Obama - A Jewish President Fights Israel's Wars
September 8, 2013

antecedents but my Jew-dar isn't buying it.)
This week Americans will tell Obama
they are fed up with waging wars of aggression
on behalf of the Illuminati & Organized Jewry.
This 2007 article is a timely reminder of the real nature of
the threat facing humanity.
Organized Jewry Unanimously in Favor of Syrian Strikes Who does Obama Serve?
Zionist Lobby Planning Full-Court Press on Legislators
66% of Israelis Think US Should Attack Syria; 77% Do Not Think Israel Should
50% of US Jews Under 50 Don't Identify with Israel (They need to speak out.)
by Henry Makow, Ph.D.
(Updated from Oct. 2007)
- See more at: https://henrymakow.com/what_is_communism.html#sthash.xU09yMwi.dpuf

This may be literally true. I suspect his mother's father Stanley "Dunham" was Jewish. Obama's mother "Stanley Anne Dunham" certainly looked and acted like a Communist Jew. (My first mother-in-law was one.)
As we have seen, the modus operandi of the Satanic Sabbatean Frankist cult (Illuminati) is to intermarry and impersonate all other religions, ideologies and nationalities. Reinhard Heydrich's grandfather was Jewish. Hitler's grandfather was Jewish. Churchill's mother was half-Jewish. Sonya Sottomayer parades as a "Latina" but her mother was Jewish. It wasn't just Jewish actors in Hollywood who changed their name and their persona.
The object is power. By controlling all sides, the Illuminati create divisions, chaos and war. Ultimately, their aim is to destroy Western civilization and bring about the New (Communist, some say Jewish) World Order. Yet paradoxically, they plot to exterminate Jews who don't subscribe to their agenda.
To call Barack Obama "America's First Jewish President" is disingenuous. Many other presidents are rumored to have had Jewish blood: Theodore Roosevelt, FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, Johnson and the Bushes to name a few. So it's not surprising to read in Wikipedia that, Stanley Dunham, a lowly furniture salesman from Kansas was related to six US Presidents.
"Stanley Armour Dunham's distant cousins include six US presidents: James Madison, Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush. Through a common ancestor, Mareen Duvall, ...Stanley Dunham is related to former Vice-President Dick Cheney (an eighth cousin once removed). Through another common ancestor, Hans Gutknecht, ...Stanley Dunham is President Harry S. Truman's fourth cousin, twice removed."
In contrast to her husband, non-Jew Madelyn Payne Dunham is not related to any President. Wikipedia waxes on about Stanley's "Irish" antecedents but my Jew-dar isn't buying it.
Other clues. Stanley's mother Ruth ( a common Jewish name) Lucille Armour committed suicide when Stanley was eight-years-old. His father abandoned him and his brother to their grandparents. What would cause a mother of two boys to commit suicide? The Illuminati are generational satanists. They engage in a lot of depraved activities.
As a furniture salesman, Stanley was described as "gregarious, friendly, impetuous, challenging and loud...could charm the legs off a couch."

