Makow- Our Predicament in a Nutshell
March 13, 2023

"We have already contrived to possess of the minds of the goy communities...[they are] looking through the spectacles we are setting astride their noses." (Protocols of Zion, 12)
Modern society is based on a solipsism created by Illuminati (Cabalist) Jewish bankers and their Masonic minions.
The word "solipsism" means a self-created reality that has little or no connection with Truth.
The word was coined in 1874 from the Latin solus "alone" and ipse "self".
It is the view that self is the only object of real knowledge or the only thing that is real.
The New World Order is dedicated to replacing Truth with a solipsism created by the same people who create money from nothing and charge interest.
What is Truth? On the material plane, it is the natural design, the most efficacious functioning of the natural realm. On a spiritual plane, it is God, who is the ultimate reality, another name for absolute truth, beauty, love, harmony and justice, what all human beings naturally crave.
Our mission is to embody these ideals.
On the other hand, the Illuminati say man excels by rebelling against God, and manifesting his worst qualities which Satanists think are his best.

Instead of being dedicated to Truth, humanity has been hijacked by the bankers.
Modern culture is based on replacing reality with this Illuminati Jewish solipsism, sometimes called "secular humanism." Anything that goes against this program dies on the vine from lack of funding and notice.
This is not a recent development. I expect it has been going on since before Christ. But the modern chapter probably began with the return of the Jews to England in the early Seventeenth Century and the establishment of the Bank of England in 1694.
British and later American imperialism have been the instruments of the "Jewish Conspiracy." The New World Order is an extension of this.
The bankers have created a solipsism that portrays the material world as "red in tooth and claw" (Darwin etc.) and mired in class conflict (Marx.) This way the bankers harnessed the workers to eliminate their competition.
Meanwhile Nietzsche pronounced God dead. "Is man merely a mistake of God's? Or God merely a mistake of man?" he wrote. They reject the inherent moral order because it interferes with their monopoly of wealth.
"Think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism (Evolution), Marxism (Communism), Nietzsche-ism (Socialism). To us Jews, at any rate, it should be plain to see what a disintegrating importance these directives have had upon the minds of the goyim." The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (2).
This solipsistic process has not abated. Today, scientists who detect an intelligent force at work in nature are fired from their jobs.
The bankers also champion the dogma that reality is unknowable and that researchers and artists are depicting themselves.

WRONG. History is the record of the gradual enslavement of mankind by the Illuminati. Naturally, they want us to believe objectivity is impossible and history unfathomable.
Meanwhile, instead of art, they hype perversity. The bestselling novel of 2008 was about hemorrhoids. Modern art is devoted to destroying the "uplifting potential of art, literature and music..." (Michael Minnichino, The Frankfurt School and Political Correctness.)
Modern literature normalizes "alienated" people who became dysfunctional because they attempted to supplant God.
Organized Jewry is funded and controlled by the Illuminati bankers. These bankers belong to a satanic cult (the Sabbatean-Frankists) who intermarry with Gentile generational satanists. They are humanity's shadow.
Throughout history, they have championed "revolution." The real occult meaning of revolution is the overthrow of God. They have financed and trumpeted anything that challenges or undermines the salutary natural and moral order: "sexual liberation"; "homosexual rights"; feminism; abortion --all designed to disconnect people from the natural cycle of marriage and reproduction. "Multiculturalism" and diversity breaks down national character and cohesion.

Look at the current offerings of the cable network Home Box Office for example.
"True Blood" is pornography, vampires ravishing and killing young women. "Hung" - the exploits of a male gigolo. "Entourage" - height-challenged talent agents making lucrative deals. All feature explicit sex.
The movies this month: "Walkout" glorifies Hispanic minorities who want to take back the American Southwest. And Rosie O'Donnell's family cruise- champions homosexual families.
Jews are aware of their tendency to self-absorption. Larry David's Curb Your Enthusiasm on HBO satirizes his selfishness and inability to consider others. Canadians can watch Ken Finkleman's embarrassing knock-off, Good Dog on HBO Canada. Both men model Jewish dysfunction and help to make it universal.

The Illuminati controlled entertainment industry and media inducts humanity into their Cabalist Satanism. "Secularism" is merely a cover for this. They control our politicians too or their media monopoly would have been broken up.
Human beings tend to be unthinking conformists and can't imagine that society has been thoroughly corrupted. Monkey see; monkey do. And most of what monkey sees is degrading and often disgusting.
It's no coincidence that "slut walks" and children raised "gender-free" are front-page news.
It's no coincidence that the media does not elevate us morally, or make us feel good about being human. It's no coincidence that it never depicts history accurately. No coincidence that it rarely exposes the universal, but instead fixates on the trivial.
DD said (March 14, 2023):
Grand slam w/ the Solipsism article.
Mark Passio brought solipsism up in his magnum opus.
Thank you - both of you for making this known.
Solipsism is the main tumor and needs to be surgically removed.
Hopefully we're in time as it's getting late for maintenance.