Young Man Declines Masonic Offer
January 28, 2016

I am a Male 25 years old living in Canada.
Approximately four years ago when I reached the age of 21, I was asked to be become a Freemason, an offer which I declined for a number of reasons. Before I get into more details, I feel I should give some background information as to why I was selected.
I am Canadian, and I had recently graduated from The University of Western Ontario (UWO) in London, Ontario with a degree in Economics. UWO is nicknamed The University of Wealthy Ontario and is well known for its non-stop party atmosphere. In the 1980's, Playboy Magazine named it the school with the sexiest women in North America, to give you an idea of what kind of a school it is.
My father is a multi-millionaire who made his fortune through a combination of investments in real estate and equities. My education was financed entirely by my father, but I still had a part-time job at the local daily newspaper, The London Free Press. Even though it is a local paper, it [dominated] the daily newspaper market in London and the surrounding area with a circulation of approximately 150,000.
This is an important piece of information, since we all know that Masonry is prevalent even in local media. We also know that anything that is published even on that scale is heavily censored and used to manipulate of the readership.
I had heard about Freemasonry before, and knew that they were an immensely powerful organization, but I never thought I would become one since I always considered myself a maverick-type personality, an independent thinker who didn't even join clubs at University or even support school sports teams.
Whether it was the newspaper job (rubbing shoulders with Masons on a daily basis) or the fact that I had recently graduated and was looking for work (financial vulnerability and a demonstrated willingness to accept and succeed in elite programming) for some reason they saw me as someone whom they wanted. Interestingly enough, it was the superintendent of my building who made the initial offer.
I feel I should warn readers that from this point on, events take an extremely freaky twist...Basically, the superintendent (who had the keys to my unit by the way and could enter it at any time or let anyone else in for that matter) told me straight up that he was a Freemason, that he wanted me to become a Freemason, and that he was friends with the President of the University.
He told me he could arrange for girls to come over and sleep with me through the lodge, give me free cigarettes and alcohol, get me out of any trouble with the police, get me into any graduate program and ... teach me to read other people's minds and levitate, among other occult arts.

Immediately, all those offers he had made became meaningless and hollow in light of fact that I would have to live with the guilt of killing an innocent child, something I could never do.
I politely declined his offer and said although I was intrigued I could not in good conscience become a Freemason knowing what I would have to do. He then told me that it was entirely my decision and that everyone who becomes a Freemason must do so of their own free will.
I was more than a little freaked out at this point knowing that the super of my building killed children and I asked him how he could live with himself. He said that he had a daughter of his own that he did not have custody of. The mother was a former stripper who was into all sorts of drugs. He became a Freemason so he would get help from the court system to regain custody of his daughter.
He said there was nothing he wouldn't do for his daughter, even if it meant killing someone else's daughter. He gave me a DVD filled with Masonic e-books, included transcripts from a lodge meeting so I would have a greater understanding of what went on at the lodge...
A month or so passed, and I was still living in London, Ont. and working at the newspaper. I felt that the newspaper was my "territory" and even though it was brimming with Masons, it was a union job and they couldn't fire me. I was approached again however, by a co-worker, this time with even more explosive information... This guy laid down some serious information that I found extremely difficult to believe. Some of what he revealed included:

- That the most powerful Masons are actually reptilian shape shifters that drink human blood and eat human flesh.
- That I demonstrated characteristics of someone with incredible survival instincts and that I was attempting to be the alpha male at work by dominating other men and trying to possess nearly every attractive woman in the workplace, which are reptilian characteristics.
- That the Masonic initiation ritual I would go through would activate my reptilian DNA.
- That the blood drinking, flesh eating orgies that I would participate in have roots in the ancient mystery religion of the Egyptians.
He also instructed me to obtain a copy of the Kabbalah and to start studying it. Later, he became totally enraged when I told him I had not. He appeared to shape shift a small amount himself. However, he still [respected] that becoming a Freemason was entirely up to me and had to be my free choice, that I could not be coerced.
I started to think a number of different things after this information was revealed to me. Firstly, I thought they were trying to scare me into becoming a Freemason.
Secondly, I thought they were trying to inflate my ego by telling me I was better than everybody else, that I was a "superior being" of some kind with special genetics that made me better than everybody else.
Thirdly, I came to the realization that perhaps they were testing how I would react to the information and see how strong my survival instincts were, and therefore gain some insight into the purity of my reptilian DNA.
And lastly, but most importantly, I considered the possibility that just by giving me the information they had already, it would result in a partial activation of my reptilian DNA by traumatizing me and warping my sense of reality.
Part II
The months would pass at the newspaper, with my "friend" and I having casual conversations about how once I joined, I would be considered equal to everybody else in spite of the fact that I was of mixed race and that I would enjoy being part of a brotherhood where I would be looked after for life.

