Freemason Sponsors Drag "Miss America"
November 23, 2011

The negation of gender differences is characteristic of the satanism gripping
humanity. Gay drag queen contests are occult rituals.
by David Richards
Each year, fiercely committed drag masters from across America don their wigs, fake eyelashes and caked-on make-up in preparation for the biggest night of their lives.
Miss Gay America has become most prestigious drag pageant in the world. The winner can expect to make around $60,000 from guest appearances during his one-year reign.
Like 'Miss World,' the men must navigate the catwalk, perform an act and give an interview. Thankfully, the swimsuit round has been omitted. In a time where femininity is being suppressed, these men idealize it.
MGA is strictly transvestism of the old school. The motto of Miss Gay America is 'Where boys are boys... and female impersonation is an art!'
Contestants are not allowed hormone treatment or plastic surgery. Only breast pads are allowed.
The style of the pageant is 1950s Hollywood glamor. Contestants wear long ballroom dresses, don flashy jewelry, pout their lips and attempt seductive voices.

Looking at pictures of this year's contestants, I can't see a likeness to women at all. The square jaws and broad shoulders are all too obvious. They look like my uncle in a dress. Clearly though, these camp frolics are tame by today's standards.
After relinquishing his crown, Norman Jones purchased the competition in 1975 and managed the event to its current format.
In 1980, he joined freemasonry. Today he is a high-ranking member of the Blue Lodge of Illinois. On the lodge website, he is recorded as being a Worshipful Master in 1997 and 2009, and District Deputy Grand Master from 2007-2008.
In 2011, at the 172nd Grand Lodge of Illinois, Jones proposed legislation that would deprive Freemasons of the right to expel members for immorality and force them to find a reason through the courts to expel them at all. This measure was soundly defeated by a majority vote. This is the Blue Lodge after all.
Norman Jones was a fierce homosexual campaigner. He joined an organization that agreed with his aims.
Drag queens embody the generative power of sex that Freemasons venerate. Masons subscribe to Jewish Cabalism which holds that neutralizing opposing forces is the basis of enlightenment.
The concept of androgyny is part of this creed. As god is genderless, it is also representative of the highest level of initiation in the quest of becoming "one with God".

Baphomet is another Masonic symbol that represents the need to confuse the duality of nature- including good and evil. Baphomet is an androgynous being. Like Miss Gay America, he has female breasts and a phallus (see below).
Transvestism is a form of androgyny. Miss Gay America contestants do not desire to become women; they desire to attain female sensuality. .
The contestants do not look like real women. They are not judged on their allure as a female, but rather as a fetishistic object, the "gay transvestite". This is a satanic ritual

In 'Female Impersonation' Dr Carole Ann-Tyler writes:
'By insisting on their difference from "real girls," impersonators can defend themselves against the castration the latter are made to signify... the female impersonator may feel whole at woman's expense, mistaking her difference as lack and fetishistically disavowing even that.'
Freemasonry is an exclusively male organization. You could say that Masons feel 'whole' at women's expense.
Freemasons also worship phallic symbols, a common example being the obelisk in Washington DC. Transvestism is a form of phallic worship.
The erotic focus of drag queens is the penis. In their routines, ladyboys reveal their penis last.
Ann-Taylor writes, 'The transvestite feminizes himself only in order to "masculinize" or phallicize himself through the erection cross-dressing causes.'
In Masonic terms, transvestism causes the 'active principle' within oneself to arise.
Homosexuality and androgyny are promoted in society because Cabalism (satanism) is the secret religion of the world. The underlying objective of the NWO is to enshrine this satanic dogma which negates heterosexuality as the world religion.
Over the last half century, homosexuality in the Western world has gone from being a taboo to being promoted by the mass media and governmental institutions.
The first MGA contest, staged in Nashville in 1973, was marred by Christian protests. Today it is a fixture of our pagan, decadent, dare we say, Satanic culture.
RELATED - Miss Gay America Pageant Joins the Mainstream
Cross Dressing Depravity at Macy's Thanksgiving Parade
Makow - Rejection of the Feminine Rooted in the Occult -
Debra said (November 24, 2011):
Deuteronomy 22:5 " The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do
so [are] abomination unto the "I AM" thy God."
Some men eventually take the next step having their (Satanically-led ) Gov't's approved castrations. These men (transvestites / transsexuals) are in serious need of help to prevent/deter perversions. What are men going to do about this? Addressing YOUR Gov'ts and putting an end to legislation allowing this freedom of expression, which is Satanic expression, is long overdue. When, MEN??
Help, by becoming part of the solution and actually DO something, please. I sincerely hope you do.
The Disadvantaged Male:-