"If either of these scenarios is carried out, either a fake alien invasion
or a fake Project Blue Beam operation, then all of the idiots
who fell for the fake pandemic will believe it.
You can take that to the bank."
By Mike Stone
The fake alien drone story isn't going away.
In fact, it's increased tenfold. So let's apply a little Sherlock Holmes logic to the situation and see if we can determine what's really going on.
As you know, the fictional character of Sherlock Holmes famously said, "When you eliminate the impossible, all that remains, no matter how improbable must be the truth." So let's start there.
We know that these drones are not being flown by aliens from outer space, simply because there are no aliens. And if there were, they wouldn't be flying man-made drones. Yet millions of dumbass Americans have been duped into believing they are of alien origin.
We also know they are not Iranian. If you doubt that, just put your emotions aside for a moment and ask yourself how a "mother ship" from Iran managed to sail into American waters without being targeted by the United States military and sent to the bottom of Davy Jones's locker.
Such an event is impossible. And the same goes for a "mother ship" from any other country. Only the most gullible of gullible Americans would believe such a thing, and yet millions of Americans do believe such a thing.
So if the drones aren't coming from outer space, and if they aren't coming from a foreign country, then the only possible answer is they must be American-made and American-flown. Now that we've established that, the question is why - why are they being flown and what is their purpose?
A few weeks ago, I told you about a failed attempt to launch a project Blue Beam operation that was scheduled for Christmas Night.
If you look at how the fake Biden administration is responding to these drones - claiming no knowledge of them, etc., which is total bullshit - then it seems likely that this could be an extension of that same Blue Beam operation.
Or perhaps a Plan B. What other purpose could it have? They are floating this story out to see how many stupid Americans fall for it and would therefore be susceptible to falling for a giant hologram of Jesus Christ in the night sky. And their plan is succeeding.
In addition to Project Blue Beam, we've talked before about a fake alien invasion. This could also be a run-up to that. (Anything to keep Trump out of the White House.)
If the Fake News media or the fake Biden administration begin putting out reports of these drones being of alien origin, then rest assured that's the case. Again, testing the waters to see how many dumbass Americans fall for the story. And again their plan is succeeding.
Look at the millions of yahoos who are buying this story. Look at the millions of hillbilly, Fox News watchers who are loading up their shotguns and scouring the skies for Iranian drones. All this country needs is people being hit by stray bullets from idiots shooting at drones.
Do you think it's merely a coincidence that this "drone invasion" began in New Jersey - the same location as the famous Orson Welles "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast?
It's not a coincidence. The people spinning this yarn chose New Jersey precisely for that very reason. They're mocking every dumbass who believes anything at all about this story.
Do you think it's a coincidence that all of this craziness is occurring just before Donald Trump begins another term as president?
That's not a coincidence either. If your neighbors are talking about Iranian drones, an alien space invasion, or anything else of that ilk, stay away from them. If they're packing their guns and hunting dogs and going out at night in search of enemy drones, keep your family inside and lock your doors. They're liable to start shooting each other.
If either of these scenarios is carried out, either a fake alien invasion or a fake Project Blue Beam operation, then all of the idiots who fell for the fake pandemic will believe it. You can take that to the bank.
The bottom line is you have absolutely nothing to fear about any of this.
Yes, it's true that all of the idiots who fell for the fake pandemic would also fall for a project Blue Beam or alien invasion hoax. But neither plan could or will succeed, because the White Hats have already taken out the key players behind those scenarios.
Therefore, the only thing you have to fear is getting accidentally shot by your neighbor, Bubba, who's out hunting "them Iranian drones!"
That and the massive panic that would take place among millions of fat, dumb Americans who would fall for a hologram image of Jesus in the night sky or a fake alien invasion. THEY are the ones you have to worry about.
Related- Brandon Smith--Unidentified Drones In America's Skies? Smells Like A False Flag...
"The term "False Flag" gets thrown around rather haphazardly these days and it's important to recognize that a real false flag requires a particular end result - The public blaming the wrong culprit for an event that someone else (usually our own government) perpetrated. When it comes to the increasing fervor over major drone activity across the US, I have very little doubt that what we are witnessing is a false flag scenario.
"My point is, there is no way civilian operators or small terror groups are behind the majority of these events. The level of sophistication involved here requires military or government agency oversight. Beyond that, there aren't enough countermeasures in the world to prevent tracking over sensitive government locations. The US military and DHS have extensive means to track down drones (especially large drones) flying in close proximity to bases and protected sites.
22 min video but well worth the watch
Reader--"Discusses the nature of psy ops and aligns with Mike Stone's latest article
Eight Signs the US Gov is Lying About the Drones
JH said (December 21, 2024):
t need to mention some brilliant minds, who emphasized the same truth in their priceless writings, not so long ago.
The cardinal error of science lies in shutting the Creator out of His Creation. ~ Walter B. Russell
The masterpieces:
"The answer will come" by Robert A. Russell: audiobook: https://youtu.be/Bf_l6Jtkq3g
"The hidden secret" by Christian D. Larson; audiobook chapters link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m3RaBUyZjM
"The message of the Divine Illiad" by Walter B. Russell / audiobook: https://youtu.be/ciCQ35O1NOU