How Russians Staged Polish "Regime Change" (UPDATED)
April 22, 2010

This is in relationship to the gunshots fired as the pilots who flew the ghost plane might have survived the bellyflop type of landing; the wings and fuel were off the plane as well. I checked the cockpit contours with a standard photo of this plane too. This photo of the crashed plane appears to be a cockpit, and it was intact enough for an escape through an emergency window exit.
Now, believe the plane left Poland with all passengers with a crack flight team in the cockpit (4) and this plane had been all done over in December with state of the art equipment, but I believe the pilots were in touch with the tower in -Smolensk-, and based on what they were told landed in Belarus which is still under a soft Russian control even though there is a certain amount of independence with one exception, as all old these old military bases for plane landings are under the control of Russia.
The key to this entire conspiracy is manifested with numerous eyewitness reports and videos; in fact, all press who stayed at a nearby hotel to report the event had all there photos and all video equipment confiscated by the Russian secret police. Yep, and when the patsy plane was flying in for a landing the speed was low, and two kids on are youtube video described that one wing hit a tree and came off, and then the other wing slammed into a power line and it came off. This was not a power crash at all, but rather a floating crash, and many should have survived the impact - very little fire.
Now the patsy plane that was sent to Smolensk on a schedule from Russia was either sent there to deliver a passenger or to pick someone up under military order, so even four or five at the most were on this patsy plane, and it was just business as usual with one catch; the tower was given instructions to make it crash in order to cover up the real operation at hand. Ok now lets get to the bottom line with this scenario, and why I spent a lot of time watching this all.
All videos and eyewitness reports who were at the scene first, saw no luggage and no bodies anywhere so go figure with a plane that held almost 100 people - poof. Come on give me a break as this was a belly flop type of crash with very little fire on landing.
Makow comment: This would account for why there were no ambulances. The plane was empty except for possibly the pilots who may have been killed. The same kind of airport "reception" may have greeted the passengers on the 9-11 planes.
More from an informed reader:
The pilots approaching Smolensk contrary to media reports diverted their landing elsewhere based on the reports given to them by the tower and probably landed at another military airport in Belarus. Then the old KGB arrested all, and none of these people will ever see the light of day. It is called the plane-switch, whereby, an identical plane was ordered from somewhere with four in the cockpit, according to union laws of flight in Russia, to deliver a passenger to Smolensk.
Russia now controls the defense and security policy of Belarus, has established military bases, and runs key defense installations.
Now, remember that Putin was there about a week before, and his comrades in the tower were given orders to fudge a landing and cause an intentional crash for the patsies flying in on a very fixed schedule; plan a clean up team to make things look good; kill anyone in sight; and the black boxes would be fixed to say this or that; propaganda would abound to confuse; and you will all be rewarded. Henry there is no other explanation, but when my theory is put in place it makes sense. cockpit.jpg Sunday April 26 This is in relationship to the gunshots fired as the pilots who flew the ghost plane might have survived the bellyflop type of landing; the wings and fuel were off the plane as well. I checked the cockpit contours with a standard photo of this plane too. This photo of the crashed plane appears to be a cockpit, and it was intact enough for an escape through an emergency window exit.
Now, believe the plane left Poland with all passengers with a crack flight team in the cockpit (4) and this plane had been all done over in December with state of the art equipment, but I believe the pilots were in touch with the tower in -Smolensk-, and based on what they were told landed in Belarus which is still under a soft Russian control even though there is a certain amount of independence with one exception, as all old these old military bases for plane landings are under the control of Russia.
The key to this entire conspiracy is manifested with numerous eyewitness reports and videos; in fact, all press who stayed at a nearby hotel to report the event had all there photos and all video equipment confiscated by the Russian secret police. Yep, and when the patsy plane was flying in for a landing the speed was low, and two kids on are youtube video described that one wing hit a tree and came off, and then the other wing slammed into a power line and it came off. This was not a power crash at all, but rather a floating crash, and many should have survived the impact - very little fire.
Now the patsy plane that was sent to Smolensk on a schedule from Russia was either sent there to deliver a passenger or to pick someone up under military order, so even four or five at the most were on this patsy plane, and it was just business as usual with one catch; the tower was given instructions to make it crash in order to cover up the real operation at hand. Ok now lets get to the bottom line with this scenario, and why I spent a lot of time watching this all.
All videos and eyewitness reports who were at the scene first, saw no luggage and no bodies anywhere so go figure with a plane that held almost 100 people - poof. Come on give me a break as this was a belly flop type of crash with very little fire on landing.
Makow comment: This would account for why there were no ambulances. The plane was empty except for possibly the pilots who may have been killed. The same kind of airport "reception" may have greeted the passengers on the 9-11 planes.
