"Human Rights" - A Higher Form of Discrimination
March 18, 2013

The term "human rights" is despised because
it means giving preference to people and
causes favored by the Illuminati (Freemasons.)
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
( from Jan 28, 2009)
"Human rights" laws are Orwellian doublespeak for giving "rights" to some people and taking them away from others.
Essentially, homosexuals, atheists and Jews have "human rights" while Christians, Muslims and heterosexuals don't. The laws empower certain minorities in order to disarm and disinherit the majority. They have nothing to do with justice; they are a tool of state coercion.
This is not hyperbole. In countries where these Masonic concepts of "human rights" and "tolerance" were dominant ( i.e. Mexico, the USSR,) Christian schools were closed, churches burned and priests murdered.
This subtle coercion was underlined again yesterday here in Winnipeg when two married lesbians filed a human rights complaint against a Muslim MD. The female MD, from Egypt, suggested the lesbians find another doctor. She didn't refuse to treat them. She just said that in future find someone else because her religion proscribed homosexuality and she had no experience treating homosexuals. (The clinic offered the womyn another doctor but they declined.)
The local medical association said the MD will have to take more "orientation" courses. Why do the lesbians' rights trump the doctor's religious rights?
Because the laws are drafted by Rockefeller-based elitists to undermine heterosexuality and break up the nuclear family. These elitists don't give a fig about homosexuals. They want to subvert society by pushing homosexual dysfunction on heterosexuals. (They are mainstreaming homosexuality while making heterosexuality seem like a pathology i.e. domestic abuse etc.) Human Rights Commissions are staffed by feminists indoctrinated to uphold homosexual rights over religious rights.
Another example: A few months ago the Canadian Muslim Congress filed a complaint over a story by Jewish journalist Mark Steyn on the threat of Muslim world domination. The media blitzed the Canadian Human Rights Commission with indignant complaints about violations of free speech. The CHRC dutifully refused to hear the Muslim complaint. Can you imagine this happening if the article were on Jewish world domination?
Have you noticed that, despite the recession, atheists have money to burn? They can afford to take ads on buses questioning the existence of God. This campaign which began in the UK has come to Canada.

Again, this atheist campaign is just a front for the Illuminati cult that funds all "popular" movements (like feminism.) Getting people to be agnostics or atheists is a step toward eventually enthroning the AntiChrist or Lucifer.
This campaign is an affront to the 72% of Canadians who, according to polls, believe in God. How do they get away with it? The Canadian Jewish Congress hauled me up in front of the human rights commission for saying Pharisaic Judaism made its followers into "metaphysical outcasts." I didn't advertise on buses!
It's time we started taking this Luciferian hatred against God and His natural and spiritual (moral) order to "Human Rights" Commissions. Let's expose them for what they really are: instruments of globalist social engineering and discrimination.
To understand our "1984" world, we must recognize that it is controlled by a Satanic cult, the Illuminati: dynastic families belonging to Jewish finance and the European-American aristocracy united by marriage, money and Freemasonry (i.e. Jewish Cabalism.) Everything that happens, including the financial meltdown, is designed to institutionalize their sinister New World Order.
The Real Meaning of "Diversity" -UK Nurse Suspended for Offering to Pray for Patient
related-- The Hypocrisy of Anti Hate Laws
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Kevin MacDonald- Organized Jewry Opposes Free Speech
Aamil said (January 30, 2009):
Concerning the idea that atheists have "money to burn" in the recession cesspool that all of us find ourselves in. What if this is no more, than part of a plot by the Powers That Be in order to divide and conquer all of us. To keep us squabbling over every theological or philosophical disagreement that we all have rather than become united in opposition to the tyranny that seeks to destroy us all? Not much different than Albert Pike's letter to Giusseppe Mazzini listing ways to create three world wars, in which the last one they wanted to carry out would be through artificially "heating things up" between Christians, Jews, and Muslims?