Lyme Disease - The Tick that Ate My Life
August 27, 2011

by Mary Smith
The incidence of Lyme Disease has DOUBLED since 1991. Let's say that we've got 500,000 cases a year for 20 years, since Lyme is under-reported and under-diagnosed.
If the tick carries Borellia burgdorferi, the bite can render you bedridden, insane, or a walking cripple who can't concentrate or hold a job. Or it can kill you.
The only accurate test is to take a drop of blood, place it on a slide, wait at least a half an hour, and then to watch under a high-powered microscope as the Lyme spirochete bacteria leave their red blood cell hosts.
That means there are more cases of Lyme Disease in the USA than the combined totals of AIDS, West Nile Virus, and Avian Flu.
Although Canada does not keep statistics on Lyme Disease infections, the ticks that carry it are in Canada and Borrellia has been found in Canada.
Across the world, nations are struggling with the Lyme Disease epidemic. Particularly since the tests for it often give false negative results. That means Lyme is under-diagnosed and therefore under-treated.
Like many children growing up in New Jersey, we went camping and I played outdoors. Tick bites were not uncommon. Never had a bulls-eye rash, although I did notice deteriorating health.
As your readers may recall, I wrote about my struggle with CFS, losing my home, and the refusal of Social Services to help me or others in my situation.
In fact, one of my CFS friends is now homeless in New York City. The Bible teaches us that all things work for the good of those who love God, and it would seem apparent that has happened to me.
Over the years, I've been to different doctors and none could figure out what was wrong with me. Except that I was obviously very, very sick.
In addition to be exhausted all the time, I can't sleep nights, have poor concentration, and memory loss. It feels as if a 50 pound weight were attached to my every thought and physical action. Under the circumstances, holding a job has been impossible.
From time to time, my knees swell and I can barely walk. At this point, I'm starting to lose my sense of smell and hearing, have difficulty swallowing, and I feel like a prisoner in my own body.
Christian friends took me in, and one of them had Lyme disease. The friend has spent thousands on medical treatment to no avail.
It turned out that I had Lyme Disease, too, as do many people with CFS.
The worst part: I look normal. People tell me I look great. My family has abandoned me and has written me off as a nut. I feel awful. Having friendships or a romance when you feel this sick are out of the question. At least I can walk. Other Lymies can't.
Lyme is an extremely difficult disease to diagnose unless you can find someone with a high-powered microscope who can view it directly. That's how Lyme Disease was discovered in the first place. Lyme Disease is difficult to culture. The standard tests for Lyme are often inaccurate.
Like most people, I thought Lyme infection was followed by a bulls-eye rash. And I thought it was curable by a 3 week course of antibiotics as the Centers for Disease Control tells us. Boy, was I wrong! While you may get a bulls-eye rash sometimes, the cure just doesn't happen.
Even doctors can't always cure it with YEARS of antibiotic drug treatment.
What I hear from other Lymies is that antibiotics can give you candida which is almost as bad as Lyme. So they end up going the alternative medicine route.
Like syphilis, Lyme Disease is a spirochete (corkscrew shaped) bacteria. Like syphilis, Lyme is known as the Great Imitator. Both Lyme and Sphillis can appear to be many diseases, such as CFS, depression, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and a host of other ailments.

Lyme can and will curl into a cyst to evade treatment. In the cyst form, it will reproduce. When the treatment stops, Lyme disease comes back only worse.
Like other bacteria, Lyme can also form a biofilm, a gelatinous mass in which it hides.
The Lyme Disease corkscrew shape enables Lyme to enter most every cell, including red blood cells, nerves, tendons, muscle, bone, and the brain. Over time, it will attack heart and central nervous system in addition to the brain.
My friend told me that the Lyme Disease has become an international epidemic that has gone far beyond the Northeastern USA. You can see more about it in this video:
Yes, the Government CAN do something right!
It can design disabling diseases that resist detection and treatment.
Ever heard that Lyme Disease was discovered in 1975 in Lyme, CT? That's only partly true. Borellia Burgdofori was discovered in 1893 in Germany.
In this video, former Governor Jesse Ventura says Lyme is a bio-warfare weapon run amok.
Ventura interviewed investigator Neil Grossman on his TV show, Conspiracy Theory, Grossman has investigated the Plum Island Animal Disease Center. He said that the US government hired former Nazi scientist Eric Traub to inject animal diseases into ticks so that the ticks could spread disease as a biowarfare weapon into a targeted population.
In the same episode, Ventura interviewed Dr. Breeze, the former Plum Island director. While Dr. Breeze denied the rumors that Lyme Disease was a bio-weapon accidentally released into the tick population, he did admit that some animal diseases studied at Plum Island could infect humans.
Ventura made it clear on the show that bio-warfare weapons plants have lax security and a history of safety accidents.
Some people believe that Lyme was developed as a bio-weapon on Plum Island off the coast of Lyme, Connecticut. Supposedly, Lyme escaped into the tick population. The ticks infected birds, which carried their host ticks to other parts of the country That's how hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people became infected.
Lyme Disease sufferers themselves have created a Lyme
Disease treatment that has cured some of them. You can read about it here: and here:
You could probably cure Lyme Disease the same way Dr. Klenner cured polio in 1948 with large doses of Vitamin C by mouth and injection. Dr. Klenner said that doctors would rather stand over a patient and watch him die than give him a shot of Vitamin C.
However, I can't afford that, so I'm stuck. Maybe you're not.
Finally, there is only ONE cure in the world for buruli, an
African bacterial flesh-eating disease. See: http://www.mercimerenature.
It's the same treatment that helped Gaylord Hauser: clay
Clay packs can draw out infections and toxins. Try it yourself and see.
Also, here is a Vitamin C cure.--
From a Biology Text
Brad said (August 29, 2011):
I have a friend who started with all these classic Lyme symptoms after doing a cross Canada bicycle trip. It basically took ten years out of his life! He had to sell his house and would of lost his job had he worked for the private sector. He got word of one retired doctor who is the only person who knows how to diagnose Lyme disease in his area. The recovery process took about three years on antibiotics. He is around 60 years old and is left with a very sore back, but at least he has most of his quality of life back. We need to spread the knowledge of Lyme diagnosis around so that big Pharma can't cover it up! It wouldn't surprise me if big Pharma has something to do with the proliferation of the disease and they will soon come out with some expensive drug which will be able to "manage" the disease but never cure it as they don't make any return on their investment with cures!