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How the Illuminati Manipulates Jews

November 4, 2010

camp_children1.jpg"Jews constitute an important base for the Illuminati. They draw upon this population for recruits to manage their system. In their war against Christian culture, it is invaluable to have people who are both highly capable but also highly alienated."

by Rollin Stearns


At the end of World War II, my family lived in an all-Jewish neighborhood. Though we were Gentiles, my parents didn't stress the differences and everything seemed normal to me. My parents had Jewish friends and so did I.  I was sorry when we moved.

Back then the world was hearing about the Holocaust for the first time. It was part of my moral education. I saw the photos of the living skeletons, the crematoria and the mass graves. It was disturbing. I was looking at evil, an evil perpetrated by the Nazis. No wonder we had gone to war against them.
This first impression stayed with me. But, about the time I graduated from college, I came upon a book called Perfidy by Ben Hecht. He was bitter about the betrayal of the European Jews by the Jewish Agency for Palestine (headed by David Ben-Gurion) and by Zionist organizations in England and America.
"One Cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Poland" said Izaak Greenbaum, head of Jewish Agency Rescue Committee during World War II.

My eyes were opened. There was more to the story. I came to realize that the word "holocaust" means "a burnt offering, a sacrifice." You can only sacrifice something that is yours.
Evil now took on a deeper, more disturbing dimension. Hecht was a radical Zionist who accused the Zionist leaders of sacrificing their own brethren to gain power for themselves as well as their cause.
How could they do this?
A few years later I read another book (in French) by a man named Paul Rassinier. He was a man of the left, a member of the Resistance. He had been captured by the Germans and imprisoned in Buchenwald. He was one of the survivors, one of the "living skeletons."
After the war, Holocaust stories portrayed Buchenwald as a death camp, a place of deliberate extermination. Even though many prisoners died at Buchenwald, Rassinier knew this was not true. So he began to question the Holocaust story in general.
He didn't question that the Nazis had brutally persecuted the Jews and that many had been killed. But he concluded that the camps in Germany had not been extermination camps and that the number of deaths had been exaggerated.
Not long after this I came across a second witness. As a student,  I was browsing the stacks at the New School for Social Research. This is a graduate school in New York City whose faculty then was still composed largely of European Jewish emigres.
There in the stacks I ran across an obscure journal of interest only to scholarly Jews. It probably had a circulation of a few hundred, if that. The editor, in his comments to his small circle of readers, stated matter-of-factly that of course they knew the scale of the Holocaust had been exaggerated. He treated this as an acceptable fiction.
Years later, in the 1980s, I learned that Jewish sources no longer claimed that Dachau and Buchenwald were death camps. Even the number of deaths said to have occurred in the Polish camps where extermination took place was significantly reduced.
This was done quietly, so as not to disturb the figure of six million that had been fixed in the public mind. But it was apparent that much (though not all) of what Rassinier had said was tacitly accepted.
I've had a lot of Jewish friends, and my wife's background is Jewish in part. This has helped me see how many Jews feel about themselves, and about America and the Holocaust.
They are afraid. You wouldn't think so at first, as Jews are not notoriously shy. But there is a deep insecurity; they don't trust non-Jews. This has deep historical roots. But many feel that even in America, the "other" could turn against them. Even as "insiders" they have the psychology of the outsider.
Some of my Jewish friends would say things that showed they thought most people were anti-Semitic, at least "latent." No doubt this is sometimes true, but it often occurred in a context where it seemed a little crazy.
This became dramatically clear once when my wife took part in a lay counseling group. In this group, people get together in pairs, and each  helps the other discharge patterns of distress, using certain guidelines.
My wife counseled with a young Jewish woman named Nicki. She was attractive, intelligent, and successful. From all appearances you would never guess how she really felt about life and about the future.
In the counseling sessions Nicki would reveal a state that could virtually be called terror. She had nightmares, waking nightmares, centered on the Holocaust. She felt very deeply that "they" could come for her one day, that she could be a "burnt offering."
This is an important part of the way the Illuminati exploits the Holocaust. Every politician knows it's important to have a political base, and to make sure his base remains solid.
Jews constitute an important base for the Illuminati. They draw upon this population for recruits to manage their system. In their war against Christian culture, it is invaluable to have people who are both highly capable but also highly alienated.      
Such people will feel like nonconformists even as they conform to the new world order; they will feel like outsiders even as they assume positions of control; they will feel threatened even as they engage in systematic oppression.
Thus both Jews and Gentiles are victims of the Illuminati Holocaust propaganda. Mobilized and controlled by fear, as well as by rewards, Jews are being exploited as surely as Gentiles are.
What about the Illuminati? Aren't they Jews too? No, they're not. Many of them are called "Jewish," but they are "those who say they are Jews but are not, but are a synagogue of Satan." Their God is not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Their God is the Masonic god, Lucifer.
They are Sabbateans. They sacrificed their alleged "lesser brethren" in the Holocaust. If need be they will scapegoat and sacrifice the Jews again. The day may come when Israel itself (with its six million Jews) is sacrificed, if it will strengthen the choke-hold the Illuminati is fastening upon the world's neck.
But the day may also come when the spell will be broken. If Jews and Gentiles can see the Illuminati for who they are, then the power of the Illuminati -- which rests upon illusion even more than it does upon financial control -- will be over for good.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for " How the Illuminati Manipulates Jews"

Anthony said (November 6, 2010):

This is such a powerful article. Personal, from a 'jewish' point of view. So incredibly to the point. So balanced.