Read this one carefully because it contains so many of the points which I have previous made. The plane which was circling the airport appears to have been seeding the area as Russia has indeed been involved with weather technology, so a temporary fog was created. The cockpit was intact and it is utter nonsense to believe they were burned, as the boys saw the approach and one wing hit a tree, and the other wing got sliced by a hydro wire. Thus, all the fuel was gone before the belly flop landing took place which meant virtually no fire. It was a rare plane crash, and there should have been survivors but no bodies to be seen out of 96 passengers - sure and it is time once again to believe in the tooth fairy.
Polish Prosecutor Seeks Answers in Russia
Twin Brother to Run for Polish President
Crash Videographer murdered

How Satanists Say "We're Sorry"
By Henry Makow, Ph.D.
In April 1940, the Soviet NKVD massacred the cream of Poland's nationalist and Christian intelligentsia in the Katyn Forest and elsewhere. They were slaughtered because they wouldn't agree to join the Communists in fronting a future occupation of Poland.
Seventy years later, on April 10, 2010, the heirs of the NKVD, who still run Russia, probably finished the job. They probably engineered a plane crash which killed the Polish President, the heads of the army and navy, the secret service and much of the patriotic wing of the Polish government. Thus they neatly eliminated one more obstacle to Satanic world government which is descending on the planet like a dreaded darkness.
This is how Satanists say, "We're sorry!" By repeating the outrage, again and again, until they are finally stopped.
The grounds for suspicion are numerous.
1. The plane was Russian and had recently been "refurbished" in Russia.
One blogger, a pilot, wrote,"Circumstances, however, point to a major accident or intentional blocking of the control system. Such a blockade may be intentionally installed so that it launched at a release from the chassis or flaps on the line immediately before landing."
2. As in the Pentagon attack, where there was no wreckage, there were no bodies to be found. Here is the YouTube. If the plane was at tree height, there would have been survivors. There would have been bodies. There would been luggage. As with the 9-11 passengers, it is possible the occupants were taken off the plane somewhere else, held or murdered. On Saturday, Russian authorities said all bodies had been found. On Monday the story had changed.
A Polish observer wrote:"Given the unlikelihood of Poland's top political and military leaders flying on the same plan, the execution or kidnapping of some of them in Poland cannot be ruled out. To explain their deaths to the general public, their names could have been added to the passenger list. According to media, only 14 bodies could be identified in Moscow with the rest being too badly burned."
A Polish friend wrote to me:"There is no sign of even one body or blood, the Polish cameraman thought that the plane was empty and when he was walking and recording it, he just noticed in shock that the plane was Polish but still didn't know it was President's plane.
3. The entourage was supposed to travel by train. Suddenly the plans were changed and the generals were induced to join the group.
4.Eye witnesses heard explosions. A bomb? Another said the fog appeared just before the landing and quickly dispersed afterward. The Russians claimed the pilot didn't speak Russian which turned out to be a lie. The New York Times peddled the story that the President made the pilot land against his better judgment. This is the same New York Times that hid Stalin's mass murders from the American people.
My Polish friend writes:"Others say clearly about hearing the noise like from a bomb exploding and then silence.Besides, if there are awful conditions the plane is not allowed to land and the airport is closed for landing.
I don't know how the Satanists pulled off 9-11 but I know the official story is not true. The same applies here. Accidents like this don't happen by accident. In one stroke, the globalist Masons, who are behind Putin as well as Obama, removed a thorn in their side.
Yes the Poles are in Afghanistan, but they had been steering an independent course on the Euro and the EU, and they rejected the swine flu vaccine and hysteria.Kaczynski was regarded as skeptical of the European Union while he fought to defend Poland's sovereignty against Brussels and to protect its traditional, conservative values. In 2008, he argued against ratifying the union's Lisbon Treaty for fear its prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation would become Polish law.
By virtue of its Catholic heritage, Poland is one of the last bastions of civilization in Europe. This will make the struggle of the Polish people, and all those resisting satanic and globalist enslavement, all the more difficult.
Related- From Christopher Story's World Report- Poland's Suspicious Second Katyn Tragedy (includes casualty list)
Kaj said (April 26, 2010):
If this exterminated Polish Government had not intended to put up American rockets in Poland, aimed at Rassia, the story might have had a different ending.
Poles are very human and emotional, but not politically realistic. General Pilsudski sendt Polish cavalry against German panzer columns! The riders who survived, flew Spitfire fighters for the Allies for the rest of the WWII.
Poles sacked President Lech Walesa because he couldn't speak French. Had he been able to play Chopin on the piano it would have been a redeeming factor.
Kaj Krinsmře