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November 17, 2010



Yep.  I just heard on BBC that the Irish government told the EU to take their usurious bailout and shove it, they'd rather go through the austerity and keep their freedom, but Brussels and London say, "no".   110 Billion Euros is just electrons in a computer anyway - so the IMF and ECB  just signed Ireland up to eternal yoke whether they want it or not.

"The negotiations have been problematic because at the core there is a conflict of interest," Ken Wattret, an economist with BNP Paribas, said on Wednesday. The E.U. wanted "to stop contagion spreading by pushing Ireland" to accept a bailout with the involvement of the International Monetary Fund, Mr. Wattret said. But the Irish government was proving "unwilling to give up control of its economic policy," he said.A similar struggle is still underway in relations with Greece".

The Trap is sprung.
Goes to show that now, EU membership means Brussels can override the national government of any little country in Europe.

"Olli Rehn, the E.U. commissioner for economic and monetary affairs, said earlier that talks would now move to Ireland to prepare a possible rescue package. He said the European Commission was in discussions with both the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund "and of course the Irish."

The 110 Billion Euro is essentially the 'purchase' of Ireland.  Imagine a bank forecloses on your home and assets but you and everyone in your family are enslaved.  It worked that way in Rome.  I just learned from homily at church that the Latin word for a court judgment to enslave someone was called an 'addict', so the person was 'addicted'.

That's what happened.  They got every nation to over borrow themselves into the IMF snare.  The first time I became of aware of this simple trick was when the peso dumped in 1983 and saw that the IMF (Rockefeller, Morgan, basically) 'owned' Mexico.

So the yoke is on.  This is the plan for our country too.  I can see it as plain as the nose on your face now. A massive crash of the dollar on the order of the peso's 60% plummet in '83 which happened overnight.   Anyone with 100,000 in the bank that evening woke up to find they had ony 30,000.  That's what they have planned for US.
When we wake up and hear the President making a speech about taking an international "bailout" he will also inform us "it means new responsibilities to the Global Village", etc. 

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at