Is China Getting the Greek Treatment?
August 24, 2015


The mainstream media generally portray the US as a dying giant and China as an unstoppable rising power.
And yet, both countries have virtually the same debt-to-GDP levels. The US has $15 trillion worth of debt and a GDP of just over $14 trillion, while China has a GDP of $5.8 trillion and debts of $5.7 trillion.
So why is China portrayed as being strong? Because, as the Goldman Sachs graph shows, over the next 40-years, the Illuminati plan to weaken the US and strengthen China. Economics are a veil for an agenda.
China is picked to be the economic powerhouse of the New World Order.
A 2003 projection of the world's economies by Goldman Sachs 'predicts' that China's GDP will overtake the US in 2040. By 2050 China's GDP will have reached $45,000 billion, leaving the US a distant second with $35,000 billion. Germany, the powerhouse of the EU, will only have a GDP of $2,500 billion.
This projection is at odds with China's current economic weakness. The economy is fuelled by a construction bubble that should have burst years ago.
Recently Larry Lang, an economics professor and Chinese TV personality, gave a speech spelling out China's dire economic predicament
He calculates China's debt to be about 36 trillion yuan (US$5.68 trillion). This calculation is reached by adding up Chinese local government debt (between 16 trillion and 19.5 trillion yuan, or US$2.5 trillion and US$3 trillion), and the debt owed by state-owned enterprises (another 16 trillion). The combined interest on these debts is a colossal two trillion yuan per year.
Lang believes China is bankrupt and can't understand why the country isn't in economic free-fall. By his memorable calculation 'every province in China is Greece.' Why aren't they imploding like Greece?
China's economy is completely artificial. According to Lang, private consumption makes up just 30% of Chinese economic activity.
In 2010, 70% of GDP came from infrastructure construction, including real estate development, railways, and highways. An investment banker recently described China's construction bubble as the 'greatest bubble in history.'
Clearly, China cannot afford to fuel this bubble itself. The Illuminati bankers fuel it to aid the country's development.
The Illuminati want a country to be in monstrous debt so they can crash its economy at will, and use the IMF to hijack the country's political system and major corporations.
It is likely that China will experience an economic collapse once it reaches the desired level of development.
This is what happened to South Korea, one of the 'Asian Tigers' that crashed in 1997. Like China, South Korea had been going through a rapid period of growth, posting growth figures of 6-10% each year, due to having a protected economy receiving plenty of overseas investment.
However, once South Korea reached the desired level of development, the bankers crashed their economy and took full control of the country.
South Korea needed IMF loans to survive. Before the South Korean general election in 1998, the IMF took the unprecedented step of demanding that all Presidential contenders agreed to their will.
In the 're-adjustment process' all the major South Korean corporations were sold off to foreign investors, e.g. General Electric bought a controlling share in the technology giant LG.
The same scam could be pulled on China.
The Illuminati have put China on a rapid course of development, while keeping the country under their control by making it an economic powder keg that can be lit at any time.
Related- Colonial Elite Runs China for the Illuminati
The information on IMF's gutting of South Korea comes from Naomi Klein's 'Shock Doctrine' book Pg 263-
John said (August 25, 2015):
Tianjin, China rocked by major explosion for currency manipulation sending shock waves around the world. Yu Xuewei and Dong Shexuan both are owners for an area that exploded. The port is the third largest in the world recently it handled 476 million tonnages. Four years ago, Romney mentioned Russia was the greatest threat, today Donald mentions China will bring the USA down. As events unfold time will tell what happens next between western powers and China/Russia.