposed spewing out of the Gulf. The only way to stop it was a "nuclear device."   Clearly, Williams has a propensity for Armageddon scenarios. 


Regardless of Williams' credibility, the ongoing privatization programs in EU and elsewhere must be stopped by the public.

If the turmoil in Middle East and Africa escalates, we might see military interventions with UN mandate, an option which is already being considered in Libya.

The possible NATO-lead "coalition forces" in these areas might then encounter insurgency from radical-Islamists which would further help the Globalist with their "War on Terror" ..but we are not there yet.

The 'key' for ending the staged-War on Terror and other Globalist scams is exposing the 'controlled demolition' of World Trade Center buildings on 9/11. This is NOT a conspiracy theory, because this fact is backed by concrete evidence (thou still not "officially" recognized.) 'Nano-thermite explosive material' were found in the remains (dust etc.) of the WTC, with video-audio evidence of explosive demolition of the WTC buildings and with witness statements about big explosions in the WTC complex.

False Flag 9/11: Nano-Thermite Proof


It is certainly puzzling that loyal Illuminati puppets like Mubarak and Qaddafi should be abandoned so quickly. It is tempting to see this in terms of a larger scheme for Middle East or world war, and crippling oil prices.

On the other hand, the human tendency always is to revert to normal. It's hard to imagine that the elite would jeopardize the recovery so recklessly. In six months, Lindsey Williams' role could be seen as a Chicken Little. He could have egg all over his face.

Or, he may be regarded as a courageous whistle blower.  Where are you placing your bet?  


Related-  Williams Spreading BP Disinfo?

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Should We Take Lindsey Williams Seriously?"

Jerome said (February 28, 2011):

Dear Henry,

Re Michael (below): Hams is the "Muslim Brotherhood", which in turn is the umbrella organization of all militant activities under AL-Azhar, which is the Sunni-Islam reciprocation of the Vatican, residing in a suburb of Cairo.

Sergei said (February 28, 2011):

People believe whatever they will or won't. I've spoken with Lindsey a few times when he's been through our neck of the woods on speaking engagements. Between those times, and having read his books, I believe he says what he says with all sincerity and intent to do good for his fellow men. I also have relatives who've written EIS's and done other higher-end work in the energy fields (not just oil) in several western states. There is no doubt in my mind that there are far larger controls and plans at work than free markets alone would tolerate. Oil is, almost as much as currency manipulation, the power that drives the modern world and the peoples of the planet. It certainly is the most common physical element in nearly every tangible good proffered anywhere. Lindsey is right on. I have, and will continue to, deem his warnings of value to all.

Michael said (February 28, 2011):

Hey Henry. One thing you forgot to mention in your article, nor did I see in any of the comments was Mr. Williams mention of the "Muslim Brotherhood", making their way to Israel to "Kill Jews". Now this in my opinion is major, major red flag. The demonizing of Muslims and the tell tale cry of those poor poor Jews in Israel is congruent with Wikileaks and all other establishment propaganda. Something to think about.

Kyle said (February 27, 2011):

I think Dan is being somewhat critical of Lindsey Williams statement.

"Last June during the BP oil rig leak in the Gulf of Mexico, Mr. Williams said the government wasn't telling us that the fissure had
'fractured the surface of the earth" creating a "Gulf volcano".

Williams insisted millions in the Gulf would die of benzene poison and other toxins supposed spewing out of the Gulf."

For example, individuals who have been working near the fissure have become ill or have even died. Also, we see the Govt. touting that the
seafood is safe to eat from that region and is promoting it's consumption.

With that being said, I believe that Lindsey Williams was given this information from his insider. The insider was merely expressing the
desire/goals of the global elitist regarding the situation in the Gulf.

In other words the Illuminati WANTED millions to become sick and die from this (Purposeful) oil leak. The insider was merely revealing this info to Williams which he subsequently expressed to his

The fact that it DIDN'T kill millions means that there insidious plan didn't work according to their plan. Thank God!

Basically I think we shouldn't shoot the messenger if you will. Lindsey is only giving the desired goal of the Illuminati. We need
to thank God that their evil plan didn’t work this time.

John said (February 27, 2011):

These are the statements made by Lindsey Williams after which he was threatened: “The average person has not the slightest idea who ’they’ are. The key is the ‘oil bourse’. You want me to get ethnic but as a minister of the gospel, I have to tell you the truth. Who are ‘they’?

Saudi Arabia, they sell their oil to the men that sit behind their computers in New York and London every day and they are representatives of the World Bank and the IMF and they determine how much oil Saudi Arabia gets out of the ground.

It costs $5. to get a barrel of oil out of the ground. Who gets the difference between that and $70 or $140. a barrel? Saudi Arabia sells it to the oil bourse, not to Shell or Exxon.

They sit behind their computers in New York and London and tell everyone on the face of the earth what they’re going to get for a barrel of oil. OPEC has nothing to do with it, neither do the oil companies. Supply and demand has nothing to do with it. It’s controlled by the representatives of the World Bank and the IMF.

