Secularism Shows Its True Satanic Colors
June 14, 2010

by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Throughout my lifetime, society was underpinned by Christian assumptions and values. The most important assumptions were that every human being is made in the image of God with a Divine soul, and we must love one another. Our duty and destiny is to become more Christ-like in behavior.
the same time, Christian values were under constant assault by
"secularism." Now we are seeing what secularism really means. It
is a mask for the Satanism espoused by the Judeo Masonic (Illuminati) elite.
The Illuminati are generally homosexuals who hate heterosexuality. The most obvious
example of their power is the gratuitous and subversive attack on gender
identity and marriage over the past 50 years.
Specifically, women have been re-engineered to see the traditional feminine role (wife, mother) as "oppressive" and to usurp the masculine role. This has always been an occult objective.
Illuminati Satanists (Communists) want to destroy the traditional family
because our gender identity is a bulwark against their control. So, for
Father's Day, The
Atlantic Monthly (July-August) runs an tasteless, twisted piece of propaganda
entitled, "Are Father's Necessary?"
"The bad news for Dad is that despite common perception, there's nothing objectively essential about his contribution."

They completely ignore that
heterosexual children need a heterosexual role model. It's
how they can defend "gay rights" and then blithely deny heterosexuality even exists! They howl when we fail to accept that their homosexuality is inborn; and then pretend heterosexuality isn't.
They can say anything they want about fatherhood but we can't whisper a critical word about homosexuals.
Clearly, the fuss about homosexuals is a foil for an underhanded attack on the gender identity of the majority. "Gay pride" is backed by the government and corporate elite -- evidence Illuminati banker perverts control everybody.
The article debunks statistics that say fatherless children are five
as likely to live in poverty and commit crime, nine times as
likely to drop out of school, and 20 times as likely to wind up in
It argues that these stats compare married couples with single mothers. They should compare married couples with high income lesbian couples.

"The real challenge to our notion of the "essential"
father might well be the lesbian mom. On average, lesbian parents
spend more time with their children than fathers do. They rate
disputes with their children as less frequent than do hetero couples,
and describe co-parenting more compatibly and with greater
And, they conclude, "that two women parent better
on average than a woman and a man, or at least than a woman and man
with a traditional division of family labor."
Of course, these "studies" are conducted by lesbians who believe science should conform to their "revolutionary" social objectives.
authors were surprised "to discover that children in lesbian homes scored
higher than kids in straight families on some psychological measures
of self-esteem and confidence, did better academically and were less
likely to have behavioral problems, such as rule-breaking and
The fact that these propaganda lies are published in leading magazines underscores the Illuminati agenda. Want to know how irrelevant fathers are? Ask the children of sperm donors who are desperately looking for them. Apparently their mother's lesbian partners didn't cut it.
Google "Children seek sperm donor fathers". Here is an example. Here is another. The agenda is to make sure all children are fatherless.
The destruction of gender and the family is part of the process of changing Christian assumptions to satanic ones. Generally, Christian assumptions are based on what is natural and healthy; Satanic assumptions are designed to defy what is salutary and natural. (By "Christian" I'm referring to the New Testament, not the Church.)
The Illuminati want to rob 98% of the population (heterosexuals) of the meaning and independence derived from their family role. Thus, they can re-engineer us to serve them.
wants to prove that man is merely an animal and can be slaughtered
without compunction. That's why the Illuminati media is constantly attacking institutions like family, and degrading us using sex and obscenity.
Other satanic practices gradually being mainstreamed by the Illuminati media include incest, pederasty, bestiality, euthanasia and eugenics.
They will continue to pay lip service to Christian values while continuing to sabotage and destroy them.
really? Timed just before Father's Day deliberately, I assume. Was
your goal to stir up drama and attention? If so, good job. If not,
your taste is as questionable as the Catholic Church's.
try a little exercise: "Are Blacks Necessary?" "Are
Women Necessary?" "Are Asians Necessary?" "Are
Jews Necessary?" "Are Children Necessary?" "Are
Writer's Necessary?" "Is Pamela Paul Necessary?"
so funny and witty if you change the nouns around, now is it?
Related---F- -K Mom for Mother's Day--NBC's "Saturday Night Live"
Homosexual Adoption is Child Abuse
Peter said (June 16, 2010):
Counselling literature makes it clear that gays and lesbians are not born that way - gay and lesbian behaviour stems from a "daddy problem". Simply put, a son needs to have his male identity affirmed by his father. Likewise, the daughter's female identity is affirmed by her father. When the father is absent or is abusive or dysfunctional in his ability to show and demonstrate love for his son or his daughter, the son or daughter suffers an identity crisis. As a result, they become confused about their gender and start looking in all the wrong places for the love they never received from their father. As they grow up, sons and daughters become comfortable and confident in who they are as male and female as a result of the affirmation they receive from their fathers. With that understood, how would it be possible for a girl or boy to properly mature and become well-balanced and functional when both "parents" are lesbians? The answer is simple - contrary to what Atlantic Monthly would have us believe, it is not possible. Somewhere, there has to be a real daddy in the picture.