Malachi Martin -- Illuminati False Opposition
November 21, 2019

Powerful forces have maintained the fiction that Malachi Martin left the Jesuit Order voluntarily or on principle. In fact, this prominent church critic was forced to leave the priesthood because he was a scoundrel and a philanderer.
By 1962, he had alienated the affections of at least four housewives and then dropped them.
When one spurned woman showed up at Martin's brother in Dublin and ask where Malachi was, she was told:
"Dear girl. I don't know. I must tell you, you are the fourth woman who has come here asking me the same question about Malachi. All of them have essentially the same story to tell. That they were in love with Malachi and thought Malachi was in love with them."
"Four women?" she demanded. "The same story?"
He nodded, and said, "And one rather attractive young man."

Kaiser was the TIME magazine correspondent in Rome in the early 1960's.
Martin was a source who became a close family friend. Martin didn't just break up Kaiser's family. (Kaiser and his wife Mary had two young children.) It was much darker. To allay suspicions, Martin mobilized a network of influential contacts to smear Kaiser and have him committed as a paranoid schizophrenic.
Martin's books exposed satanic practices in the Catholic church and the Pope's role in the New World Order. While pretending to be against world government and the decline of traditional faith and practice, Martin went a long way to discredit the church. His many books were published by Illuminati mind-controller Simon and Schuster, which was a sign that something was fishy.
Kaiser's book, on the other hand, is published by Continuum which bills itself as "unconstrained by the interests of any global media group or academic institution, and based in London and New York."
In it, Kaiser recalls that Martin started hanging out with two officials of the New York-based American Jewish Committee and flashing $100 bills. The Jews were particularly concerned that the 1962 Second Vatican Council pass "the Jewish Schema" which absolved Jews of the blame for Christ's Crucifixion and by implication accept guilt for 2000 years of anti-Semitism.
This is a typical example of how Illuminati mind-controllers invert good and evil. The Crucifixion of Christ was part of an ancient conspiracy against God and man reaching fruition with the New World Order.
"Martin was their lobbyist." Kaiser wrote. "These Jews were using him and paying him well for his help." (190)
Martin was the secretary to Cardinal Augustin Bea, a Marrano who spearheaded the Schema and general liberalization of church dogma and practice. According to an article in Wikipedia, Martin passed confidential documents to the American Jewish Committee, which is a front for Illuminati bankers. He also wrote under pseudonyms many inflammatory articles for Illuminati magazines like Harper's describing the foot-dragging of Vatican conservatives.
Martin had a reputation as a liar. A reader cites psychiatrist M. Scott Peck's book "Glimpses of the Devil" about possession and exorcism. According to Peck, Martin, although a formidable scholar and polyglot (17 languages), could by turns be a "pathological liar" and a "leprechaun."
In an email, Owen told me that Peck said that in his book "Hostages to the Devil" Martin claimed he performed exorcisms that were actually performed by Peck.
Bob Kaiser's book, Clerical Error is also about attaining maturity. Kaiser spent 10 years as a Jesuit himself. He makes the point that immaturity is really a function of having "idols and "taking guidance from "authorities" like the Jesuits or "experts."
Kaiser was fooled by Martin's collar and couldn't see what was happening in his own home. Then instead of taking action, he sought help from the Jesuit Order, who generally prevaricated. His so-called friends didn't alert him.
Kaiser learned that maturity is not so much gaining wisdom as confidence in one's own judgment, trusting oneself no matter one's limitations.
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me" is really an order from God to all of us: to take charge of ourselves, think our own thoughts, and feel our own feelings. In other words, to grow up." (262)
For a lot of us, maturity has been realizing that no one knows very much, and there are a lot of unscrupulous, stupid and evil people in the world.
One of these was Malachi Martin. Recently, I posted an article about his claims of a "satanic enthronement in the Vatican." I had always regarded him as a good guy although I wondered about his Jewish publisher.
Now, I would avoid his work, because I regard him as a classic example of the Illuminati phony opposition. Martin pretended to oppose the dismantling of the Catholic Church while secretly advancing it. His personal behavior revealed where his true loyalties lay.
Thanks to Mark Owen for referring me to Clerical Error
Related Michael Hoffman on Malarchy Martin
Wade said (November 22, 2019):
The B.S. that the Jews were not solely responsible for murder of Jesus Christ would be a totally impossible assertion if the public had even a rudimentary understanding of God's Word. This is not complicated stuff...This is Bible knowledge
In order for the sacrifice Jesus made for the sins of the entire world to be legal and binding for all eternity...Jesus had to be condemned by the constituted authority of the Jewish High Priest, who, under the law, had a legal right to make a sacrifice for the sins of all the people at the time of the Passover. The Passover, of course, began in Egypt when a lamb was sacrificed and the blood of the lamb spread over the door posts. That blood of the lamb saved the Hebrews from the death decree of Pharaoh. That lamb was a type and a shadow of the God man Jesus Christ. Jesus was and is the living Word of God that spoke and said "Let there be light". The Word , "who became flesh and dwelt among us" also was the one who walked and talked with Adam, who walked and talked with Abraham, who appeared to and spoke to Moses and all the prophets.
The Roman governor "found no fault in Jesus' and was ready to release him when the High Priest of the Jews along with his cohorts screamed "crucify Him". The Roman governor then washed his hands before the crowd and said His blood is not on my hands. The High Priest then screamed out "Let His blood be upon us and our children".
Galatians chapter three tells us that there is now no longer Jew or Greek...Only those who are born again and covered by the blood of Jesus and those who are not.