"Human Rights" Museum Cost Sparks Backlash
August 16, 2009

By Henry Makow Ph.D.
"In a free state every man can think what he wants and say what he thinks." Baruch Spinoza
Construction costs at the Canadian Museum of Human Rights in Winnipeg have increased to $310 million from $265 million, bringing the project under increased scrutiny.
A recent Winnipeg Sun poll indicated that 90% of respondents did not want more tax dollars devoted to this project. All but $100 million of the original $265 million was funded by the three levels of government.
"Winning over the hearts, minds and pocketbooks of taxpayers is proving to be harder each day and will get even worse now that [Gail] Asper and her cronies have their hands out again," the Sun editorialized in July. "People are beginning to toss around the word "boondoggle" to describe Gail Asper's project. If it's not that yet, it's on a slippery slope towards it."
"This thing is out of control. Someone needs to call a timeout," Colin Craig of the Canadian Taxpayers' Federation told the Winnipeg Sun. Not another taxpayer penny should go to this project. It's time their luck ran out."
The Museum is the brainchild of the late media mogul Israel Asper and is being advanced by his family, which owns "Canwest Mediaworks" the largest newspaper chain in Canada. The Aspers didn't see the irony of putting "human rights" in a museum. Nor did they see the irony of promoting "human rights" when locals were too afraid of them to voice opposition to this white elephant.
The "Content Committee" of the Museum is dominated by feminist/homosexual activists and their supporters: 11 of the 16 member committee can be identified as such. A Conservative woman's group, Real Women of Canada, met with the committee to determine if the rights of the unborn, and men and women marginalized by feminism will be represented. While they were paid lip service, they felt they were fobbed off.
"If the Canadian Museum of Human Rights fails to represent the human rights concerns of all Canadians, the entire project will be discredited," Real Women concluded. "In fact the entire tax-funded exercise will in itself be a human rights abuse, characterized by discrimination and intolerance toward those who have been relegated to sit at the back of the bus." (Reality July-August 2009)
No surprise. The Aspers' record in journalism suggests they have no respect for the human rights of others.
After they bought the Southam newspaper chain, there were numerous protests by journalists against the muzzling of free speech. "Tolerance" only applies to causes the Aspers espouse.
In 2002, a publisher was fired because his newspaper called for the resignation of a corrupt Prime Minister who was Asper's friend. Many international groups condemned Canwest for this. A survey revealed that 75% of journalists working for the three biggest papers in the chain felt they had to reflect the owners' views. One columnist quit because of the newspapers' banging the drum for the Iraq War. (What about the "human rights" of the one million Iraqis maimed, killed or displaced by that war?)
Many other columnists were dropped or quit because they wouldn't toe the company line. Reporters refused to have their names used in protest against "national editorials" imposed on the newspapers by the owner.
Other reporters noted that nothing critical of Israel is allowed. One editor received an angry call from HQ when he ran a story by a professor with a Muslim name. Reuters demanded that their reporters' names be removed because Canwest inserted "terrorist" in stories about Palestinian resistance. And it goes on and on. (See "Asper Nation: Canada's Most Dangerous Media Company" 2007, by Marc Edge.)
Clearly the Aspers are in no position to teach anyone about "human rights." They use their newspapers to promote their political agenda. Do they expect us to believe it will be any different with their museum?
Izzy Asper bought the old Southam chain from Conrad Black in 2000. The final negotiations took place at the Bilderberg Meeting in Brussels. The Aspers are agents of the New World Order and this is why many distrust their newspapers. The Aspers borrowed three billion dollars from bankers to buy Southam in 2000. Canwest stock was worth over $20 then. It is worth 15 cents today. Canwest, which now owes $4,000,000,000, has a market value of just $15 million.
In exchange for about $170 million in funding from three levels of government, governments have demanded autonomy for the museum. But given Gail Asper's dominant role, and the nature of the advance planning, it is doubtful that it will be. One of museum's goals is "to generate activism and social responsibility." It promises to turn visitors into "change-agents" which is the latest term for what used to be called a Communist agitator.
The "Advisory Council" is a "who's who" of the Globalist, Jewish and banking establishment. It includes Maurice Strong, Brian Mulroney, Lloyd Axworthy, John Turner, and Buzz Hargrove.
Regarding the Jewish establishment, these four stick out:
Frank Dimant, Executive Vice-President, B'nai Brith Canada
Ed Morgan, National President, Canadian Jewish Congress
Victor Rabinovitch, President and CEO, Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
The Honourable Jerahmiel S. (Jerry) Grafstein
Also, one finds feminist Beth Atcheson, Chair, Women's Legal Education and Action Fund. Representing the banking establishment, one finds:
Rick Waugh, President and C.E.O., Scotiabank
Ray McFeetors, President & CEO, The Great-West Life Assurance Company
Charlie Coffey, O. C., Executive Vice President, Government Affairs and Business Development, RBC Financial Group

