Are Jews a Nation, Race or Religion?
November 24, 2016

I had an "Eureka" moment when I read an interview with Shlomo Sand, the author of "The Invention of the Jewish People." He shows that the Jews today are not the descendants of Biblical Hebrews but are people of different races who converted to Judaism down through the centuries.
According to Sand, the description of Jews as a wandering and self-isolating nation of exiles, "who wandered across seas and continents, reached the ends of the earth and finally, with the advent of Zionism, made a U-turn and returned en masse to their orphaned homeland," is nothing but "national mythology."
"I asked myself how such large Jewish communities appeared in Spain. And then I saw that Tariq ibn Ziyad, the supreme commander of the Muslims who conquered Spain, was a Berber, and most of his soldiers were Berbers...who converted to Judaism."
Elizabeth Dilling said the same thing in 1964 in "The Jewish Religion: It's Influence Today"
(Chapter IX) Somehow I missed it. "Present day Jews are a pot pourri of every race of man," she writes, "and they do not have any genealogical or racial derivation from the ancient peoples of the Holy Land."
I had the misconception that Jews were a race because of their traditional antipathy to intermarriage. This was enforced by Hitler's racially-based treatment of Jews. But I couldn't explain why Jews differed racially and discriminated against each other on this basis.
Moreover, I couldn't reconcile race with the fact that the Illuminati, the secret inner core of Judaism, actively sought intermarriage with non-Jews and were happy to sacrifice other Jews to slaughter.
My paradigm has now changed. My latest thinking is that, like its proxy Freemasonry, the defining element in Judaism is the occult "ideology." Race doesn't matter. Anybody can join the club: Marilyn Monroe, Sammy Davis, Elizabeth Taylor, Madonna, Britney. As with American Express, "membership has its rewards."
And like Freemasonry, Judaism is characterized by the fact that the membership is ignorant of the true agenda. Only the "Illuminated" are in on the secret. The rest are manipulated and disposable.
As with Freemasonry, the hidden agenda is Pagan and Satanic. Judaism uses the Old Testament to draw people into the fold. But it is actually defined by the Talmud and Cabala which spurn the Old Testament.
Talmudic Judaism used "the Old Testament to cover its negation of every moral law of the Old Testament as its promotes practice of all the occult demonistic abominations excoriated by the Old Testament," writes Elizabeth Dilling.
Dilling shows how Moses' injunctions against bestiality, sodomy, adultery, incest, necrophilia etc. in the Old Testament are overturned in the Talmud. (Chapter V)
The picture of Jews as a nation-race is another way of controlling and manipulating them. It's essential for Jews (and Freemasons) to understand that the best parts of the ideology are for public consumption and to attract the innocents. From this pool, only the corruptible are informed of the true agenda and allowed to rise. They become part of the Illuminati.
But if there is trouble, the Illuminati will plant the blame on the innocent Jews and Masons, the outer layer of dupes who run interference and serve as their human shield.
The hidden (Talmudic/Cabalistic) agenda of Judaism and Freemasonry is to supplant the natural and spiritual laws of the universe (God) with the tyranny of the Illuminati bankers. They will define reality. For example, homosexuality, bestiality, incest etc. are being normalized. What is healthy (i.e. marriage, family) is deemed sick; what is false (i.e. climate change) is deemed true; what is obscene and ugly (modern art, entertainment) is deemed beautiful. This is the New World Order.
The Cabalist bankers have been waging war on humanity for centuries. Ordinary Jews and Masons are in jeopardy by virtue of their association with this scourge.
According to the Old Testament, Jews must wait for the Messiah before reestablishing Israel. But the Talmud says, the Messiah is already here and it is the "Jewish people" themselves. By "Jewish people" they mean the Illuminati bankers who sponsor and run organized Jewry.
For example, the Talmud Kethuboth 111a, states: "The Messiah is without metaphor the Jewish people." (Dilling, Chapter VI)
The Cabala teaches that God ("En Sof") is not moral, and has no characteristics. God is composed of nature. Since the highest expression of nature is man, he is God. And since only Jews are human, and above the level of beast, Jews (i.e. Illuminati bankers) are Divine.
According to the the Jewish Encyclopedia, the Cabala teaches that the relation between man and God is erotic, "religion being identical with love, sensual pleasure, and especially intoxication." (Ch 6)
The Passover song "Only the Kid" heralds the day when all the world's great nations destroy each other in war, and only Israel is left. (Chapter XIV)
Have no illusion, mankind has been inducted into a Satanic cult based on the Talmud and Cabala. Gradually we are being sedated and offered up as a tribute to Lucifer by his disciples, the Illuminati bankers. Mankind is doomed to an ersatz life, a perpetual rerun of the past.
Anti-Semites are protecting the Illuminati by blaming the "racial" Jew. The true villain is the Illuminati banker and his lackeys of every ethnicity and "religion," who embrace the Satanic ideology of the New World Order.
James C said (November 26, 2016):
To answer your question, the Jews are both a race and a religion, a mixture of both. After the Khazars converted to Talmudic Judaism in 740 A.D., there was most likely intermarriage between these proselyte Khazarian "Jews" and ethnic Talmudic Jews. Talmudic "Judaism" is NOT based on the Old Testament. It is based on rabbinical argumentation over a period of several centuries.