Fritz Springmeier Faces Challenge of Freedom
April 13, 2011

by Henry Makow Ph.D.
After eight years in prison on a trumped-up charge, pioneer Illuminati researcher Fritz Springmeier is adapting to his new life as a free man.
He has an apartment in Portland thanks to the generosity of a Christian friend. He works out every day at a gym and is in great shape. He is 55 but many people take him to be 40. He prepares and eats wholesome meals, although nothing elaborate.
He is on probation for another five years. This means he has to phone in every day, and sometimes appear for a drug test. He has promised not to engage in "anti-government" activity. Otherwise, he is free.
In 2003, Fritz was sentenced to 9 1/4 years (until 2012) but he was released early to a half-way house in October 2010 for good behavior. He called it a "gilded cage" but it was an improvement over prison.
Then, to his dismay, in mid-January, 2011, he was re-incarcerated without an explanation "pending an investigation." He was locked in a cell 20 hours a day, with one or two cellmates.
"Luckily I know how to do time," Fritz said. "When you get lemons, you make lemonade."
The hard part was not knowing why he was re-incarcerated. "It was something you did on the Internet," he was eventually told.
Perhaps, it was speaking out about how he had been framed. Or perhaps, it was because someone had hacked his email address and dunned his list for donations saying he was "stranded in Europe."
Another anxiety was not knowing if he would be released as scheduled on March 25. He knew of another inmate who was sentenced to 20 years, did his time, and then was sentenced to another 20 years in solitude on bogus charges.
"This fellow knew where the bodies were buried," Fritz observed wryly.
In prison, Fritz prayed to God for direction. That's when he got the inspiration for his series on good deeds -- "what to do while waiting for the world to end."
He calls these the "12 Noble Steps." He started writing in prison and sent them out for the internet. He would wake up early and jot down his ideas, hoping not to disturb his cellmates. He plans to continue this series.
About a week before March 25, Fritz finally got a letter saying he would be released on schedule.
I asked Fritz if he was exhilarated about regaining his freedom.
"Maybe I will be when I have re-established myself," he replied. "I'm still in survival mode. It's like I went from one jungle (jail) where I knew the ropes, to a new jungle. I have to keep my wits because I still have enemies. "
"Jail was going to sleep like Rip Van Winkle. I wake up after eight years and find that everyone has a cell phone glued to their ears."
"I didn't feel out of touch. I carried on a correspondence (by mail) with over a hundred people."
Fritz is looking for work. His printing and drafting skills became obsolete while he was in jail. He considered upgrading but that would take two years in college. He is restarting his book business, selling his own titles. In addition to writing, he feels he could be an effective teacher.
He has three children who are adults now. They have been alienated from him by their mothers.
His main social contacts are two Christian families in Portland.
Fritz's email address is
His postage address is: PMB 143, 16409 S.E. Division St., Ste. 216, Portland, OR 97236.
Books by Fritz Springmeier:
-Bloodlines of the Illuminati
-Be Wise as Serpents
-How the Illuminati Create an Undetectable Mind Controlled Slave (with Cisco Wheeler)
-The Watchtower and the Masons
- Ezekiel 6:3: An Inhouse Directory for Christians on Spiritual Warfare.
- Deeper Insights into the Illuminati (with Cisco Wheeler)
-- The Legacy of the 13 Satanic Bloodlines (with Robin de Ruiter)