I don't think I've ever seen expressed so clearly what I see.

M said (November 5, 2010):

We should ask ourselves why such a fixation with this small group in history. They are bright, indeed, well educated, but that doesn't explain it.
The reason is that satan wants to lure and destroy the Jews in order to mock God. This is his main objective. To be received by the Jews in contrast as the way Jesus was rejected.

Since God prepared the Jewish people in order to create an environment where Jesus could be born in the flesh, they became a target. God also promised that there would be Jews even in the end of times. What would be better for satan than to put Jews against God and eventually annihilate them. That would make God into a liar and also would be a stabbing of ungratefulness in His back (if that would be possible).

It is interesting that Revelations portraits exactly the situation we see being prepared: Jews first accept and welcome antiChrist, only to recoil in horror when he sits on the throne of the new temple, half way into the Tribulation. Then satan unleashes all his power in order to kill the Jews, who repent and are protect by God until Jesus returns.

M said (November 5, 2010):

We should ask ourselves why such a fixation with this small group in history. They are bright, indeed, well educated, but that doesn't explain it.
The reason is that satan wants to lure and destroy the Jews in order to mock God. This is his main objective. To be received by the Jews in contrast as the way Jesus was rejected.

Since God prepared the Jewish people in order to create an environment where Jesus could be born in the flesh, they became a target. God also promised that there would be Jews even in the end of times. What would be better for satan than to put Jews against God and eventually annihilate them. That would make God into a liar and also would be a stabbing of ungratefulness in His back (if that would be possible).

It is interesting that Revelations portraits exactly the situation we see being prepared: Jews first accept and welcome antiChrist, only to recoil in horror when he sits on the throne of the new temple, half way into the Tribulation. Then satan unleashes all his power in order to kill the Jews, who repent and are protect by God until Jesus returns.

Ed said (November 5, 2010):

I'm not sure why the story spread that Nazi prison camps for confining political prisoners were "death camps" (though it's true that there was a lot of death in those places). I read books about the Holocaust when I was young, during the 1960s and '70s, and it was always clear to me that there were only five places designed as extermination centers: Auschwitz, Chelmno, Sobibor, Majdanek, and Treblinka (if there was a sixth, I can't remember its name). It's as though there are two tiers of information on those horrid events: the first tier is a sensational story worthy of /The Weekly World News/, a story with many discrepancies in it, that can't stand up to close scrutiny, while the second story is much closer to the truth---and actually is as horrid as the first version. At any rate, it's true that books such as /The Theory and Practice of Hell/, by Eugen Kogon (it's the true story of Buchenwald, as told by a survivor) were published not long after the war, and they tell it pretty well exactly as it was---and these books have been available to anyone for the whole time since then.

I've come to the tentative conclusion that the inaccurate exaggerated story of the Nazi excesses falls under the category of folklore, while the accurate version comes under the category of history. It's unfortunate that so many people prefer to have a quasi-religious faith in folklore rather than to actually use their heads and read the true accounts and find out what happened. I guess folklore is a lot easier than history.

Rodney said (November 5, 2010):

A very fine and thought provoking article by Rollin Stearns.

I sense this could take us two or three giant steps closer to our ultimate goal of truth, understanding, and perfect wisdom.

Kudos to you Henry for being the catalyst for its public dissemination. Without all your hard work and dedication over many years, this article would likely never have seen the light of day.

Johan said (November 5, 2010):

Congratulations. Very clarifying and useful info again, in your article from Rollin Stearns.

Looking at the big picture, I would like to add:

1. Jewry, as a mistaken concept of a persecuted people in the illusion of higher worth/value than any other life forms; and threatened by gentiles, has been created by more intelligent beings not necessarily of this earth and not necessarily incarnated at any time; but certainly under the control of the "fallen" archangel Lucifer. Lucifer suffered from excessive pride, and that pride shut down his perception of the TRUTH.

2. One of the best of the many tools the illuminati use against the human race is an EGREGORE created long long ago by a few "evil" pharisees ('evil' are those beings whose soul has a very serious lack of understanding of the truth of the universe and because of this it is easy for Lucifer's minions to manipulate them) inside the collective mind of their "Jewish" people; and soon fed lots and lots of emotional fear energy by the so-called "chosen" Jewish people. Chosen?: Yes; many of them for their combination of lack of spiritual maturity (which allows for easy manipulation through fear), lack of compassion (also connected to spiritual immaturity as well as fear) and also for their indeed intelligence (which is a totally separated thing from spritual maturity).

Intelligence can be grown in a selected group of people as a consequence of an education from the very first baby year onwards, education that creates and emphasizes the trust that one is more intelligent than other humans. It will for a good part be inherited as well, so this works very well over many generations.

Unfortunately most Jewish people have too much pride to be able to see that there might be a possibility that the whole idea of being a 'special' people has been created by; and also manipulated and used by; a more intelligent entity than themselves. This was done in order to slow down or even stop the evolution of the whole human population on this planet. Evolution is scary for Lucifer. Control feels safe for him/her.

Keep going with your brilliant work,

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at