June 3, 2010

from Richard Evans
UK, May 3rd. Christian campaigners have expressed alarm that the Public Order Act, introduced in 1986 to tackle violent rioters and football hooligans, is being used to curb religious free speech.
Dale McAlpine was charged with causing "harassment, alarm or distress" after a homosexual police community support officer (PCSO) overheard him reciting a number of "sins" referred to in the Bible, including blasphemy, drunkenness and same sex relationships.
The 42-year-old Baptist, who has preached Christianity in Workington, Cumbria for years, said he did not mention homosexuality while delivering a sermon from the top of a stepladder, but admitted telling a passing shopper that he believed it went against the word of God.
Police officers are alleging that he made the remark in a voice loud enough to be overheard by others and have charged him with using abusive or insulting language, contrary to the Public Order Act.
Mr McAlpine, who was taken to the police station in the back of a marked van and locked in a cell for seven hours on April 20, said the incident was among the worst experiences of his life.
"I felt deeply shocked and humiliated that I had been arrested in my own town and treated like a common criminal in front of people I know," he said.
"My freedom was taken away on the hearsay of someone who disliked what I said, and I was charged under a law that doesn't apply."
England has these political police now. They're not real police, they're just snitches with arrest power.
They give them little Twinky blue uniforms. (wonder if they run recruiting ads in UK gay websites?)
In the US, BOSTON and San Francisco have predominantly homosexual/lesbian police forces.
We do not have a predominantly homosexual police force here in Houston - yet - but the police women are dykes. There is no doubt about it now: military and police are being homosexualized. Police are invariably military first.
Many have wondered how American police and soldiers will react to orders from a totalitarian regime. We've banked on the fact that cops and soldiers with families won't stand for being ordered against other Americans.
Now it dawns on me they're found the demographic of Americans that have a greater allegiance to the gay government than to mom and pop.
Researching this I found there's a homosexual cops NGO - 'G.O.A.L ' Gay Officers 'Action' League..
(I bet they got a lot of 'action' driving their 'cruisers' in the Boston 'pride' parade).
Here's the G.O.A.L. website
This is a highly organized, funded, and condoned agenda. Lesbian and gay mayors popped up like mushrooms in the 2008 election which swept in the left. We got one. G's and L's like to get on school boards, and into municipal and corporate administrations. It's getting noticeable, but nobody seems to be noticing.
MAKOW COMMENT - As you can see, "human rights and tolerance" is a veil for a higher form of discrimination. The "rights" of sodomites trump the rights of Christians. Human rights is just the Satanist ruse for taking power and freedom away from Christians.
More from Richard Evans:
I think they're really going in for the kill from now on silencing the heterosexual family based population.

Not skipping a beat, National Propaganda Radio ran a story with two women talking - the 'reporter' and a Brandeis sociology professor. They're spinning Gore's marriage split as a 'successful' marriage by 'todays' standards. They twisted it around to make it sound like people who stay married for 60, 70 years are desperate losers.
Granted, our generation didn't have the early maturity in life that made that possible for earlier generations. But there's no denying successful marriage was a measure of genuine success in life.
Get a load of this -
Expecting Our Leaders to Be In 'Functional, Heterosexual, Child-Producing Unions Is Totally Archaic'
Read more:
A Reader said (June 3, 2010):
Regarding the article posted on gay cops, I must take exception to Boston cops being lumped in that category. Boston cops might be a lot of things, probably at least some are low-level Masons, there's the issue of thuggery and former military with PTSD, and all cops everywhere are just put in place to protect the rich from the poor. But as a group, Boston cops are not gay. Bully mentality for sure, but not too many Twinkies. I read the articles on your site frequently, but now I'm having second thoughts about the accuracy of what appears there.