According to Wayne Madsen, Madelyn laundered money for the CIA while Stanley was involved in a program to groom African students like Barack Sr. to
be NWO shills.
Obama's mother, "Stanley Anne", became a Communist and fought the "Establishment," not realizing the Communists ARE the Establishment. She allowed a Communist degenerate Frank Davis to take pornographic pictures of her, which are on the Internet. (Google Images) Davis boasted of bedding white women and some believe Davis is Obama's real father. Certainly Barack Obama Sr. didn't waste any time abandoning mother and son.
"Stanley Anne" was an "idealistic" part-Jewish woman who got her Ph.D. and worked for Timothy Geitner's father in Indonesia at the elite Ford Foundation. Madsen believes she also did double time for the CIA, as did her second husband Lolo Soetoro.
My interest in Obama's antecedents was piqued by Texe Marr's new DVD about Barack Obama called "Rothschild's Choice." Packing the punch of an old fashioned sermon, this DVD demonstrates convincingly that Barack Obama's role is to roll America into a Jew World Order. Anyone wishing to understand "anti-Semitism" need go no further than this video which I recommend to Jews and non-Jews alike. It's a disgrace that America has produced only a handful of courageous and effective defenders like Texe Marrs.
Although Jews make up no more than 2.5 % of the US population, Marrs shows how Jews (and Israel) dominate business and government, not to mention entertainment to the detriment of Americans. The 2007 credit crisis is portrayed as outright theft from the US taxpayer by Jewish bankers. Although I considered myself well versed on the subject, the video contained a lot of new information. For example, I wasn't aware that the whole American Black leadership are Prince Hall Masons like Barack Obama, and therefore instruments of the Illuminati Jewish bankers.
The list includes NY Governor David Paterson, Jesse Jackson, Eldridge Cleaver, Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Andrew Young, Julian Bond, Kweisi Mfume and entertainers like Count Basie and Nat King Cole.
This is just an indication of how the Illuminati Bankers have used Freemasonry to infiltrate and control virtually everything. Yet you don't hear Texe Marrs fulminating against Freemasons or Blacks. He makes passing criticism of Christian pastors who are traitors. But the viewer comes away hating all Jews regardless of whether they play an active, passive or no role whatsoever.
The Illuminati Jews are not typical of Jews in general who mostly are dupes. They are Satanists who breed with generational Satanists from other backgrounds and impersonate every race religion or nationality. Obama is a "Christian," a "Muslim" and even a Jew. He is an Indonesian, Kenyan and an American. He is Black and White. He is a perfect leader for a new world bereft of race, nation and religion. In fact, he represents an alien Satanic force, the Illuminati, intent on gradually enslaving mankind.
The Illuminati have usurped the leadership of Jews in the same way as they have usurped the leadership of Blacks, Christians, Americans and Europeans in general. We are all equally culpable. Put another way, American imperialism is largely an Illuminati Jewish phenomenon. The ordinary Jew is no more responsible for its ravages than the ordinary American.
Jews who reject the Jew World Order must distinguish themselves from the Illuminati Jews and their Masonic lackeys. Texe Marrs should also make this distinction. He is playing into the hands of the Illuminati bankers who want to use Jews as their human shields. The Illuminati deliberately foster anti-Semitism for this reason. "Anti Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren," said the author of Protocols of the Elders of Zion. (9-2)
At the same time, Jews have been willfully indifferent to the legitimate reasons for anti-Semitism. Those I know are too busy with their personal lives to investigate. Unless they join the battle, people will assume they are culpable. When the Canadian Jewish Congress tried to silence me, I had no response from ordinary Jews. Perhaps they think they can keep their heads down and benefit from the evil dispensation that is descending upon us.

It is a tragedy that mankind's collective and idealistic impulses have been co-opted by the Illuminati bankers and used to increase their power and wealth. "Equality" and "social justice" are ruses to cover their real agenda: robbing the human race of its birthright and reducing humanity to the status worker-consumers with the rights and knowledge of children. Now, they are taking our racial, religious, national and family identity. Gradually they are taking our freedom and property. Perhaps then, too late, we'll get the message. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are genuine. (See "What is Communism?" https://henrymakow.com/what_is_communism.html)
This agenda is the real meaning of "revolution." The Illuminati view perpetual war and destruction as the most effective means of destroying the old and shaping the new.
"Reform," "Progress" "Changing the World" all mirror their Luciferian rebellion against God and the salutary natural and spiritual order. They are constructing an alternate reality which turns truth and justice on their head. Increasingly, the real world resembles the surreal sexual, trivial, violent world portrayed on TV and in Hollywood movies. They are writing the script, and the epitaph for civilization.
James Petas - Obama with Israel Vs. The World
Benghazi anniversary haunting Obama's Syrian Credibility
Dave Hodges - Syria Could Become the Rallying Point Against the Banksters
The Return of the Golem - http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article36153.htm
Obama's and his family's Long term Connection to the CIA - Wayne Madsen - http://www.stopnwo.com/obama2.html
Makow - Were Illuminati Jews Responsible for Holocaust?
------------"NWO--Front for Cabalist Zionist Tyranny"
Frank Marshall Davis Obama's Communist Father
JG said (September 8, 2013):
The "candidate of change", Barrack Obama, was one of the most successful Marxist Psy-Ops unloaded on the American public to date. The masses ate this up, "hookline and sinker"!
Obama's NWO handlers really did a lot for him. They covered for him on the question of legitimacy concerning his birth certificate and also campaigned him as a Harvard Law Professor.
However, no one who went to Harvard at the time Obama supposedly went there remembers him. And, Certificates of Live Birth are given to those who don't have one.
The MSM was also complicit in this Psy-Op by protecting information concerning his personal life that might expose him as "out of the norm" with mainstream American values.
Well, the party is over now and the "candidate of change" is now the "candidate of disaster" but it doesn't end here.
The NWO has now had asked for his "marker" in repayment for this Disneyland ride they have given him. They want him to send American troops to war against the nations left in the world that still seek their sovereignty.
Does Obama realize he has been "duped"? And if so, will he act accordingly?
Americans were duped. Obama knew exactly what he was doing.