Doctors Ignore Mental Causes of Disease
August 2, 2011

by Stephen Coleman
I hear it all the time. A person does everything right and gets sick anyway.
He is an organic vegetarian diet, jogs 5 miles a day, takes handfuls of dietary supplements and gets sick anyway.
This is because many diseases are caused by our mental state. Modern medicine ignores this "elephant in the room."
Here is a list of non-infectious diseases which defy explanation by modern medicine. They have no known cause and no effective cure: Arthritis, Cancer, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, chronic pain issues, Heart Disease, Lupus, Migraines, Renal Disease.
These diseases are associated with life style, microbes or environment.
For example, cholesterol does not cause heart disease. Zoologists have noted that when dominant bucks get old and are run off from their does, they are invariably found dead from massive coronary thrombosis in a few days or weeks. Their arteries are clogged with cholesterol, yet they ate the perfect raw vegan diet -- no eggs, butter nor bacon!
You should see the outrage when researchers dare to suggest that physical diseases have mental causes: "Scientists trying to identify the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome - better known as ME - are being subjected to death threats and abuse, it emerged last night. Some patients and activists are violently opposed to any research that implies the condition is 'all in the mind' and not a biological condition."
The Illuminati want to bury the truth: What goes on in the mind does affect our health.
For example a good friend cheats us in business and destroys our life. Those thoughts that keep us awake at night: "why did this happen? The feelings of betrayal and anger, We argue ceaselessly with reality: "he should have not done that", "he should have been honest".
The shock of unexpected events that we can't let go, eventually will affect the body. Long-term rage, guilt, rancor, fear, shame feeling lost, unwanted or not listened to, will take a toll on our health.
Every type of shock or conflict affect a specific part of the body. This gives clues to what events may be at the root of the illness. Many patients have forgotten the issue; it has gone into the subconscious. By questioning, the truth is rediscovered and they are set free.
When people seek to heal their emotions, they begin on the road of true morality. They begin to question "where am I judging?" "When did I accept a false judgment?" "What have I lied to myself about?"
We build our lives to where we stop bringing shame upon ourselves or families and our intelligence will increase.
The Illuminati don't want it known that our chronic back pain may be caused by anger and money issues. They don't want us to know that our arthritis is caused by self devaluing ourselves.
To help prevent illness, note when you are brooding or upset about something. Talk about it, write down your feelings in a journal and talk about it some more. Whatever you do, don't keep arguing with reality nor hope it will go away by itself. Find a solution. Often letting it go is the only solution.
Note what happened in the days before you get colds, sore throats or the flu. Was there an argument at home or at work? Did a family member do something that "stinks?" Was somebody messing around in your kitchen before that bladder infection?
When you see the pattern, you will rarely get ill anymore. Its not easy to see the patterns, but when you do, you will wonder how you missed it.
Living a life with high moral values will lead to happiness and health. Our bodies are flawless indicators when something is been amiss in the psyche.
Even within the narrow parameters of medical research, there are many errors and even outright fraud.
Jack said (August 5, 2011):
This is an interesting article, but I suggest an alternative view.
I propose to you that there is sufficient biological evidence to demonstrate that altered diet disturbs physiology and is the root cause of most disease and mental malaise.
In particular unsaturated dietary fats start a cycle of physiologic destruction of body and brain functions, the latter then altering healthy patterns of thinking of the mind. Something as simple as changing diet by eliminating all unsaturated oils(fats) and replacing them with saturated fats tends to correct enzyme and hormone distortion which seem to be at the root of much physiologic and mental chaos.
A change in diet is often all it takes to restore and repair organ and mind damage deliberately brought to your table gratis the sorcerers of the pharmaceutical and food industries....and media disinformation campaigns. Pharma is a Greek word translated ‘druggery, witchcraft and sorcery’.