Fukushima -- Japan's Faustian Bargain With the West
June 6, 2011

Our Tokyo correspondent describes a general feeling of betrayal by the West. But the satanist-led (Illuminati) "West" literally may have sabotaged Fukushima in order to coerce the Japanese into world government.
by Grace-Eki
It is finally dawning on the Japanese that the 'West' was not/is not what it was purported to be and that the contact with the West and its technology has been a Faustian bargain.
Indeed the whole of 'West' can almost be summarized, post Renaissance and Enlightenment as an re-enactment of the myth of Dr. Faustus. And with similar tragic ending to it. [In this myth, Faustus sells his soul to the devil for power and knowledge.]
The desire of the common people is the same all over the world. It is to live in peace, in relative comfort and well-being and to wish the best for their children and thus the future generation. It is so very similar all over the world; this clash of civilization/culture only occurs because of outside imposition.
People of Fukushima and the rest of Japan are highly aware that they have robbed their children, their future -- having been conned (admitted, their own fault and ignorance) about the safety, and all the positive (lucrative) possibility that nuclear energy could bring into their area....The very irony of the town's slogan, "Brighter Future through Nuclear Power/Energy" that still hangs above the -involuntarily abandoned-ghost town, sums up the situation.
And of course, Fukushina rhymes very much with Hiroshima!
Unlike the WWII consequence, this time all four islands of Japan will be contaminated.
Japanese people are not exactly dumb; they may be naïve and ingenious (as with many native inhabitants) and are exceedingly misinformed about the West and by extension-the whole global, geo-strategical situation.
Thanks to the control of the Media, and especially the post WWII, built up of NIHON TV(channel 4), the CIA has managed to turn Japanese opinion in a pro-USA direction!
Nota Bene: that Showa Emperor (the real WWII war criminal), gave the Chrysanthemum Medal to General Le May in 1964...actually he did not quite give it to him personally as is the custom but the Japanese government did: the message is "Thank you so much for 'holocausting' the inhabitants of Japan'- we are just so honoured!"
Some of the Japanese are no better than Pavlovian dogs. This is due to the strategy by the feudal Tokugawas who imposed Isolationism for the inhabitants- while allowing the West, one-way access via the Dutch East India Company and accepting their yearly summary regarding the Western (read:Global) situation at face value and never sending an observer/messenger/spy to even check if it was accurate.
This document was treated almost like some 'secret documents' and only shared among the very few elite and never disclosed to the Japanese people....The consequence is that for the relative peaceful period of 270 years or so, the Japanese were raised in total oblivion as to what occurred beyond the sea.
It is one thing to read about the Inquisition, War of Religion, French Revolution, Conquest and colonialism etc. via a history text book; another to directly participate, witness or have one's life and families be destroyed through these factors... Zbigniew Brzezinski is not completely off, when he called Japan 'a fragile flower'. Yes, from a Social Darwinism imbued global monopolist controller (the geo-strategist with his Chessboard); he is absolutely right.
That Tokugawa feudal period was like being raised in a green-house, isolated from the rest of the world. We are suffering the consequences now.
The tragedy is not only due to radiation.....there is the abandonment and massacre of 'live'-stock which also came with post-Perry and the West. There was no domestication of four legged animals (for food consumption) and it was the Westerners, when once Japan abandoned Isolationism that insisted that White people can not survive without beef and dairy!
It was the so-called MEIJI Emperor (some of us believe him to be a changeling...) who ate beef for the very first time (cooked French style as to make it non-noticeable)! This occurred in 1873, which is only about one hundred and thirty-forty years ago, meaning -not such a long time ago.
Yet long enough, that the majority of the younger generation Japanese don't even have much idea about anymore. (They have been busy drinking mild, eating steak and becoming big and tall like the White Westerners....seriously, that was the slogan in getting them to change their dietary habits; and yes, ice-cream do taste often wonderful!....)
So the tragedy, of course is first and foremost to the human residents...but many people have been ANGST by the massacre of these creatures and wonder, why they could not simply be freed and left there so see if they could survive......
This too is the consequence of copying the West as the idealized model.
A country prone to such natural disasters cannot take that responsibility for another life. It is a double Angst, in a culture that believes by instinct in reincarnation, Karma and the presence of a soul.....in all creatures, including bugs.
A lot of people who attend these anti-nuclear demonstrations make it very clear that they would like to see Fukushima closed and the whole of Japan become nuclear-free.
That every single nuclear power plant be closed, because to err is part of being human. They are highly concerned that out of sixty-something new nuclear power plants, over forty are in Asia.
And if Fukushima can become a deterrent, like Chernobyl-for Europe; it is a well worthwhile lesson.
And if there really is a lack of energy, well let us just use less is our attitude.
(It is only corporate greed that never understands the concept of Enough and even less on Less...).
Food crisis; eat less. People survived the Edo period just fine without oil...-without animal husbandry-without jet travel, -without many items deemed indispensable when they are not, and in reality -often just junk and garbage. We are all under the spell of scientific progress!
All the so-called modern day conveniences are just not worth the current road of technological 'progress'.....
People here are both concerned and apologetic about polluting the ocean. The ocean belongs to the whole world and all creatures and knows no boundaries...
It is such a well known and accepted concept that life sprang from the sea.
In fact in French, the word mother is inside the sea (la mer and mère) and in Japanese, the word mother is inside the Kanji for the sea....
And right now, like HIROSHIMA, it is an experimentation time and nobody can really foresee the future. Suffice to say, it is very grim.
I would like to add that despite everything, people are being positive, and accept that a certain % will perish and a certain % would hopefully survive and plan to stay put, where they are even if it means eating radioactive food, and living with radiation. People survived HIROSHIMA, so why not. Plus the world is circular,there really is only one planet and the world across the sea appears rather vicious, competitive and sinister!!!
Ed said (June 8, 2011):
I'm something of a student of history, and one of the questions that have come up to me is "what would have happened if Japan had not gone into the isolation of the Tokugawa period?"
My take on that is conditioned by what happened not too long before then, when Toyotomi Hideyoshi was shogun. Hideyoshi had the megalomaniac idea that he was going to make himself emperor of Asia, and to that end commenced by invading Korea. The Japanese had better guns than the Koreans (James Clavell's nonsense notwithstanding), and would have overwhelmed Korea in short order if it hadn't been for the superior Korean navy, which saved Korea (and, indirectly, Ming China) from the Japanese by threatening the Japanese supply lines.
There's a very interesting book on this, titled _Samurai Invasion_, by Stephen Turnbull. The 1592-97 war in Korea was a bloodbath. After the Japanese withdrew, their attention again became centered on the situation at home; there was more fighting between the factions in Japan after Hideyoshi passed away in 1597, and this eventuated after a time in the establishment of the Tokugawa shogunate. The Tokugawa, as we know, were severely isolationist, and essentially prevented Japan from having any part in what was going on in the rest of the world from about 1620 or so until the 1860s.
Had there been a Toyotomi shogunate instead of the Tokugawa, I think that east Asia and the Pacific would have been treated to a display of Japanese militarism and psychotic violence in the 17th century that would have been as bad or worse than what they did in the early 20th. The Japanese are no more or less innocent than any other nationality in the world; to blame everything bad on "Western culture" while pretending that non-Westerners are some sort of primeval innocents is simply preposterous. We have lots of reactors in North America and in Europe, after all, which tells me that we in the West are just as naive and innocent as the Japanese---or not.