While nothing ever can justify genocide, anti-Semitism was always caused by perceived Jewish subversion of national politics, culture and religion in favor of an international order secretly run by world central bankers.
This museum preaches a Gospel of Diversity which confers a sacred status on select "persecuted minorities" at the expense of the majority. An insulting elite mind control program, never debated democratically, Diversity is designed to make European Christian heterosexuals forfeit their values and heritage. By pointing to genocide, it guilts the majority into ceding their place to people who ultimately are sponsored and controlled by the bankers. In other words, the Aspers have learned nothing from the history of anti-Semitism and plainly don't wish to.
The human race is in the grip of Lucifer-loving megalomaniacs who represent a marriage of Jewish financial and British-American and European dynastic families. To be successful, our political and cultural leaders must cater to them. In turn, this elite is happy to let many Jews (as well as gentiles) advance their agenda and all Jews take the blame for it.
To sample the emotional assault that unwary visitors will experience, watch the Museum's 20-minute promotional video. (Don't skip the mawkish flash introduction. The video loads automatically afterward.)
Combine this psychological flogging with graphic displays of genocide and you have a trauma brainwashing facility. It actually boasts a "life altering experience" that will turn 250,000 visitors a year into "proactive" change-agents. Their new website address is www.changedforever.ca
The video mentions injustices against Jews, Native Indians, Ukrainians, Rwandans, Cambodians and Bosnians. Conspicuously missing are the Palestinians. The Aspers of course are Zionists; their media outlets pump Israel, the Iraq War and the bogus War on Terror.
Absent from museum walls will be murals of Palestine children being gunned down by Israeli soldiers or Rachel Corrie being crushed by an Israeli army tractor. Pontificating about human rights while supporting an ideology that stole Palestinian lands and homes, and keeps a million people penned like animals is hypocritical to say the least. If Israel's only purpose were a "Jewish homeland," we would have had peace long ago.
They mention the Ukrainian famine genocide; Winnipeg has a large Ukrainian population. I doubt however they will mention that Stalin and most Cheka killers were ethnic Jews, and that the real cause of anti-Semitism was (and is) the prominence of Jews in the Communist contagion that now takes the form of world government. I suspect that many atrocities like the Iraq War can be traced to this agenda.
There is no mention of the incineration of 250,000 people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If they do include it, I doubt they will explain the role of international bankers like Bernard Baruch in the development of the atomic bomb and decision to use it. These bankers probably lent the Aspers the roughly $2 billion required to buy their newspaper chain.
I doubt if they will honor the more than 600,000 German civilians that died in Allied bombing raids and the millions more that died after the war concluded.
They plan a wall with the inscription "None is Too Many" to commemorate the failure of Western countries to take endangered Jewish refugees. I doubt they will explain that Zionists were partly responsible for these policies designed to justify the creation of Israel.
I don't expect to see giant portraits of Ernst Zundel and David Irving who were imprisoned merely for scrutinizing the Jewish holocaust story. I doubt if there will be references to Guantanamo Bay and the ongoing abuses occasioned by the "war on terror." Human rights indeed!
Leaving Jewish issues aside, they talk about human rights abuses in Darfur when thousands of divorced fathers here in Canada are routinely discriminated against by feminist dominated court and social services. They cannot see their biological children. The hidden agenda is the destruction of the nuclear family. (See my "The Dawn of the Feminist Police State.")
No doubt this museum will also celebrate the combining of heterosexual and homosexual marriage, part of an undeclared war on heterosexuals and families. (See my "Canada Redefines Marriage.")
In the video, they honor the Jesuit-trained pedophile Pierre Trudeau and the Soviet fellow traveler Lester Pearson. I think you get the idea. This museum is a propaganda machine for the NWO; it is Willy Munzenberg or Edward Bernay's wet dream.

The museum (known locally as the "glass turd," left) resembles a cathedral with a wet tissue thrown over it. Originally conceived as another "holocaust" museum, the design may be intended to resemble a "burnt sacrifice" i.e. holocaust. It is a temple to Jewish martyrdom. A "Hall of Commitment" leads to a "Human Rights Observatory" just below a steeple called "The Tower of Hope." From there glass elevators lead down to the "heart of the facility," a "meditation garden" at the base where visitors can "share stories."
The museum bears a physical resemblance to a "Temple of Understanding" (below) that elitists had planned to build in Washington DC in the 1960's. It was to celebrate the six great world religions, a perfect way to dilute the importance of Christianity, the religion of 85% of Americans.
Globots keep pushing for a "United Nations of Religions" as if religious differences caused the world's problems. Religious, national, sexual or racial differences are not the problem. The problem is the subversive elite program to destroy these differences and melt the human race into an amorphous pulp to be remolded according to their specifications.

The elite wraps itself in piety while committing the most egregious abuses itself.
The right to know the truth is the most basic right of all. Yet Canwest doesn't cover the elite plan for world government. Instead it peddles the lies about 9-11 and war against Iraq and Iran.
Apparently "Diversity Is Slow to Reach Israel" according to a story in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. (March 22, 2006). The Aspers might take their message of tolerance and diversity to the Jewish Homeland and leave us in peace.
Related--"What are we Getting for $310 M?"
History of CHRM Deceit
Related: Aspers Sponsor Lesbian Muslim "Reformer"
Lifesite comments on "Temple of Ideology"
Michael said (August 17, 2009):
I was just reading your article—"Human Rights" Museum Cost Sparks Backlash", and noticed the photo of a lapel badge of a five pointed star that would be given to children at this museum when they visited the holocaust exhibits. I've found an interesting trend in symbology when I saw this star graphic. Inside the star is what appears to be a butterfly. This symbol keeps popping up in current media. The recently cancelled TV show on NBC, called "Kings" had a royal logo that was a butterfly. The story within this story is that it's a modern version of the bible story of Saul and David, jewish kings. Are they getting us ready for a return of the aristocracy? In Lady GaGa's music video "Paparazzi", butterflies show up in clothing patterns. This particular video seems to be a paean to mind control programs (like project monarch, another butterfly!) Could they be using this symbol to "wake up" sleepers? Are they sending out the bat signal that the time is eminent for something to happen? This all may be just coincidence, but like Franklin Roosevelt said (and I paraphrase here) "In politics, there are no coincidences". Just maybe, in the NWO agenda there too are no coincidences. It will be interesting (and maybe a bit alarming!) if this keeps popping up.