A technique first used by the Egyptians and perfected in modern times, the victim is exposed to all sorts of horrific stimuli designed to create alternate personalities (or alters) within that individuals psyche that can be programmed to serve the Masons/Illuminati.
For instance, someone is thrown into a large container filled to the brim with cockroaches, centipedes, spiders, and other insects and forced to stay there for days. Or the victim watches while their own parents perform vicious illegal abortions on slave women and then are forced to consume (eat) the aborted children with their own parents. It was after reading about these scenarios that I destroyed the DVD filled with Masonic recruitment information, as you can imagine you might too.
Time passed however, and I moved home to Toronto to be with family where I got a job as a forklift operator. I was asked again to become a Freemason by a co-worker (his words were "I would prefer if you joined,") and this time I told him straight up to his face that I don't believe in sacrificing children to Satan. However, that was the last time I was asked and hopefully the last time I ever will be.
Freemasonry- Mankind's Deathwish
Aaron Russo and the Plan to Microchip the Population
Freemasonry, Fraternities and Satanic Coercion
Freemasonry- The Elephant in the Room
"Technoir" Responds to low level Mason:
Ahem, Mr. Blue Lodge, it is you who are gullible and totally unaware of what your organization is really about and what it stands for. I would recommend you actually take the time to read some of David Icke's material before commenting further. Your rules do not apply to members of the Red Lodge, basically no rule applies to them other than sufficient secrecy and maintaining the facade for those members who are lacking the genetic characteristics to descend into the inner circle of Masonry. Consider yourself blessed that you lack sufficient reptilian DNA and aren't exposed to what really goes on at the lodge in the middle of the night.
First Comment by Ann Diamond:
Anon said (February 1, 2016):
I feel that by recounting my experience 20 years ago, I may benefit young people today who might be getting the same invitation techniques sent to them and help them steer clear of all this evil.
To provide some background, this was after I had graduated with my masters at UCSB and worked in my industry for 3 years in the corporate world. I had returned to the Santa Barbara area and had gotten a small studio apartment in a student area adjacent to the UCSB campus as I had friends in the area and really liked the weather there.
Out of the blue, I started getting letters: sometimes one, sometimes multiple, in the mail, from various “organizations†and individuals every day for a month or so. The general theme of the letters was that if I wanted to succeed in life, I had to reply back to these people/organizations who would then reply with more information regarding joining them or next steps for me to take. I vividly remember one letter which was written by a man who described the story of his grandfather on his deathbed who in his last dying breath whispered a “secret†word to him. The author then described that his family had always been wealthy but it was all because of this one “wordâ€. Without this word, they would not have been wealthy and successful. The letter then exhorted me to reply back and take the path to wealth and success by replying back using the enclosed envelope.
Other letters from different authors and organizations also stated that there is a reason that those who have wealth, power and success have it and the ones who do not, don’t. They stated that talent and hard work alone would not get me success. I must have gotten about 60 letters in a month’s time before they finally gave up on me and stopped mailing me.
It was only later when I learnt about the various dark forces in the world and the various satanic masonic activities that are practiced that I realized what had been happening. I am so happy and grateful that I steered clear of all of that and I believe my higher self/intuition was watching out for me.
The reason I think that this information may help others is that the invitation technique was very subtle. No masonic references were made and nothing was stated that would indicate anything evil going on. They may be using superior technology nowadays: email instead of snail-mail, but I think the techniques used may ultimately by similar today.
So to sum up, if any one starts getting any sort of frequent invitation to join an organization or a “secret†word without which power, wealth and success are impossible, you can guess at what is probably going on and steer clear of it.
Fast forward 20 years later and I have to agree that they were right. It has been a struggle all the way by doing things without their “affiliationâ€. I have no wealth, power or success and could be considered a failure if measured by financial success despite a high IQ and 2 decades of hard work.
I have routinely seen people far less competent than me get treated better and promoted at work while I am treated badly and laid-off. I could write quite a lot on the state of the US corporate world and how it is a complete cesspool of degeneracy, egotism, nepotism and sycophancy but I will save that for another day. Just realize that it is hardly surprising that work is going to other countries with the kind of shenanigans that go on in the US corporate world.
Do I regret not selling my soul for wealth, power and success? Hell no!!!