David Cameron's Roots in Jewish Banking, Opium
May 27, 2010

abridged from his Blog
(Editor's Note: British Prime Minister David Cameron is the scion of the Judeo Masonic satanic cult (the Illuminati) that secretly rules England and most of the world. He exemplifies the Illuminati custom of mixed marriages between Masonic Jews and prominent Gentile Freemasons. During the election campaign, he said he would "empower" UK Jews. )
David Cameron's forebears have a long history in financial racketeering. His great-great grandfather, Emile Levita, a German Jew, was related to the German-Jewish Goldsmid banking family, and obtained British citizenship in 1871. He was the director of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China.
The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China was founded in London in 1851 following the grant of a Royal Charter from Queen Victoria. It opened its first branches in 1858 in Calcutta and Bombay and then Shanghai. The Shanghai branch of Chartered bank began operation in August 1858. Initially, the bank's business was in large volume discounting and re-discounting of opium and cotton bills.
Although opium cultivation gradually increased in China, opium imports still increased by more than 50% between 1863 and 1888. Transactions in the opium trade generated substantial profits for the Chartered Bank and the Jews and Freemasons who controlled it.
Later, the Chartered Bank also became one of the principal foreign banknote-issuing institutions in Shanghai. In 1862, the bank was authorized to issue bank notes in Hong Kong, a privilege it continues to exercise to this day. Over the following decades, it printed bank notes in China and Malaya.
With the Rothschilds' opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 (Jewish Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli was accused of undermining Britain's constitutional system, due to his lack of consent from Parliament when purchasing the shares with funding from the Rothschild Jews), Chartered was well placed to expand and develop its dope-running and other rackets.
Besides usury, the bank also dealt in cotton from Bombay, indigo and tea from Calcutta, rice from Burma, sugar from Java, tobacco from Sumatra, hemp from Manila and silk from Yokohama. In 1912, Chartered Bank became the first foreign bank to receive a license to operate in New York.
In 1927, the bank acquired 75% of the P&O Bank, which had offices in Colombo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Canton. P&O Bank also owned Allahabad Bank.
In 1957, the Chartered Bank acquired the Eastern Bank, giving it a network of branches in Aden, Bahrain, Beirut, Lebanon, Qatar and the UAE. It also bought the Ionian Bank's Cyprus Branches.
Chartered Bank merged with the Standard Bank of South Africa in 1969, and the combined bank became the Standard Chartered Bank. It's motto is "Here for Good" so you know they're evil.
Chartered Bank Director, Emile Levita married Catherine Plumridge Rée, the daughter of Hermann Philipp Rée (from an prominent Danish Jewish family.) Their children were Arthur Levita, Cecil Levita and Enid Levita.
Arthur Levita of Panmure Gordon stockbrokers, together with Sir Ewen Cameron (London head of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, and member of the Council for Foreign Bondholders and the Committee for Chinese Bondholders) played key roles in arranging loans from the Rothschild syndicate, including Jacob Schiff, to the Japanese central banker (later Prime Minister) Takahashi Korekiyo [高橋是清] to finance the Japanese war against Orthodox Christian Russia in 1905. Cecil Levita was chairman of the London County Council. The Jewess Enid Levita married Sir Ewen Cameron's son.
Enit Levita is David Cameron's paternal grandmother. His father, Ian Cameron, was a successful stockbroker, a partner at Panmure Gordon, like his father and grandfather.
Related: "England's Jewish Aristocracy"
The Elevation of NWO Puppet David Cameron
Tim said (May 28, 2010):
Thank you for putting up the recent article on the history of the Cameron family. What people don't know about this history is that David Cameron's great-great grandfather, Alexander Geddes, might have been involved in the Great Chicago fire in 1871. The revelations are stunning in light of recent evidence and patents they pool to use in massive financial scams involving insurance and catastrophe bonds. What we are witnessing is the City of London restoring financial power back to the City of London.
Here is an article I wrote for our blog outlining this history in Chicago. We are still evaluating the forensic evidence.
We've figured out their death cult: