How to Recognize a Satanist (Part Two)
October 11, 2012

I posted a thread in Dec. 2009 on Craig's List. It was picked up and
posted on this website. I noticed that people had some questions as to how to spot a Satanist.
People should
understand the difference between Satanists and Luciferians.
Satanists are not Luciferians. They are often considered a threat to
a Luciferian, for their lack of dedication and knowledge. A Luciferian
is generational. They know more due to being exposed to secret societies that have direct contact with Lucifer.
Lucifer is Satan. Satan is a title; Lucifer is his name. Most
Satanists are pledge-ins, not always Generational Bloodline.
Luciferian generational bloodline are taught how to
summon a demon. Then control the demon. And when done, send the demon
The majority of Satanists overestimate their abilities.
And they're often novice dabblers when they summon a demon, lacking
knowledge to send the demon back when done. Often they too may be
harmed. So, most are considered below Wicca's in the food-chain.
Yes Wicca is evil as well. Though Satanists do kill, the difference is they may kill a few people a year. When a Luciferian is in power, he may kill millions in a planned war. Take George W. Bush for example. Luciferians have power. They hang out at The Bohemian Grove. That's when they're not in male bath houses.
Signs to look for a Satanist
can be things such as time-loss MPD/DID. This might be a sign of
early childhood trauma. Research into this if you're not aware. Christ said
you will know them by their deeds. They often slip up.
Now a MPD
can be a clean-cut preacher, having no idea of other hidden
personalities. This mind fracturing explains how these clean cut
Satanists can praise Jesus one hour doing good deeds, then later go
to Black Mass after Christmas Mass.
But most of these people have blank stares...their eyes seem void of empathy, love, compassion and concern. Thou they may play it off, you can tell it's an act..(red flag).
They also are liberal with events like say Halloween parties
at a church. I can go on, but you can get the idea..they corrupt and
pervert churches.
They are uncomfortable in a real God fearing church. In Ministry, Satanist go for top positions to control the flow of doctrine as well as to preach certain passages, not other words 'feel-good' ministry to keep many church shoppers coming back.
A good example of this might be Robert Yates serial killer from
Spokane Wa. He was a Deacon and actually killed a victim in his
church. Thou I have never heard him confess to being a
Satanist...would you think otherwise when you hear his deeds?
Most Satanic crimes are not reported as so by Police. If people
knew how prevalent it is, there would be mass lynchings. Trust me,
Police know how bad this problem is. You do the math...number of
ceremonies multiplied by covens nation-wide equals lot's of missing
people nationwide every year. Make that Worldwide.
Now most
Satanists are very private, solitary people. They may
flaunt their religion to intimidate neighbors if low level. These
types usually have mean large black dogs.
A clean cut Satanist is not so foolish; they are different; they are serious. They hold positions in key places, often around children or authority. They have reason to be discreet. They are.

If suspicious, just follow them on ceremony
nights. Just do a key search on Satanic Holiday calendar. One thing
they seem to have in common is bunkers underground. More signs to
look for can be missing cats, in your neighborhood. Even young
children that come up missing..make note of Satanic ceremony dates.
Keep watch of yours, and other neighborhood children a week prior. It
is said certain demonic known biker gangs are involved in these
Other signs to look for might be piles of
animals bones say in the woods. Fire pits with charred animal bones
are common. Go back on ceremony nights to confirm..but be careful.
Use of dark candles is another sign (do a key search on different
colored candles used in Satanism for ceremonies).
If you have a gut
feeling of evil or 'something's not right' in an area, you're
probably correct. Negative energy seems to stay in an area
afterward. Look for pagan signs in their house, or office. They
seem to like animals with horns, even dragons.
Most Satanic compounds
have very tall chain link fences perhaps adorned with razor wire.
There will be an underground hidden bunker there as well. Make sure
no one is in there before you implode it ;-)
There's one Satanic
compound in Central Florida, around Bradenton area.
The front gate is blocked with a huge boulder on the inside. This
rock is huge, not native to Florida..I know. These people use a large
Caterpillar loader to move the boulder as an unmarked semi rolls into
the gate. Then the boulder is rolled back into place blocking the
gate during unloading/loading.
The place is well known in the area as
the 'guards' are dressed in cloaks armed with AR-15's assault rifles.
They do not hide who they are. If you stand along the river behind
this compound you can actually see a bit of a large flat slab
decorated with a Pentagram on top. The walls are high I'm sure to mask
any noises from inside.
In conclusion research as much as you
can about Satanists if you'd like to expose their whereabouts. Or,
who they are. Perhaps start in your local church.
Be wise
as these serpents.
I asked Sam how he know what he does:
I know a bit about this topic as I have studied it fairly well, prayed
on it also first hand experience. Also when younger. When I was in High
school I ran with a bad crowd that did bad things. Though I was not
initiated into Satanism I did read a lot from a Satanic bible. In the
9th grade I carried a Satanic bible to school that I borrowed from a
"friend". That book made many of my teachers upset and concerned. I was
sent to the principals office and almost expelled for it. I was asked
openly if I was a Satanist. Jokingly I told them I was a Wizard...thou
it seemed funny at the as a Christian it was a serious issue
as I may have gone that path. So many of the people I knew were into
this stuff....Even before I became a Christian I knew these people had
to be exposed.
I'm not sure I would be considered an expert in this area. I just know from living in Miami as a child seeing
Voodoo, Witchcraft, Santeria as well as Satanism first hand. I used to
walk in the woods and Everglades a lot, I saw things. Places I shouldn't
have seen. I was beyond curious.
As for Satanists in churches, I have felt evil from many members of
congregations. Not a maybe they absolutely yes they are evil
gut feeling. The same evil I felt around some of my former "friends".
The same I have seen in The Hells Angels. When in church there's a difference between being polite and being friendly by the congregation, asking who you are, and introducing you to others. That's normal. But you may get staff that will ask your full name, yet not introduce you to the church. Why do they want your last name and other semi personal questions? After all it's only the first date, no groping yet. Those types are too nosey and you need to keep your guard up. See Satan freaks (in the Church) always ask a lot of nosey questions, like ""What's your name (First and last, this is for FEMA list), I've been asked " will you return" "why do you carry a KJV bible? "
I researched each and every Christian religion when I converted all to
find just one that spoke the truth I had learned on the occult and NWO. I
could not find a single one that actually told 100% truth. The best I
got was around 90% So I with others gave formed our own church. Thou we
meet in different places..we teach 100% truth.
After reading the bible I was actually teaching a minister (of 35 years
from The World-Wide Church of God)..I even exposed their false leader
"Pastor Meredith" to this preacher...I think I woke him up and he may
have even left. When I explained the United Council of Churches to him
also how 501(C)3 is used to keep truth out. This Preacher was floored.
Also disappointed.
So this deception everywhere. And it's really bad. All I know is if it looks and smells like dog poop, I ain't steppin' in it.
I understand the game. I understand the rules of the game. I understand
what their goals are. What they do what they do. It's all written and
those with eyes can see and those with ears will listen. I read all I
can, verify all sources for accuracy, research into this topic as much
as I can. I guess I am right -brained in the aspect that I can see the
big picture of the whole puzzle (missing kids-ceremony dates) and tie it's really not hard. If people learn how to take their
blinders off and look.
Related -- Aloysius Fozdyke, Satanist, Comments
Lynn said (October 15, 2012):
Satanists are merely amateur "Luciferians" so they are in a sense the same thing. They both worship the Devil in exchange for personal gain.
The reason that these Luciferians can "send the demon back" is because they are already possessed by a more powerful demon in the spiritual hierarchy.
THAT is what "sends the demon back." They are deceiving themselves if they believe they somehow have power over these demons as mere mortals because of their "generational bloodlines."
The price they will pay for the worldly power/fortune/fame/revenge, etc. that they do receive from the demonic possession is their eternal soul. Not worth it.
And I really wish you and your writers would stop equating "Mass" or Catholicism with true Christianity. Black Mass/Satarnalia ChistMass/Mass......all the same thing in the spiritual realm, one with the knowledge of the participants, the other through their deception. Anyone can do the research on where Christmas originated and the difference between Catholicism and Biblical Truth...... if they want to. You are an educated man so I know you must know the truth about these things. This is just more mixing of lies with truth, the very thing that you accuse the enemy and his disinfo agents of doing! I know this will probably get ignored like the last couple of emails I sent rebutting your Catholic buddy/shill, Mr. Blizzard.