They take the big cut right off the top before the oil companies ever get theirs and they have forgiven the loans of every third world country because you paid for it as a tax at the gas pump.”

JCW said (February 27, 2011):

Hey Henry, timely article. I have been following/listening to Lindsay Williams for many years. He's generally been spot on. My question has always been, why? Why would some insider leak the type of information he leaks? It's explosive.

They make it sound like his contacts are secret and yet Alex Jones figured it out as well as several others who follow this stuff, and these secret contacts are still alive. Except for one insider who died of CANCER in his old age and not a bullet to the head.

So we have to ask ourselves "Are we being played?" And I don't mean that Lindsay Williams is involved. Are we being led into a direction of their choosing? If it is as they say and oil is the new currency then they now control it all.

The Middle East will have been marginalized because their oil reserves will have been depleted and purchased with a worthless fiat currency. It's like the Middle East gave away their treasure. The same thing is happing in Argentina.

The International Bankers want the territory of Patagonia as collateral for their national debt, which of course is based on fiat worthless paper. So don't get to excited about opening up oil reserves for the rebuilding America, when the bankers get done looting our country because of our national debt, we will simply be a sea of debt owed to the company store, and instead of passing an inheritance on to our children we will simply be leaving behind a life time of personally accumulated debt. Not this intangible debt we call the national debt..

Richard said (February 27, 2011):

Williams is correct that it was agreed 50 years ago that domestic oil production would be shut down and would be imported from the Middle East to create scarcity, drive up the price, so the OPEC countries would buy up US national debt. The familiar array of dictators of the last 50 years were installed by the CIA/SIS. The sudden 'retirement' of all these dictator-managers is simply due to 2011 being the year of the planned expiration date.
The barrel price is soaring and will indeed reach $200 per barrel. In the US that translates to nearly seven dollars a gallon.

"Satanist Insider" did predict soaring gas cost this year in "The Party is Beginning!" (January 20, 2011) [Quote] "Oil prices are going to rise significantly this year. And oil is the life blood of economies particularly what's left of America's. And American oil prices will rise soon."

One doesn't have to be a evil genius to assume he and his gang's excitement is their financial asses are covered by insider trades in the oil futures racket.

Lindsay Williams doesn't say, but the sudden rise in cost isn't owing to real shortage even with Libya offline. Half of barrel price is due to the side Casino called investment banking. That's a way for Satanists to pick pockets during catastrophes which they create.

Dan said (February 27, 2011):

You wrote:
"In conclusion, it is certainly puzzling that loyal Illuminati puppets like Mubarak and Qaddafi should be abandoned so quickly. It is tempting to see this in terms of a larger scheme for Middle East or world war, and crippling oil prices. On the other hand, the human tendency always is to revert to normal. In six months, Lindsey Williams' role could be to create panic. In six months, he could have egg all over his face."

If I jog their memory people may recall last June during the BP oil rig leak in the Gulf of Mexico that Mr. Williams said the government wasn't telling us that the fissure had 'fractured the surface of the earth" creating a "Gulf volcano".

Williams insisted millions in the Gulf would die of benzene poison and other toxins supposed spewing out of the Gulf. Alex Jones ran Williams alarms June 13. 2010
"Gulf Coast Evacuation Scenario Summer/Fall 2010"

Lindsay does tend to 'over amp', but then Alex Jones is the most notorious fear monger in the business of fear mongering. 85% of Williams tales are factual, and he tells more truth than you'll get from Wall Street Journal on how the oil trade works. His 15% of disinformation generally regards events in progress.

He says, "Globalists are fomenting rebellion as an excuse to raise the oil prices to $150-200 a barrel". Well, that's not the big picture. The riots are being fomented as the beginning of the contrived "Global Revolution" of 2012. The spike in oil price is incidental to the Big Agenda, which is more about prohibitive fuel price to inflate shipping cost, which exacerbate price hikes of food, goods, and services. The insider tips pay off the Masons and Satanists that kiss the Capstone's ass.

Bob said (February 27, 2011):

I was up until 4:00 AM listening to Coast to Coast Am with over 540 stations, and yours would be 680 or CJOB, and it was just explosive as Lindsey Williams did a classic. This all means in reality that America and the world were lied to for decades, as there was no energy shortage and all was a hoax that was engineered by the illuminati with a designed plan to bring in a New World Order.

There is enough oil and natural gas to fuel USA for over 200 years which was tested, drilled, capped, and analyzed and became classified. So the elite through proxy is placing the entire middle east into chaos, and will destroy it all for two reasons. They are going to crash the USD and double cross all of them to hold the bag, and bring in the secret reserves to rebuild America.

Now when spot oil or crude bent reaches say $150 a barrel it is the time to take cover before the crash, as there is a cabal in this world who are insane, but are going for it, as they are ruled by Lucifer and have lost their souls to him. They want to rule the world over serfs, and we are in uncharted waters just a bit - Williams has never been wrong.

The deadline to crash the USD is scheduled for no later than December 2012 which will crash all investment markets, but it could come sooner - watch the price of oil and that will be the clue; watch the middle east as well. This was all planned decades ago and watch it unfold. Damn them all!

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at